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Trying to Live in a New World (TWD RP)(Random X roseangel)


Jun 9, 2018
Name: Serenity Garwin
Age: 26
Skills: Serenity can use the bow and arrow and every since the beginning of the walkers, she has been improving her skills with a long hunting knife. She also has basic knowledge of surviving in the woods
Short Bio:
Before the appearance of walkers, Serenity working her way up in the fashion world. She wanted to create and design clothes. Serenity is the type of person who enjoys adventures and believes there is good in everyone. However, Serenity's dreams quickly ended when walkers started to appear. She was one of the lucky ones who found a decent group to survive with. Serenity contributes to the group as a scavenger for the Hilltop. However, after finally stopping the Saviors, she has decided to stay at the Hilltop along with many of the other survivors. Serenity hopes to continue to travel outside the walls to find things for her people.
Appearance: Marlen Valderrama Alvarez Wallpapers |
Name: Samuel Lancaster
Age: 27
Skills: Since he was in the army, Samuel can use most weapons. He also has a sense of survival and leadership skills.

Bio: When the apocalypse started, Sergeant Samuel Lancaster was assigned to the FEMA camp that has turned into the Hilltop Colony. FEMA did eventually leave the camp, just like most military safe zones did. However, Samuel did not leave the outpost, deciding to stick it out and help the civilians there. He did whatever he could to protect these people, acting as a leadership figure in the colony. Before this, his life was nothing but the military having joined out of high school. Now, he was dedicated to try helping people, as he always had done, which often caused arguments between himself and Gregory, but he finally had the support he needed when the Alexandrians joined in the fight against the Saviors. He also had become quite close with a woman named Maggie Greene.

Appearance: Liam Hemsworth
A week has gone by since the Saviors had fallen. Maggie had been busy getting things organized after the end of the war. She was relieved that it was finally over with. Now they could focus on rebuilding Hilltop along with the other locations. It would be one step closer to how life was before the apocalypse had started. Maggie was going over the list of people who wanted to return to the Kingdom and Alexandria and those who were staying at the Hilltop. She noticed right away the increase population at the Hilltop, which could be a blessing and a curse, depending on how things went.


Serenity came out of the tent she had been sleeping in for the last week. Since everyone was still at Hilltop, the amount of decent sleeping space was reduce. However, Serenity had no problem sleeping on the ground. She made her way over to the pantry in the hopes of getting an apple for breakfast. Serenity knew food was limited now. She just hoped a group would be going out scavenging soon. Serenity was not one who would go scavenging alone. She thought there was safety in small groups.
Knocking on the door of Maggie’s office, Samuel peeked inside since the door was slightly open. “Hey there. Do you mind if I take a minute of your time?” The male asked with a happy smile on his face. It was nice to know that the war with the Saviors had finally ended. They could get focused on living again, not fighting. Samuel had been getting closer with Maggie ever since the day that they had met. Now that they were relatively safe, he was curious about getting even closer with her, about making a move and figuring out how she would respond.


Daryl Dixon was also at the food pantry, taking stock of what they had, what they needed. He did not see himself as a leader, but that was exactly the role he had started taking on. His notebook was in his hand as he wrote things down, about what he would need to find. Daryl was taking a few people on the supply run, but one of their usual supply run members is recovering from an injury from the war, so they were one person short. He saw the woman walk up beside him to get her breakfast, so he nodded his head there to greet her, trying to be a bit more friendly to people than he had been in the past.
Maggie looked up from her desk as she heard someone knock on the door. A soft smile appeared on her face when she saw Samuel there. Samuel had really been a rock for Maggie lately especially during the fight with the Saviors. He seemed to always have her back and able to talk her through her own doubt. "For you, I'll give you all the time you need," Maggie said with a smile before motioning Samuel to seat down in the seat in front of her. "What do you want to talk about? I know we are going to have an increase of population at Hilltop," she said thinking he was there to talk about outpost.


As Serenity walked into the pantry, she noticed a familiar face. She wasn't sure of his exact name, but she knew that he was from Alexandria and part of Rick's group. Serenity was grateful for Rick's group especially when she found out about the Saviors. Even with world falling apart, she was still a firm believer in humanity. Serenity was luck to find a few small apples in the pantry. She took one before starting to leave the room. Serenity stopped when she noticed the notebook in Daryl's hand. "Do you know if any groups are heading out soon? I used to go out looking for supply while living at the kingdom," she said to him.
Sitting down in front of Maggie, Samuel flashed her a smile. “Well, honestly, there’s nothing I need to specifically talk about with you.” The male admitted, “I just wanted to have an excuse to come in here, talk to you.” A light chuckle left his lips as he leaned forward in his chair, looking deep into her eyes. “Things are finally calming down around here. It feels like we’ve been fighting something for as long as I can remember. I was wondering if you were busy right now. If not, I’d like to ask you to join me on a date. It won’t be anything like dates were before all of this, but I have a couple cans of beans and fresh vegetables that we could share together out on the patio together.” Yes, here he was, asking someone on a date in the apocalypse. Why not, right?


