Viktoff Samson
- Joined
- May 16, 2016
- Location
- Maine
This roleplay will take place largely within the Digital World, at first. As it goes on, if they have a way or find a way to return to the human world then it's fine if the story follows them there as well. Characters should be either human or a digimon, and players should be free to write one of each or both. The only hard limit on characters will be no obscenely powerful digimon and absolutely no powers that allow one character to break traditional rules of roleplaying. Time travel is a no-go and if mind control is a kink between two characters it should only be effective if both players involved (Target/Attacker) allow it to be. Otherwise the ability to control someone else's character can be very unfun and that's what I'd like to avoid here. Just try to avoid stuff like that, forcing fetishes won't be much fun. Since smut will be a thing in this roleplay, characters should be appropriately aged. Characters are also free to span the range from entirely good hero-type characters to wholeheartedly corrupt villain-types with any given shade between. It's encouraged that players decide this for each individual character they write based on their personalities. The good guys might not necessarily win this one.
Luko Fuji
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Female/Anything that appears to be Female(Considers himself straight)
Personality: He is a critical individual when it comes to his ideas. He doesn't find strength in a group and doesn't buy into religions or superstitions. He can be considered cold and distant from the prospective of other humans as he doesn't give much consideration or time to anyone other than his partner digimon Agumon. Luko strives to be correct, and learns as much as he can about what he considers to be important. Before he stumbled into the digital world, he derived a silent pleasure in his grades being higher than others. Now that he's on the run and the difference in strength and abilities of Agumon and their opponent can be life or death, Luko has soaked in as much information about digimon as his mind can take. Gradually, this strange world has become very real to him. He's not the bold type when it comes to other humans. You wouldn't catch him bathing with others by choice and he won't voice his personal emotions with others either. He can be protective, both of his damaged right eye and his partner digimon and he'll go through drastic measures. With his eye, he keeps his hair grown to medium-long lengths so that it can cover it at all times, and with Agumon, he won't let anyone mistreat him.
Bio: Before stumbling into the Digital World, Luko was just an anti-social school student. When he was very young, a child-aged innocent Luko found himself to be the victim of physical abuse by the hands of a female babysitter. His other wounds repaired themselves gradually over time but his right eye remains permanently damaged. He can't see well through it at all, especially in the day. And the white of this eye is almost blistered red through intense and constant irritation. It won't open all the way, at any given point and before he put more effort into hiding it, his damaged right eye had been the focus of his early year's bullies. With time, and moving on to a High School in Tokyo, Luko has managed to quietly slip into the background. His school uniform being impeccably clean and his long hair keeping his eye in-check, he evades public ire while applying commonly accepted behaviors and norms whenever can find them. Despite begrudgingly accepting an invitation to a public function from a girl, the head of his class no less, Luko needed to find a distraction from the upcoming finals and the building anxiety in his chest. What functionally served as this distraction wasn't what he was expecting, however. From failing to apply himself to his studies because of a girl for the first time in what felt like a decade, to falling face first into a desert of abandoned computers and evading certain death by the attacks of almost alien-like monsters, Luko's wish was answered. He just wasn't careful with what he wished for.
Age: ~200 years
Sexuality: Bi (He is male)
Personality: As a Lopmon, this particular digimon has always known adversity. Bigotry and violence has torn the world before him asunder again and again. Those who stood up for him and he grew close to has either abandoned him or lost the lives in the battles his existence has brought forth. And these results were more or less the same on the young Lopmon. Holes tore into his heart as he gradually took to his corrupted mega form: Cherubimon. Virus-Type digimon have had it too hard in his years of experience and all that time of being powerless has warped the once brave and compassionate soul into one that mirrors that past Bigotry. Now he attacks, violates and morphs Vaccine-Type digimon on sight and it has become his ultimate goal to corrupt the digital world and eliminate the Vaccine-type digimon or corrupt them into Virus-types so that his kind can exist in a world where they no longer have a power to fear. While unknowingly falling prey to the Black Crest of Pride lodged deep within his massive abused heart, this Cherubimon has become a great force for evil within the digital world. He won't rest until those of his type are free to rule over the inferior Data-types that simply cannot resist them any longer. From a bold castle in the sky constructed by his distorted evolution's power and his frighteningly evil intent, he guides Virus-Types and directs his evil upon the bodies of Vaccine-Types.
Luko Fuji

