Life or Death in the Multiverse (Ironic and Potter)


Apr 12, 2017
East Coast
"By the Blood....why did this have to happen during my day on duty." A scoff was heard from underneath a mask as a man walked down the empty bridge, leading from the City of Life, Hellsalem's Lot to the City of Death, the seed city of Origin. These two cities and their inhabitants were all that remained of life in every Universe that had ever existed. Needless to say, much had happened and the once holy and peaceful city of Origin, the city from which all life had emerged, was now overrun with all manners of beasts and horrors. It was the job of the Hunters and Knights of the Accord to insure that what now lived in Origin, stayed in Origin so that the residents of Hellsalem's Lot could enjoy their blissful eternity.

For that was the other thing, resident of Hellsalem's Lot could never die permanently; their souls would enter a dream like state for awhile before returning to the realm of the Two Cities. That is what enabled the Accord to keep the seemingly endless nightmares of Origin at bay, they just couldn't die forever. This young man, who simply went by Cain, was doing one of the most important if troublesome duties a member of the Accord could do. There were timelines that were still out of sync by destined to converge with the others and from these realms, some greater power seemed to be calling forth heroes to combat the evil that now plagued what remained of the Multiverse. There was just one problem...most of the time the heros would land somewhere in Origin and it was up to the members of the Accord to get them out before they were forever scarred or corrupted by the contents of the city before they were trained.

Cain arrived at the gate to the entrance of Origin and looked up to the guard tower, giving a small nod. He gripped his metal cane in his right hand and pistol in his left; even though they had cleared the outer ring of the city, one could never be sure if a monster had strayed out and it was just always better to be cautious. He stepped through the gate that had slowly opened before him, the squeaking and rattling of the ancient gears ringing in his ears as he crossed the threshold. The gate slowly closed behind him and he didn't move until he was sure it was close; anything that wasn't human wasn't allowed to leave this city alive.

"So, I have two stray sheep to find today, huh?" Cain sighed as he gripped his cane tighter and began to make his way through the streets, hoping to find the two people their sensors had picked up before any beasts did.
It was an ordinary day at Hellsalem Lot for Blaire as she casually sat on the edge of a patio, sharpening the blades of her daggers. The harsh sound of blade on stone would remind some of nails on a chalkboard, but she didn’t mind it. Daggers were her forte, her weapon of choice. She also acquired a skill at stealth, and it also helped that she was petite.

Two other hero’s seemed to land in Origin and luckily it wasn’t her then to gather them. Albeit Blaire was still on call in case anything chaotic would happen. Gingerly she tucked away a stray hair behind her ear before bringing her blades up towards the sunlight to inspect her work. Once she was satisfied with her progress she placed her weapons back into the sheaths on her thigh and left the stone on a nearby chair.


Asuna and Zero Two both rubbed the back of their heads as they fell into the new world, their hues full of confusion as they both glanced at each other. They had only just met and already knew they would become close as long as they wanted to live. Standing up and wiping the dust off from her outfit, Zero Two would help Asuna rise to her feet.

“I’m not too sure where we are, but we’re going to have to find a way out.” Asuna exclaimed as she stood on her feet, inspecting herself to see if she gained any new wounds from the unsuspecting landing.

“No shit.” Zero Two barked, not mostly directed at Asuna but towards the circumstances they were placed in. Aimlessly they would venture around, uncertain of what dangers would lie ahead.
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