Fx Any it's been a while, hasn't it. [ updated as of 8/9 ]

Mar 2, 2015
There's a massive, massive gap in my role play history and it's about time I sat down and fixed it. Life has become significantly less hectic for me and I feel it's only fair to start feeding these creative juices I have. ( gross. juices. )

Obviously, I'm called Banks.
Yes, that is my actual last name, and no I will probably never tell you my first name, no you don't have to literally call me hernameisbanks. That's strange and unnecessary. I'm a twenty something who enjoys writing stories that have filthy things woven into them, filthy things that come naturally because of their environment or the people around them. I play female characters in varying situations, be they daughters, friends, or even strangers, who vary from being soft and gentle to absolutely cutthroat.
What I will not ever do is simply play a damsel to your character's dull plot line. Of course I play women in distress, but constant wailing around isn't an option, so don't ask.

I always find it strange when people say what their posting quantity usually is, because it varies for me depending on what's going on and the amount of story investment. You know, if you have a good story and a good idea that you love, you feed it what it needs. Nuture it baby.

My kinks, because they're important and they matter and you care, are honestly pretty simple.

Rough play.​
My characters like to be choked and spanked, to have their hair pulled. They like to be bitten and to be scratched, bruised as a reminder of what happened.​

They like to fight back, whether it be verbally or physically, and if that results in restraint then so be it.​

This is not to say I don't play soft characters, characters who need to learn that they like rough play, it's just an immediate guide for you.​

Stories. Stories. Ideas. Thoughts. Wishes.
I will always love a good incest story, or a good corrupted fairy tale. I will always say yes to an Alice in Wonderland plot as long as we have a mutual understanding about who is playing who, et cetera. Vampires and creatures that go bump in the night, yes please.​

Really, what you should be doing is sending me a lovely private message so we can discuss things. C'mere, I won't bite.

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By popular demand,
a few concrete pairings, plots, etc.

Pairings are really the most boring thing for me, as a means of having to type them out, so I'll leave a few and we can expound from there.​
We have our incest pairings : brother x sister, father x daughter, mother x son( I need a good, convincing story for this otherwise I'm all mother x sonned out. ), uncle x niece, you get the idea.​
Our generic, school related pairings of teacher x student, student x student, etc.​
Supernatural pairings, like vampires to werewolves, hunters to the hunted ( vampires, werewolves, etc. ), hell really anything in this realm.​
This one is very broad and wide open because I know a ton of fandoms, stories, video games, and books. It's a little ridiculous. Usually I try not to play canon characters from these fandoms because that sort of bores me with the idea of what you'd expect from these characters, unless the idea is just super juicy. So, realms like Harry Potter, Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc, I'm usually willing to do things within those universes. Unless you're trying to be Kylo Ren, then I'll make some grand exception because.. Well because.​
Slice of Life shit.​
Yes, easily, always. Duh. Moving along.​
( yes, it's in all caps. )​

These are actually more of plot seeds, because I want you to create with me, build with your ideas. Make love to our story. Put love into our story.​
Alice. In. Wonderland. I will never not stop on my quest to find someone who is actually willing to sit with me and tap out playing multiple characters between one another for a story of how our dear friend Alice falls down that damn hole again. Obviously, this is a story for adults, because I intend for there to be violence and sexual relations, as Bill Clinton would say.
General space shit. I love love love playing a space pirate. I just do, it's the nature of playing bad ass female characters in general that just calls to me, whether our characters be rivals or on the same team, dealing with a love hate relationship or something else. I've been wanting to play a character who is an escaped experiment as well, so there are plenty of options because it's fucking space.​
I've got a rough idea for something settled in the Mad Max world ( so yes, the most recent movie counts, no we're not playing canon characters. ) between a leader and his priestess that we should discuss and flesh out a bit more.​
Something else because it sparks something in me apparently, supernatural ( not the show, don't mention it to me because gaspI'veneverseenitgasp ) related things, including demons, and angels, and vampires, and werewolves, etc. Currently my heart absolutely throbs for the idea of playing a story alongside a vampire or a werewolf in a setting that isn't really ideal for either of them. War, etc. So if you can bring me something in that realm, yes please.​
I've recently been intrigued by the idea of doing a very stereotypical pairing of a goth male and a cheerleader. The idea of having to write out the two of them dealing with life from two opposite ends of the spectrum, whether it be that they knew each other before going on their different ways or they get stuck together for whatever other reason. I want to flesh this out with someone.
I've recently been fascinated with the idea of doing a fairy tale story. Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, etc. Someone who understands these stories as they are and wants to flip them upside down. Cinderella, Snow White, etc. I feel like there are plenty of stories that can be turned into sexually themed ideas with actual plot and depth, with someone who understands that stories have to have additional characters beyond just our two mains.
And really, anything you think I would be interested in, send it. Feed me Seymour.​
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I do not write with anyone on anything other than this forum. No discord, no email, none of that.

Just here.

I will also not play a harem of women for your one, lackluster man.
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