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Female/Anything that appears to be Female(Considers himself straight)
Personality: He is a critical individual when it comes to his ideas. He doesn't find strength in a group and doesn't buy into religions or superstitions. He can be considered cold and distant from the prospective of other humans as he doesn't give much consideration or time to anyone other than his partner digimon Agumon. Luko strives to be correct, and learns as much as he can about what he considers to be important. Before he stumbled into the digital world, he derived a silent pleasure in his grades being higher than others. Now that he's on the run and the difference in strength and abilities of Agumon and their opponent can be life or death, Luko has soaked in as much information about digimon as his mind can take. Gradually, this strange world has become very real to him. He's not the bold type when it comes to other humans. You wouldn't catch him bathing with others by choice and he won't voice his personal emotions with others either. He can be protective, both of his damaged right eye and his partner digimon and he'll go through drastic measures. With his eye, he keeps his hair grown to medium-long lengths so that it can cover it at all times, and with Agumon, he won't let anyone mistreat him.
Bio: Before stumbling into the Digital World, Luko was just an anti-social school student. When he was very young, a child-aged innocent Luko found himself to be the victim of physical abuse by the hands of a female babysitter. His other wounds repaired themselves gradually over time but his right eye remains permanently damaged. He can't see well through it at all, especially in the day. And the white of this eye is almost blistered red through intense and constant irritation. It won't open all the way, at any given point and before he put more effort into hiding it, his damaged right eye had been the focus of his early year's bullies. With time, and moving on to a High School in Tokyo, Luko has managed to quietly slip into the background. His school uniform being impeccably clean and his long hair keeping his eye in-check, he evades public ire while applying commonly accepted behaviors and norms whenever can find them. Despite begrudgingly accepting an invitation to a public function from a girl, the head of his class no less, Luko needed to find a distraction from the upcoming finals and the building anxiety in his chest. What functionally served as this distraction wasn't what he was expecting, however. From failing to apply himself to his studies because of a girl for the first time in what felt like a decade, to falling face first into a desert of abandoned computers and evading certain death by the attacks of almost alien-like monsters, Luko's wish was answered. He just wasn't careful with what he wished for.
In-Training - Pagumon
Rookie - BlackAgumon
Champion - Greymon (Virus)
Age: 17
Considers himself Male.
Bio: Alone, Pagumon wandered a world without companionship. A world of bigotry. No one trusted him. In a hot dessert full of seemingly abandoned technology, Pagumon wandered from struggling digi-village to struggling digi-village. Years pass and while other Pagumon take on the shape of Gazimon and continue their malicious actions, this Pagumon simply cannot find the strength or will to take on another form. He holds a strange blue device beneath his left ear, keeping it hidden as he can feel it's importance, though the growing temptation to trade it for food would occasionally grip him. Finding himself accused of theft of food again in another village swimming with digimon of his stage, but of a type that simply won't trust Virus-type, Pagumon pulled his eyes shut to accept another inevitable beating. When suddenly, a strange creature known as a human approached the village and vouched for Pagumon's innocence. Pagumon couldn't understand how this human came to the conclusion that a suspicious looking digimon such as Pagumon just couldn't have committed this crime. This human was Luko, and despite being kicked out of the village with Pagumon, he laughed as he shared the food that Pagumon was previously captured and charged with stealing. Growing closer with this curious human named Luko, Pagumon agreed to share his strange blue device since Luko had pockets and carrying it around under his own ear made travel difficult. As challenges came their way, his heart filling with fulfillment of belonging and being needed, Pagumon would digivolve to BlackAgumon and even Greymon(Virus) to cut down their opponents with sharp claws and blast through their roadblocks with powerful blasts of fire.
Personality: As Pagumon, this digimon is bashful and quick to blame himself. He'll throw his ball-shaped body into the way of attacks to defend Luko. While he acknowledges his human companion's short comings, Pagumon is quick to consider himself lucky to have a friend like Luko who doesn't judge him just because he's a Virus-Type. As BlackAgumon, he goes by 'Agumon' and he retains the previous personality traits for blaming himself. However, Agumon instead takes on responsibility for everything onto his shoulders. With his new strength he considers himself strong enough to prevent unfavorable outcomes. While he appears confident and quick to throw himself into danger, especially for his friend Luko, this Agumon has his own problems he still hasn't learned to grow past. He has an inability to deal with doubts on his own and they can quietly grow inside his chest until he is no longer able to find the will to summon a Pepper Breath. As Greymon, his problems are multiplied. Because he is this much stronger and larger, there's no excuse for Luko and those he cares about getting hurt. If he's unable to help Luko or to find the home where he can just be himself without hurting others, then he feels that he's undeserving of friends like Luko.

