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A lost valley of wonders (Yummy x Dancingfennelfox)


Jan 5, 2018
Sakura Haruno and Hinata Hyuuga had been assigned as partners for a dangerous mission, not only far from the Leaf Village, not only far from their nation, but far from the very continent which their nation was within. Neither had ever been so far from home before, few from the village had ever ventured off the continent this far on a mission. It meant that the two Kunoichi were isolated from any kind of support, they had no real method of communicating with home and they were in completely unfamiliar territory. At first things had been going rather well, they had managed to infiltrate the small town where there mission was taking place, track the target of their information gathering mission, the anxiety of it all had just been starting to fade and the two may have thought this mission was going to be easier than they had originally thought. Sadly that wasn't to last, things had gone very wrong very quickly.
Neither of them could be sure how, but their cover as tourists had been blown, before they could even really understand what was happening they had been surrounded, attacked, it almost felt like the entire town had been after them. With no other option they had been forced to abandon the mission and flee blindly, leaving the town in a completely different direction to the one which they had arrived from, all of their maps completely useless.

They had been on the run for almost 48 hours now, there had been no chance for sleep, they had been lucky to get 5 minutes to stop and catch their breath. Finally though they had lost their pursuers. Taking a chance Sakura and Hinata had fled into a thick fog, one which the ones chasing them seemed to have been reluctant to enter. At this point neither kunoichi was particularly concerned with moving through the fog blindly, they had no idea where they were with or without fog after all. But finally they had emerged from it, stumbling into a clearing in the forest, a sparkling stream running through it, the trees vibrant with flowers and fruits.

" ok?" Sakura spoke as she panted for breath. Every muscle ached, her body screaming for sleep, her mind starting to lose it's sharpness now that they finally seemed to be out of danger. "I think...I think we're safe now. They didn't follow us into that fog..." She slowly looked up and around. From the geography she could make out it seemed that they were in some kind of valley. That was bad news, the broader, more general maps of the area that Sakura had studied had shown no kind of valley anywhere remotely near the town. That meant they were at least a hundred miles from anywhere they had a map for. "Let's...let's set up camp here....get some rest, get some supplies and then figure out our next move....ok?"
Hinata held herself up against a tree, breathing heavily and holding her arm where a gash was bleeding lightly. "Y-yes. I'm okay." Her airy voice whispered. Just like Sakura, Hinata too was in a delirious state of mind having gone sso long without proper food and rest. Her body was quite ready to give up on itself and it truly out of pure will that she was still standing. Her pale white eyes looked around the area they were in and she was shocked to say the least. This area looked nothing like the rest of the areas they travelled. It was so lush and vibrant with pops of green, pink and orange. Everything looked so pretty.

Sliding against the tree, Hinata's legs finally gave out and she popped on the ground, earning a oof from her. A green hue lit up her hand but it dimmed just as quickly. She didn't even have enough energy to heal herself. "Sakura... Do you know where we are?" Her voice was merely a whisper as she was nervous. This was a foreign land and she found it odd that their pursuers wouldn't go beyond the fog they had disappeared into. Those thoughts aside they were safe and it looked like they had an abundant food source. In front of Hinata there was a red, plump, juicy fruit hanging on a tree limb. she reached up and plucked it off splitting it in half an handing some to her partner. "Here, we need to supplement our energy." She took a big bite and swallowed loving the sweet taste.

Little did either kunoichi know that there was a reason no one ventured into this forest and that the fruit being eaten would have some dire consequences.
"Honestly Hinata...I have no idea where we are..." Sakura took a few more deep breaths, still on her feet despite the fact they were screaming at her for rest. She felt this place was safe enough but they needed to be absolutely sure that they really could relax here. "Every map I studied didn't show a valley like this....we've got to be at least a hundred miles from town now if it wasn't on the map. And that fog....nothing I read mentioned anything like it, so we're probably even further from home than we were before...." She sighed, surveying the area once again, there was absolutely no sign of pursuit, no signs that people had been here in a very long time, if they ever had been.