When the woman called his attention, Daryl finished writing down the number of canned beans they had remaining before turning his attention towards her. She used to go on supply runs at the Kingdom? Perfect. Daryl needed someone with experience. Today was his lucky day. “Yeah, actually. I’m about to take a team out in half an hour. I gotta take inventory, then figure where we’re gonna hit.” Daryl responded, his accent thick and his voice deep. “You feel like taggin’ along? One of our guys is down right now. We need someone to take the spot.” Even though daryl did not know her name, he had seen her around. Daryl knew that she could hold her own, that was all he asked for anyways.
Hearing Samuel's response, a soft smile appeared on her lips. She felt grateful that they were at a point where they had time to actual conversations with someone. Maggie had a hard time remembering a time where the group wasn't coming up with a plan to survive. After letting Samuel finished talking, she was a bit taken back by his offer of taking her on a date, but in a good way. The thought of dating someone was a thing of the past or so she thought. "Sure, that sounds really nice," Maggie answered happily since there was no issues needing her attention at the moment. "We could go now, if you like," she said unsure if Samuel wanted to have this date now or later.


Serenity noted his southern accent as he spoke. This was something she lacked since she was originally from the Midwest before relocating to Atlanta for work prior to the walkers appearing. "Sure, I would love to tag along. I'm not a fan of staying inside the walls for too long. It makes me restless," Serenity answered back. Happy that she would get a chance to go out and explore. "I'll meet you at the gate in about 20 minutes," Serenity told him before leaving the pantry. She had to head back to her tent to grab a few things like her bow, arrows, hunting knife, binoculars, and a few other necessary items for a trip outside the walls.
“I would love to go now, if you don’t mind.” Samuel responded, offering the brunette the most charming smile he could muster. It almost surprised him that she said yes. Maggie was beyond his league, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Yet, she seemed happy that he asked her out. When they prepared to leave, he decided to reach out his hand, hoping she would take it. “I like you a lot, Maggie. I’ve enjoyed having you as my friend, but I feel like we can be much more than friends. I honestly don’t want to go another day without you by my side, without you as mine. I’ve felt this way for a while. I just wanted to wait until the right moment to express how I feel about you.”


Good – their roster spot was filled. Daryl finished taking inventory before returning to the others in the group, informing them that they would have someone else joining them while they were a member short. Daryl gathered his crossbow and a handgun for backup, taking a couple bags to hook onto the back of his motorcycle. At the gate, they met Serenity, getting ready to move out. There was one vehicle they drove, plus Daryl’s motorcycle. However, all seats inside the van were taken. “Looks like you’ll have to ride with me.” Daryl said, stopping his motorcycle in front of her, giving her the choice to either join him or switch out with someone in the van if she didn’t feel comfortable. “I don’t think I got your name earlier. I’m Daryl.”
"No, not at all," Maggie said as she stood up to follow Samuel out of her office at the Hilltop. After moving from behind her desk, Samuel had reached out his hand for her to grab. Maggie hesitated for a moment since she had a lot of thoughts and feelings running through her head. If this would have been before the outbreak, she would have grabbed it no hesitation. However, now it was hard to open up to someone especially since there was no guarantee of making through the day. As Samuel expressed his truly feelings to her, it broke down all the doubt she had been feeling in that moment. Maggie reached out and grabbed a hold of Samuel's hand before giving it a lovely squeeze. "I like you too, Samuel. Now my feelings may not be as strong as yours since the last two/three years my thoughts have been on surviving, but I do want to live again and experience life with someone," she responded back.


Serenity made sure to pack light and only brought what she needed along. She had been on almost a hundred supply runs over the last year. The more successful ones seemed when she kept to the basic. As she approached the group, Daryl informs her that she would have to ride with him. "That's cool with me. It's been so long since I rode on a motorcycle. I would like the change of pace," Serenity responded before climbing on the back of his bike. She nodded her head after hearing his name. "I'm Serenity," she answered back before they headed out. Serenity loosely wrapped her arms around Daryl's waist as the group left the Hilltop in search of more supplies to tied them over until harvest time.
It was slightly disappointing to hear that in her words, but it was not the end of the world. Samuel was certain, the more time she spent with him, the better things would be. So, he just pulled her close to him, now grabbing her other hand. “I understand. I feel the same way, too. I don’t want to just survive. I want there to be something more. I know that you are that something. I want you to be mine. I don’t just want you for a night of fun in the bed or just to have around occasionally. I want you, as you are, for as long as you will have me.” Samuel whispered to the woman, a smile on his face as he squeezed her hands, wanting her to know that, to him, it was not just some one-night stand or fuck buddy he wanted. He wanted a real relationship.


