A Cruel Dominant Woman Looking For Subs and Switches. FXF

Mar 30, 2013
Something Deliciously Dark.

Welcome to my devious lair, look out for the web. I'm Lady Arachnia, or Syd, depending on what you prefer and just like the title says I'm after the darker role-plays this time involving three of us. So, a little information about me first then, I'm British, I'm Female and I'm twenty eight. I've role played for many years now and role-playing is a favourite hobby of mine. That being said I always love to try new things and I get bored of the same old routine over and over again. I don't want to do romantic vanilla role-plays. I adore fear, humiliation and suffering. I like characters forced in to situations they hate and their minds pushed and bent. My characters are not nice and you will soon find that any real affection from them is unlikely to arise... unless they end up quite fond of your characters as a pet.

I am hoping to get a roleplay with either a couple of sub Rpers and myself or a sub and a switch. Depending on the setting it will be either two captive slave/ people being manipulated or if I get a switch then a slave/sub and then either a more favoured/ long term slave or, perhaps some kind of student or deciple.

I'd love to rp over discord or at least discuss over it. If not I can do a thread too.
To add me on Discord my name is Spider Sidney#9542

The Kinks

Right, let me throw a few kinks at you that particularly appeal to me. This isn't every kink I like but just a few.

Forced Scenes - This ones a given, your characters will be forced in to many wonderful situations and they will be raped.

Public Scenes - Your characters will be forced out and about dressed as sluts and forced to perform for my characters amusement and likely the amusement of many other eyes.

Humiliation - My all time favourite, from characters being called degrading names to being forced in to revealing outfits or being used for something as simple as a foot rest.

Branding/ Piercings - What can I say? Seeing a character marked and decorated for their new owners use never gets old.

Violence - With any of my rps some of our characters will undoubtedly be thrown around, dragged by the hair, held around the throat and slapped, it's just going to happen.

Strong Characters - I love a tough feisty character, I'm not one for damsels in distress. I hate virgin helpless princesses and innocent little flowers, they just do nothing for me.


The only hard limit that I can think of is scat, none of that. There may be more but none are at the top of my mind.



With this one I like the idea being in a modern day setting. One where my character can come to the human world but she's limited to a human body (Most of the time, it drains her considerably otherwise) and had either two human's she's corrupting and forcing them to sin, something feeds on or one human and perhaps a demon underling. Failing that it could be something such as a group of friends summoning her to make some kind of deal with her, underestimating the costs.


If I do vampires they would be intimidating cold killers, not the soppy romantic ones. This one, again, I favour a modern day setting. It can be a mixture of partners, two human slaves/ blood banks. A ghoul or two under her, a human and a lower ranked vampire she'd turned... I honestly am good with any of these.


Again, if you didn't guess, I loke modern day. This can be a biker gang of werewolves that either have some new recruits, some captives from a rival gang/ different supernatural group or something along those lines. It could also be new recruits in to the pack!

Dungeons & Dragons - (Especially Drow)

Simple really, a high ranking drow such as a matron mother or even an exiled drow now living on the surfice world and a couple of their playthings, captives from rival houses, prizes from other conquests or surface raids. There is a lot of options here.

Spider Hybrids

(Could be in a modern day World of Darkness kind of setting, cyberpunk, sci-fi or even steampunk.) She could have a large influence and a number of underlings, captives she keeps in webs in her lair for impregnating with eggs or just for her amusement, it could even be one or two members of her brood that she enjoys to treat particularly roughly.

Star Wars

I can do sith and force users but really I prefer the underworld here. Bounty hunters and crime lords capturing their prey/ rivals. Smugglers dealing with the wrong people, bounty hunters messing up their hunt and being captured by their marks... oh man I do love star wars.

Harry Potter World -

This is a setting I love and one that is easy to think of pairings. Death eaters and and their captives, a Syltherin and two students from other houses... perhaps a student from another house and a less gifted slytherin that idolizes my character and accepts any mistreatment as part of that.

Something Cyberpunk or Sci Fi

I have nothing planned here yet but I thought it's so open that we could come up with some great ideas.

Steam Punk

For this I have two characters. One is an incredibly wealthy doll maker that is a spoilt brat, she tends to buy slaves and treats them as her own living dolls. She dresses them up, has tea parties and does far less sinister things whether they want them or not.

The second is a doctor I have, she loves to experiment on people in a variety of ways. Play with their appearances, smoother skin, breast size etc on the mild end or on the more extreme end temporarily altering them to say have a cock due to some potions. She loves to test people's mental state and put them through all sorts of scenarios to see how they respond. She has an umber of chemicals and potions she mixes up that can do anything from massively increase a character's libido to increase how severly they experience pain.

Your Setting

I am more than happy to hear from any of your own ideas! If you have a setting you like shoot!

Closing Notes

Honestly what really interests me is some one who messages with a few ideas they had in mind. Don't just say "Do you want to do a demon rp?" I am looking for a couple of serious partners that are looking at creating a long term story, not ditch it after a few weeks. If you are interested add me to discord or message me with a list of settings that interest you and what about them interests you, also tell me what kind of role you were wanting to play or what kind of character. I can't wait to hear from you!
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