"Hm?" She glanced over as Hinata split a fruit and held half out to her "Oh, thank you. I think we can get some rest here...." Sakura finally slumped into a sitting position, slipping off her sandals at last, her feet red and sore. "Well of all the places to be lost I've seen worse. We've got plenty of food, we can rest up here for a few days I think. The water looks fresh, the weather looks like it stays fairly nice....yeah I'd say we can camp out here for a while until we're completely recovered" The pink haired girl grinned weakly, then took a bite of her own fruit. Her eyes widened at how delicious it was, she'd never tasted anything like it! Without hesitating she devoured the rest of it, even sucking the juice from her fingers. "Oh wow, that was amazing! I've never tasted anything so incredible"

Sakura smiled and relaxed, feeling an odd sensation, but she just attributed it to eating for the first time in days and recovering from her rest. She had no idea what the strange heat building in her chest really was, and she was so exhausted she didn't notice the slight increase in tightness from her bra and shirt, nor did she notice that her nipples had rapidly hardened, now quite clearly visible through the fabric of her clothes due to their incredible hardness.
Hinata was unaware of the pressure building in her chest as well, her eyes drooping from exhaustion. She wanted to eat more of that fruit but her body had decided that she needed to sleep instead. She truly felt safe and protected, not to mention warm. Really warm actually. "Um Sakura... Do you feel hot?" Maybe it was just her body cooling down from running for so long but the warmth in her chest was starting to make her uncomfortable. There was also an odd tingling sensation happening in her nether regions. Hinata was horny and incredibly so. Still she was trying her best to ignore it and to ignore the fact that her bra straps were now digging into her shoulders and straining with newfounded weight.

Her pale eyes trained on Sakura's chest. The sight was definitely not helping her arousal any. "Um Sakura...." She didn't want to embarrass the kuinoichi but maybe she should tell her. "Sakura are you cold?"
"Hm? Feel hot...? Well, now you mention it I guess it is a little warm, but then again we've been running so much I'm sure we're just burning up from all the exertion, not to mention it's a sunny day" Sakura fanned herself for a moment as she stretched a little, though that only pulled her shirt more tightly around her chest, not to mention her bra. Wait, did her chest feel a little heavier? No, it had to be her imagination right? She was exhausted, sore, aching, possibly even a little feverish. Still, that didn't explain why she was starting to feel....aroused? Really? Aroused right now? She couldn't think why, but she did try to avoid looking at Hinata.