Serenity. Daryl was not good with names, but this one would stick. Once she settled onto the back of his motorcycle, he led the way out of the gates of the Hilltop when they opened. Being so deep into the apocalypse, not many places were even remotely plentiful. However, they still had to search everywhere possible. There were quadrants all around the Hilltop – they searched every structure, every car, every crevice in those quadrants on supply runs. The first stop of the day was an old pharmacy store. Daryl hoped they could find something left over, but it was about twenty miles away, so he settled in for the ride. Being on his motorcycle, just riding was always a nice way to relax, even when the world ended. It felt even better now that they were at peace.
As Samuel spoke, the wall Maggie had put up over the years to protect her heart and herself seemed to lower. She could see in his eyes that he spoke with 100% truth behind each of his words. Maggie realized that wall she had put up had prevented her from seeing Samuel's true feelings for her. After he was done talking, she let go of his hands to pull him into a hug. Maggie wrapped her arms around him and held onto him tightly. "Thank you, Samuel. I needed to hear those words from you," she said softly as she nuzzled her head against his chest for a moment. Soon Maggie pulled away with a huge smile on her face. "We should hurry down to the pantry if we want to have a proper meal for our date," she said.


Serenity remained quiet on the back of Daryl's back as he drove. She had no idea where they were heading to, but she wasn't too worried. She had quickly learned over the last couple of weeks that many of the members of Alexandria knew what they were doing. Serenity watched as the scenery passed by during the ride. She made some mental notes to herself where Daryl was going. Soon they arrived at an old pharmacy a few towns away. "So is there anything in particular we are looking for? Or just anything useful?" Serenity asked as she got off the bike. She took a few moments to fix her clothes before looking over at Daryl.
“You’re right. We should get moving.” Samuel was still smiling, happier than he had felt in a long time. Grabbing the woman’s hand, Samuel cheerfully walked out of the office and towards the pantry. Upon the arrival, he grabbed a can of beans for himself, for the date. “I think we should stop by the garden, too. We can pick out a few fresh vegetables to eat with whatever else we decide on in the pantry.” Samuel commented, now thinking about where they could have their date. “How do you feel about eating over in the field?” There was a small field within the community, soon to be used for another garden plot when they had the right soil. For now, it was just a wide open, beautiful piece of land.


The supply run group arrived without any incident, thankfully. Daryl wanted this run to go as smoothly as possible. Once his motorcycle was parked outside the abandoned pharmacy, Daryl stood up and readied his crossbow, ensuring an arrow was loaded. It was around this time when Serenity asked the question. “Honestly, any medicine is the priority, but we want to check every aisle. We will take anything that looks remotely useful to us.” Daryl responded as they split up. Half the team gathered by the front door, half the team gathered by the back door. On Daryl’s signal of a loud whistle, everyone entered inside, preparing to clear out any walkers. Daryl’s group at the front of the store strarted towards the right side of the aisles.
Maggie found a half bag of potato chips along with some nuts in the pantry. "Sure, that sounds like a good idea. I heard that the carrots and turnips are ripe now and ready for the picky," she told him before heading in that direction. As they walked, a few members of the community waved at them and Maggie returned the gesture with a smile on her face. It felt right to her being the leader of this community. "That would be a great place to watch the sunset," she said agreeing with his suggestion. Maggie also like the idea of being away from everyone a bit. She was starting to notice a few of people starting to whisper and smile at Samuel and her as they headed out on their date.


Serenity nodded her head at his answer before pulling out her hunting knife. She held the blade down ready to attack as she approached the building. Luckily, there were no walkers around as the group entered the pharmacy. Serenity put her knife away before heading down one of the aisles. Most of the shelves were either emptied or been destroyed. After about ten minutes, Serenity had found a compass, a couple packs of gum, and some pens. Nothing too amazing, but a few useful items. "Have you ever been further then Meadows Creek?" Serenity asked Daryl as the group started to leave the pharmacy. Even though she wasn't from the area, she remembered seeing a map at a gas station that showed a few smaller towns down an old HWY route. Unfortunately, Serenity was never able to travel pass Meadows Creek to see what was in a few of those towns.
With Maggie by his side, Samuel picked a carrot and turnip for them to share. Once they felt like all food available to them for this picnic was in their grasp, Samuel grabbed her hand again, pulling her towards that location. It still looked beautiful, the sun setting over the horizon. The isolation made it even better. Samuel remembered the blanket, spreading it out on the ground, taking a seat. With a smile still there on his face, he patted the ground beside him, eager for Maggie to join him. Once she did, he immediately reached out to run a hand along the side of her face, just feeling ecstatic to be sharing this moment with her. “You’re so beautiful.” Samuel whispered, an admiration not just for her body, but everything about her in his words. “So, shall we eat?” He asked, scooting a bit closer to her. Samuel did enjoy physical contact.


Inside the pharmacy, the only useful item Daryl found was a small pack of gauze. It seemed like this place was nearly picked clean. When Serenity called his attention, he thought about the name, but shook his head. “No, I don’t believe I’ve ever taken a group out that far yet.” He answered, wondering if she asked because she knew something about that area. “Do you know anything about it? Or at least where we could possibly find something?” Daryl questioned, knowing that they needed to find whatever they could. Their community was still growing, so they could not rely on what they have now to fill everyone’s needs. Nobody knew what was out there, though. There could be another group, a herd, or anything else. “It is next on our list to explore, actually. We intend on searching it soon.”
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