Rookie - BlackAgumon

Champion - Greymon (Virus)

Age: 17
Considers himself Male.
Bio: Alone, Pagumon wandered a world without companionship. A world of bigotry. No one trusted him. In a hot dessert full of seemingly abandoned technology, Pagumon wandered from struggling digi-village to struggling digi-village. Years pass and while other Pagumon take on the shape of Gazimon and continue their malicious actions, this Pagumon simply cannot find the strength or will to take on another form. He holds a strange blue device beneath his left ear, keeping it hidden as he can feel it's importance, though the growing temptation to trade it for food would occasionally grip him. Finding himself accused of theft of food again in another village swimming with digimon of his stage, but of a type that simply won't trust Virus-type, Pagumon pulled his eyes shut to accept another inevitable beating. When suddenly, a strange creature known as a human approached the village and vouched for Pagumon's innocence. Pagumon couldn't understand how this human came to the conclusion that a suspicious looking digimon such as Pagumon just couldn't have committed this crime. This human was Luko, and despite being kicked out of the village with Pagumon, he laughed as he shared the food that Pagumon was previously captured and charged with stealing. Growing closer with this curious human named Luko, Pagumon agreed to share his strange blue device since Luko had pockets and carrying it around under his own ear made travel difficult. As challenges came their way, his heart filling with fulfillment of belonging and being needed, Pagumon would digivolve to BlackAgumon and even Greymon(Virus) to cut down their opponents with sharp claws and blast through their roadblocks with powerful blasts of fire.
Personality: As Pagumon, this digimon is bashful and quick to blame himself. He'll throw his ball-shaped body into the way of attacks to defend Luko. While he acknowledges his human companion's short comings, Pagumon is quick to consider himself lucky to have a friend like Luko who doesn't judge him just because he's a Virus-Type. As BlackAgumon, he goes by 'Agumon' and he retains the previous personality traits for blaming himself. However, Agumon instead takes on responsibility for everything onto his shoulders. With his new strength he considers himself strong enough to prevent unfavorable outcomes. While he appears confident and quick to throw himself into danger, especially for his friend Luko, this Agumon has his own problems he still hasn't learned to grow past. He has an inability to deal with doubts on his own and they can quietly grow inside his chest until he is no longer able to find the will to summon a Pepper Breath. As Greymon, his problems are multiplied. Because he is this much stronger and larger, there's no excuse for Luko and those he cares about getting hurt. If he's unable to help Luko or to find the home where he can just be himself without hurting others, then he feels that he's undeserving of friends like Luko.

Age: ~200 years
Sexuality: Bi (He is male)
Personality: As a Lopmon, this particular digimon has always known adversity. Bigotry and violence has torn the world before him asunder again and again. Those who stood up for him and he grew close to has either abandoned him or lost the lives in the battles his existence has brought forth. And these results were more or less the same on the young Lopmon. Holes tore into his heart as he gradually took to his corrupted mega form: Cherubimon. Virus-Type digimon have had it too hard in his years of experience and all that time of being powerless has warped the once brave and compassionate soul into one that mirrors that past Bigotry. Now he attacks, violates and morphs Vaccine-Type digimon on sight and it has become his ultimate goal to corrupt the digital world and eliminate the Vaccine-type digimon or corrupt them into Virus-types so that his kind can exist in a world where they no longer have a power to fear. While unknowingly falling prey to the Black Crest of Pride lodged deep within his massive abused heart, this Cherubimon has become a great force for evil within the digital world. He won't rest until those of his type are free to rule over the inferior Data-types that simply cannot resist them any longer. From a bold castle in the sky constructed by his distorted evolution's power and his frighteningly evil intent, he guides Virus-Types and directs his evil upon the bodies of Vaccine-Types.
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