"Hm? Cold? No, why would you think I was cold Hinata?" Sakura was still looking away, but whilst Hinata was staring she'd see Sakura's chest seemingly....grow slightly. Almost like her breasts had inflated by nearly a cup size right before Hinata's eyes, and Sakura fidgeted a little from the sudden and drastic increase in the tightness of her bra, which was now rather stretched beyond what it was designed to hold.
Hinata felt her eyes widening what she was seeing before her. There was no way that Sakura's chest was growing in front of her like this. It just had to be a trick of her exhausted mind. She shook her head and looked up into the trees her own bra beginning to snap from the pressure on her chest. She tried to take a breath and calm herself. That's maybe all she needed to clear her head. Opening her eyes again, Hinata saw her bust size increasing as well and get nipples lengthening and thickening. "Um.... Sakura........"
"Hm?" Sakura's attention was caught again when Hinata spoke out. "What is-" She cut off when she saw what was happening, eyes going wide and gasping as she watched Hinata's jacket starting to push outwards, as if the girls chest were growing larger by the second. "What in the...? What's going-" Sakura gasped as there was a sudden growth spurt in her own chest, Sakura looking down and seeing as her own shirt was bulging, then winced as her bra became tighter and tighter, starting to painfully dig into her. "What...what's going..." Sakura dropped to her knees as her own arousal continued to grow rapidly, her shorts turning dark as her body produced more and more juices of arousal.
"I...o-oh god...!" Sakura cried out as her chest surged again, the loud noise of Sakura's bra snapping echoing around the clearing, followed moments later by the sound of ripping fabric as her tight shirt finally started to give way, Sakura's breasts spilling free, her nipples also increasing in size, each nipple now the size of a soda can.
Hinata could only watch in mild horror and intense arousal as Sakura fell to her knees in erotic pain. Finally her bra gave way to breasts far larger than normal size. Not to mention her nipples were thick, erect and as sensitive as her clitoris. Even just the smallest air current around her breasts made her wet with desire. She moaned and bit her lip Her hips thrusting a bit as even her panties rubbing against her made her want to come. She had never been this aroused before and just looking at Sakura made her even more so. "Sakura...I.....I feel so horny." Hinata's nipples were not as large as Sakura's but they certainly were thicker than normal, about the half the size of sakuras but they were still growing. "I feel like I need to...." Hinata was dripping with desire. Her pussy was absolutely soaked in her own juices. "Sakura.... What's happening to us...." She moaned out.
"Y-yeah I....m-me too..." Sakura didn't just feel horny, she felt more horny than should be humanely possible. Her pussy felt like it was on fire, and her body was producing juices so rapidly that they were now leaking out of her shorts and running down her thighs, glistening in the bright sunlight. "I...I don't...I don't know what...what's going on. I just know I need...I need to..." Sakura fidgeted again, before she simply couldn't take it anymore. She reached down past her still growing breasts, grasping at her shorts and using her immense strength tore them away easily, revealing a hairless, dripping wet pussy. Without even hesitating, or seemingly caring that Hinata was watching her every move, Hinata plunged several fingers into herself, moaning so loud it echoed through the valley. She didn't want to do this, she was trying to stop herself with Hinata right there, but the urge was far too strong to resist.
"N-not...not enough....More....I....I need more!" Sakura whimpered as she thrust her fingers in and out, but as good as it felt it just wasn't enough to satisfy the intense burning desire her body was feeling, and the longer she waited the more intense the desire became. If she wasn't satisfied somehow soon she felt like she could well lose her mind.
This sight before her was causing Hinata to blush but her body also was ramping up the production of her juices. ""S-Sakura-chan...." Hinata was scared for her friend. What on earth was happening to them? "Sakura l-let me help you." It was almost as if she was in a trance but Hinata moved over to her friend, her newly formed breasts bouncing wildly and sank down to her knees in front of her. The sight of her hairless pussy was enough to have Hinata thrusting against the friction in her own pants as she wrapped her lips around the puffy dripping ones. She moved Sakura's fingers and began thrusting her tongue through the juices lapping them up as they flowed heavily into her mouth. It was like Hinata couldn't get enough! Moaning at the taste she held on to Sakura's strong legs and added three fingers to the mix spreading her wide open for her tongue to have more access. Hinata didn't know how she was doing this but it was like she needed Sakura's juices for survival. She couldn't pull her lips from her pussy! Hinata was dripping waterfalls at this point, her shorts completely soaked through but she was too busy pleasuring her friend to even worry about how she needed to get off. Sakura was her priority.
Sakura could barely hear what Hinata was saying over her own moans of pleasure, along with the sounds of her fingers plunging into her pussy over and over again, juices spraying everywhere as she did. Sakura's other hand was trying to reach around her breasts to grasp one of her nipples, but she could barely reach, her breasts now having grown so large that her nipples were almost out of reach entirely, leaving the giant soda can sized nubs aching for attention that they simply couldn't receive right now.
When Hinata suddenly brought her mouth to her though, Sakura certainly felt that, almost screaming in pleasure as she felt the other girls tongue thrust into her. "F-FUCK!" Sakura almost came, but it was like something was still holding her back, like she still needed more stimulation. Her hands both went to massaging the flesh of her huge breasts, her hips grinding against Hinata's face as her juices poured out freely, coating Hinata's face, running down the girls neck and chest. "Nnnngh! Y-YES! D-deeper! Faster! More!! G-get your hands in there too Hinata!" Sakura was so very close, just a little more that was all. A little more and she was sure she'd be able to think straight.
