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Breaking the seal (Yummyfuta x FriendLikeMe)


Jan 5, 2018
Hinata sighed as she made her way out of the village with her sister Hanabi, this had been a regular excursion for the sisters for a little while now, one done in secret, one that nobody else could follow them on and that nobody else could even know about. There wasn't much said between the pair as they moved swiftly through the trees towards a new spot, they needed a new spot every time after all. A while ago the pair had both found that their bodies had started to....develop....very very rapidly. For Hinata her chest had begun to grow so much that she could literally watch her breasts swelling at times, whilst Hanabi...well....Hanabi had a rather different problem to deal with. Hinata had managed to develop a sealing jutsu to help the two of them, but it came with a downside. Well, two down sides. The first was that the seal was only temporary and would eventually break, so it needed to be re-applied periodically. The problem was that in order to re-apply it you first had to break the original seal which would release their true forms, something they couldn't possibly do in secret back in the village. The second downside was that their new bodies also came with new....urges. Normally those urges were controllable, but the seal somehow seemed to make those urges accumulate, like air in a balloon that just kept building and building. If the pair didn't release the pressure once in a while then....well...they weren't sure what might happen, but Hinata had a feeling the results certainly wouldn't be good.

"Ok, this should do" Hinata dropped into a clearing in the forest. It wasn't very big but it would suit their needs. And besides, the clearing would soon become larger. "Are you ready Hanabi?" Hinata bit her lip slightly as she glanced to her sister. "Um...we...should get undressed if we don't want to ruin our clothes. Though I brought spares.." Hinata motioned to her backpack as she set it down on the ground, the backpack very carefully wrapped in waterproof materials to protect it from what was to come.
Hanabi, believed to be a better warrior than her sister, was never a fan of the limelight. She never wanted the popularity, or the future position as heir to the Hyūga clan; irregardless of that fact, the title of heir was thrust upon her. Despite the differences in their skills, Hanabi was rather close to her sister Hinata, though often jealous of her older sister's assets. Her sister's more lustful appearance was something she yearned for, coming to realize a smaller chest was not something many men or women sought in a partner. Though, they got along better, thanks to a realization that they both have a size issue; for some odd reason, Hanabi was born with a pair of male genitalia, one that got excessively large ever since puberty began. They were fortunate enough to devise special seals to hide their excessive sizes, but was fully-aware that the seals flaws would result in problems for them.

Their current seal was going to break quite soon, so Hanabi hurried to head out with her sister, finally settling on a clearing in the forest. They should have privacy, and possess the time to do what is necessary to reapply a seal on their individual bodies. By the time her sister suggested undressing, Hanabi had already been doing so; her tight clothes appeared to be hiding a huge phallus, a small seal visible above her crotch as she finished undressing. That completed the first stage of their process. "We'll probably need those spares, Hinata... Though, let's get a move on... I can feel the effects of the seal waning," Hanabi said, urging her sister to strip.
Hinata couldn't help blushing as she spotted Hanabi already getting undressed, her eyes lingering on her sisters crotch as she saw the large bulge in her underwear before she looked away. Hanabi was right about feeling the effects of the seal wearing off, Hinata could feel it too, she could already feel her bra getting a little tighter, in a few more minutes the seal would shatter and her clothes would do exactly the same if she was still wearing them. Despite that though it was still rather difficult for Hinata, the embarrassment of getting undressed infront of her sister never wore off despite the things they had to do in order to keep, well, their own sanity as well as their secret. As Hinata felt her bra tighten further though she realised there really was no other choice, quickly removing her bulky jacket, then her shirt, the flesh of her breasts already starting to overflow.

As she tried to reach around behind to unhook the bra though Hinata winced, she'd left it too late. "H-Hanabi...I...I need some help. Can you unfasten this for me? Please? Nngh..." Hinata shivered as she felt the lust the seal was holding back starting to slowly spill out too, her nipples rapidly hardening, though their size was increasing as well which just made her bra even tighter, the fabric stretching, the sound of it straining echoing around the empty clearing. "O-oh....I..." Hinata took a deep breath, trying not to gasp as she fidgeted a little, a few of the threads of fabric in her bra starting to snap and give way as the seals began to break whether she was ready or not.
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