Mx Female Adventures with Musashi (or Leon) - Long Term Roleplays wanted - Will Double


Jun 21, 2018
US, Northeast
I primarily RP as Musashi, a canon divergent character based primarily on Brave Fencer Musashi (PS1 game from 1998) with headcanons from Onimusha and Dragon Ball Z. Although I have recently developed an interest in RPing as Leon from Kingdom Hearts (aka Squall from Final Fantasy 8).

Writing Style
I'm fairly active; on slower work days I can add multiple replies a day if partners are also active. I'm okay with partners who less active than me as well. If I'm going offline or out of state for awhile, I will alert my partners. I ask they do the same. Basically: Honest communication = Good, Ghosting/Radio Silence = Bad.

I'm okay with the occasional limited story but I'm mainly seeking long-runners here. I do enjoy writing thematic side threads with my long-term partners as well.

My RP premises tend to be action-adventure epics with potential for steamy romance, which I've taken a liking to writing. I often employ a bit of Kingdom Hearts-esque world hopping, thus having historical, modern, futuristic, or completely bizarre settings all in the same story.

I call my reply length "situation-appropriate". Usually means longer replies for action sequences and descriptions of new people/places/things, but shorter replies for dialog and 1-on-1 interaction. I tend to adapt my reply length to each partners as well. That said, I prefer to write posts 250-800 words each, sometimes going over when there's enough material to justify it.

Got a fandom character you're itching to play against? Tell me; I might be familiar enough with them to write a story! You can use your OC or a favorite CC. I'll add a list of works here but even if you don't see what you want most on the list, do ask!

2 Broke Girls
Brave Fencer Musashi
Chrono Trigger/Cross
DC (Superman, Batman, Teen Titans, Static Shock, Justice League, lots more)
Disney (New and Old; Live, CG, and animated)
Dragon Ball
Dragon Half
Elena of Avalor
Fatal Frame
Final Fantasy (1-13, Mystic Quest, Tactics)
Fullmetal Alchemist
God of War
Heavenly Sword
Invader Zim
Kill Bill
Kingdom Hearts
Lunar (Silver Star Story and Eternal Blue)
Marvel (MCU/Avengers, X-Men, more)
Mega Man (Original, X, Legends)
Mortal Kombat
Ninja Gaiden
Nintendo/Smash (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon, the works)
Once Upon a Time
Parasite Eve
Rabi Ribi
Resident Evil
Secret of Mana
Shining Series (In the Darkness, Force 1-3, Holy Ark)
Silent Hill
Star Wars
Street Fighter
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Menu
Tomorrow People
Trials of Mana
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Yu Yu Hakasho

M/AO-Rated content:
I don't have too many kink cravings. My smut writing tends to be romantic and sensual, though I could be convinced to write weirder stuff depending on what partners had in mind.
The following are absolute No-Go's: Rape, Incest, Bestiality, Scat (including diapers), Futas/Hermaphrodites

All characters are to be aged-up appropriately.

Specific Ideas:
Beautiful Music Together (Really craving this one now!):
Seeking a Jessica Rabbit RPer to play against my Leon (see above). Both characters would be widowed. Story would primarily be based around a series of pop-rock concerts, but would also involve fighting evil and exploring a multiverse of many worlds. I have a novella-sized starter standing by for this one too!

Return of the Steel Empire:
Looking for partner to portray Princess Peach. Chasing a couple of thieving Koopalings through a weird pipe maze, Musashi ends up in the Mushroom Kingdom, where he gets help from Princess Peach in recovering what was stolen from him. Surprise plot twist with epic repercussions involved, to be revealed via roleplay.

Japanese Superheroes Unite (have one going but open to another):
Looking for a partner to portray a superheroine from Sailor Moon, preferably Mars, Jupiter, or Venus. Musashi is on the trail of a super-criminal wielding the power of an Oni, and he'll need help bringing the dangerous fiend to justice.

Arendelle: Troublesome Traders:
Looking for a partner to portray Queen Elsa. The Thirstquencher Empire (from Brave Fencer Musashi) has opened up trade with Wizzleton (aka Weaseltown), giving them access to dangerous war machines. Musashi has to warn the Queen about it, but can they stop this new threat to Arendelle?

Kingdom Hearts in Avalor:
Looking for a partner to portray Princess Elena. Leon has discovered Heartless in Avalor. After teaming up with Princess Elena to expel them, he notices Elena's talents for guitar playing and singing, which gives him a crazy idea.

More Flexible ideas:
Musashi's Mission:
Looking for a female character to play with. Can be OC, canon, or divergent, but some kind of visual reference would be nice (but not required), drawing or real-life photos are both okay. And it need not be recurring; a 1-time picture is okay. I'm open to many characters here but she must be Good Aligned, Human-looking (ie elves/angels/nymphs are okay), and likes wearing elegant dresses. Reasons for these will be revealed in story.
Musashi is traveling to YC's world tracking an evil spirit that has granted power to a villain from that world. He'll need YC's help to defeat the villain, and that help can come in any form: knowledge, healing, stealth, or even in battle. I'd be open to combining this idea with any plot a partner is craving if that can be worked out in a logical manner.

Not-So-Imaginary Friend
(Looking for a pretty, maybe even a little cutesy (but still at least 18 years of age) female character. Can be canon or OC. Preferably one that wears bright colorful dresses and has magical abilities or super powers of some kind.)
YC is the star of an Omnibus-sized graphic novel that, due to some time and dimension travel shenanigans, ended up in Musashi's hands when he was very young. He read it many times, then, every so often, she would actually visit him to play, chat, care for him while he was sick, etc. Everyone thought he was dreaming or imagining things. Many years later, having not heard from her in far too long, he finds a way to seek her out.

Leon x Disney Princess (top choice: Aurora, second choices: Belle, Cinderella, Elsa, Anna)
Set in the aftermath of Kingdom Hearts 2. Would like a partner to portray a disney princess who lost her love during the fight against Heartless/Nobodies/Unversed.

Or: if you like my characters and have an idea: run it by me; I'll listen.

Quick Recap: PM if you write as: Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, any fictional princess, especially: Peach, Daisy, Elena, Aurora, or Elsa, or if you have an OC who could be caught up in a wild multiverse spanning adventure.
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I love the game Brave Fencer Musahshi. I am a dude, nut I just want to say great ideas. I hope you find partners.
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