Hinata had no idea what had come over her but it was almost like she could very well die in Sakura's pussy and have no qualms about it. She stuck three fingers into her friend's dripping core and began curling them to hit Sakura's g-spot moving in time with her tongue. Meanwhile all of this was happening, Hinata's arousal began to drip past her shorts and underwear making for a very uncomfortable situation. However Hinata couldn't bring herself to care. She was too busy lapping up the juices like she needed them to survive. Her breasts were still growing, now very much past the normal human size but normal things that would worry her just didn't anymore. She just wanted to make her friend come and come hard. One of Hinata's hands snaked their way barely able to brush her own nipples that were now huge and permanently erect it seemed like. "S-sakur-chan." Hinata whimpered rutting her hips against the ground and licking Sakura's clit. Soon not even fingering and eating Hinata out would solve her problem of arousal. She would need something more.
Sakura's entire mind was overwhelmed with pleasure, she couldn't see or hear anything, every bit of brainpower she had was consumed with physical sensation. And as Hinata plunged her fingers inside, curling them up against Sakura's G-spot, the sensitivity of which seemed to have increased many times over, it was finally enough to push her over the edge. With a might scream that echoed around the valley Sakura came, hard. Her juices squirted with such volume that Hinata's entire body was completely drenched in them in moments, the ground all infront of Sakura between her legs completely soaked with the fluids of her arousal.
With the orgasm finally achieved Sakura's breasts seemed to have stopped growing, though they moved and jiggled as Sakura panted for breath, her vision starting to blurrily come back. "H-Hinata.....o-oh god...oh god that...that was amazing...but...but what....what happened? What's still happening....?"
"I-i don't know Sakura but i...... I need....." Hinata could barely speak she was so horny. Her shorts were torn from her body as she reached down trying to get herself off. It wasn't working. She needed something more something more than fingers. She began to rut against the couch. Hinata used the arm of the chair and moved her dripping pussy covering it in juices. "Sakura I feel empty." She whimpered still sitting n In the armrest of the chair. "I. .... I need someone in."
Sakura looked down at Hinata's crotch, gasping as she watched the girl literally rip her shorts off, staring in amazement at just how wet the other girl was. Sakura wanted to get down and return what Hinata had done, to eat the girl out, to use her mouth to get her off....but Sakura's breasts had grown so large that getting onto all fours was impossible now, the attempt would just make her lean on her breasts and keep her head still plenty off the ground. "I need....someone in....inside you? Uh....well I know I've gotten a little different but I'm not exactly....equipped for that...." She swallowed nervously, glancing around. For some reason Sakura found herself momentarily mesmerised by the fruit on a nearby some instinct was drawing her to it. After a moment the pink haired girl moved towards it, plucking it from the tree, sniffing at it, then taking a large bite. Her face scrunched up, it tasted bitter, but she swallowed it anyway.
At first it seemed like her energy was coming back, the exhaustion from such an intense orgasm vanishing, but then suddenly....Sakura gasped sharply. All of a sudden her arousal began to skyrocket again, juices once more gushing from between her legs, though Hinata would be able to see something else, something almost like movement, like someone inside of Sakura was now starting to try and get out.
Her eyes widened at the site before her and Hinata covered her mouth with the one hand that wasn't knuckle deep in her core. Her hips continued rutting on their own and a mitten left her pretty little lips. "Sakur-Sakura Chan.... There's....oooh!" She bit her lip in frustration and thrusted harder in her fingers watching her friends private area very closely. But the frustration of not being able to orgasm was getting to her. Not to mention her breasts began to swell again at this point almost blocking the vision that was her dear friend. "I-i need something inside me!" Hinata almost screamed in frustration at this point. She couldn't orgasm and it was driving her mad. Her breasts grew continuously and her nipples grew just as sensitive as her clitoris. But Hinata couldn't even reach a hand up to rub her own nipples as big as her breasts were
Sakura panted as her hips began to thrust back and forth into the air, the girl crying out in pleasure and frustration. She whimpered as her hands slipped down, trying to plunge into her herself, almost as if attempting to dig out whatever was inside of her, but just before her fingers could find their mark Sakura's eyes widened, her fingers suddenly clenching into fists as the pressure spiked all of a sudden. "F-FFFUUUUUCK!" Sakura screamed out as the pressure suddenly released, in the form of a cock erupting from her crotch, springing forth and sticking straight up into the air, 12 inches of thick, throbbing cock now sticking out of Sakura's body. The pink haired girl stared at it for a moment, knowing she should be freaking out, but despite the release of pressure her arousal was now stronger than ever.

She looked over to Hinata, watching as the girls breasts had started growing once more. Fuck it, she couldn't take this anymore. Sakura managed to get to her feet, her own breasts gigantic as well, bouncing wildly as she moved over to the other girl. Their gigantic breasts squashed together, before Sakura managed to angle herself, plunging her new cock into Hinata's body. "AHHHH!" Sakura cried out in pleasure, her cock twitching so hard that it actually lifted Hinata off the ground briefly. "Nnngh...sorry Hinata...but..." Without waiting any longer Sakura pulled out, then thrust back in, starting to pound her cock into Hinata with her incredible strength.
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