The Not So Chosen One or other tales

one shot

Jul 3, 2015
Welcome to the one shot thread. I'm a gal. I mostly want to write with blokes. I generally want, believe it or not, one shot storylines and scenes. To that end, I'll be putting a single scene idea or plot bunny in this request thread and bumping it whenever I change it to something .. likely or possibly wildly different from what it might have been before. What won't be changing is that I like a sense of humor (which doesn't mean non stop funny business, but don't treat everything like it's a Christopher Nolan film), I like well-written partners, and I like a too-healthy heaping of smut for these scenes. I will happily write in either first or third person, however shocking that might be for someone who considers themselves a lit / semi-para / pompous asshole writer to deign lower themselves to such personal perspective based-ness. I'm easy going, and easily distracted. Hold my attention, eyelashes-batting-goes-here? Alright, onto the request of the moment:


In every generation, there is a chosen one.

And this one really, really sucks at her job. No, she's not that one, with the Capital S for a title. She's actually the granddaughter of a long, long line of boogeyman bashers. Her dad was one, her granddad was one, her great grandmaw was one, and now she's one -- the one who grows up in a house aching and creaking with the history of all the times that things that went bump in the night turned out to be more than your idiot brother stubbing his toe on the sofa. Her family's mansion has history (and that one has a capital H -- History!) and on top of that, it doubles as the spooky old place that the neighborhood kids dare one another to set foot through the gate. There are books of ancient rituals, weapons to bring to bear against just about anything that ever sprang forth from a nightmare, and a legacy of being the one true family who has stood against the forces of darkness since time immemorial. Every single family member who was borne to the calling has stepped up to be the savior that humanity needed.

Until her.

It's not that demons and vampires and werewolves and uruk-hai and rokurokubi and the jersey devil aren't all like .. cool? And it's cool that they exist? And it's cool that her family has spent their entire lineage putting their fascist monster-killing boots down on the throats of all of them? Except that's the part where it's kinda .. not?

Look, she gets it. Her blood smells like sweet honey mead to the forces of evil. Her flesh is probably the key ingredient in like, eighteen hundred vile recipes of sacrifice and elder-god calling. She's the latest in a long line of folks with a target printed directly on her face, who has the means to defend herself in a way that basically nobody else ever would. But like .. she's also got high school? And friends? And doesn't necessarily think that just because something lives life differently than she does, it means she needs to melt it with a silver cross? You could say that she's got sympathy for the devil, but it's more like she's got a "live and let live" approach with the devil. If they're not going to murder most of the population of the town or, you know, her, then why should she murder them just because they're "abominations that should not be"? I mean yeah, yeah, she's sliced, staked, shot, burned, and dusted her fair share of monsters since she hit puberty (and, um, genealogy and history and destiny and stuff, isn't that kinda weird to make a kid start going through that right when there are all those other awkward changes?) in self defense and at her family's behest and training, but now as the end of high school approaches she's just kind of ready to try a different tactic, you know?

One where she's not hanging out in cemeteries on school nights? And yeah, maybe a tenderhearted, nubile teenaged girl probably shouldn't be trying to give horrifying rapemonsters the benefit of the doubt, but you know what? Fool her once, shame on them. Fool her TWICE and -- what's that? There can't be a second time because she was already dragged to a stygian pit to at long last use her lineage's magically blessed history as a monumental leg-up in the war against the forces of good by turning her into a breeding demon-bride? .. well, shoot. Maybe she oughtta actually do her job properly after all.

Maybe before they rip all her clothes off and she has to walk-of-shame back home next time.



Relevant fetishes: Bump In The Night * Ancient Prophecies * about fuckin' * Supernatural Creatures * Clothes Ripping * Breeding * Heroine Wins In The End * or she doesn't * Non-Con * Dub-Con * Dicksuckin' * Really Big Ones

Please don't include: Shit Demons * Or anything else related to poo * Too Much Gore * (You can ask how much is too much if you need to) * Fisting * Rimming * Tickling * SUPER Gross Monsters * (Again we can discuss what this constitutes)



Ding dong! Oh great. The babysitter's here.

Nevermind that you're totally old enough to not need one anymore; she's what, at most six or seven years older than you? And if she's taking this job, she's probably just after the fat stacks of cash your family can afford to throw out left and right. Bet she's the kind of girl who's trying to see if she can get your mom traded in for a younger model so she ends up on easy street, even. Truth be told though, it got harder and harder over the years to even get someone to agree to babysit at that house; who wanted to try to wrangle with the little holy terror, after all? Pretty much every babysitter in the past has ended up quitting or fired after all the mischief was said and done. For a while it seemed like the 'rents had even given up, which makes it all the more audacious that while they're gone for the weekend they don't trust you to conduct yourself like a perfect little gentleman.

Joke's on them; there's only so much trouble you can get into by yourself. Throw a well-meaning co-ed into the mix, however ..

Yep; looking for a teenaged rich brat, possibly who's never gotten around to getting his dick wet, getting it super wet all weekend with his hot babysitter who's pretty much gotta do whatever it takes for the money / status / whatever without running out on the whole situation. I'd like him to be chauvinistic and arrogant and all that good stuff, while she's going to be relatively 'good' .. and surprisingly gullible. If you can come up with some fun stuff to test the limits of her gullibility and willingness to do what it takes to make it through til' Monday with a good review for the parents, then we'll get along just fine! I'm not tied to any particular looks for our babysitter, so if you've got an eighteen-to-twenty-four (or passing) gal you really like, just let me know!


Relevant fetishes: Young Dom / Older Sub * Aggressive Virgin * Surprise Size * Compromising Situations * Dick suckin' * Games gone naughty * Brattiness * Secret Slut * Gullibility * Power Reversal

Please don't include: Potty humor * Or anything else that belongs in one * Rims on anything but nice cars * Feetsies * Ticklin' Games
Look, up in the sky. It's a bird! It's a plane!

It's a blonde slut who can really handle what you're about to dish out.

See, here's the thing; maybe you're an alien from another world. Maybe you're a thug from the wrong side of the tracks who happened to get infused with superhuman abilities. Maybe you're a suave older businessman who's savvy has become paired with shocking brute strength. Whoever you might be, the problem is the same: your last few lovers haven't exactly been able to survive the night. That's the problem when you pair up a man of steel with a woman of kleenex. Sure, plenty of women claim they want the kind of lovemaking that wrecks the furniture and leaves their pelvis metaphorically shattered, but when it turns out to be distressingly real? Well .. not so metaphorical anymore, and suddenly you've got a bizarre serial killer on the loose.

That's fine though. Clearly you just didn't have the right pair of hips to grab, the right kind of girl who could really take it. And now that the unfortunate end of the last few ladies to enter your little black rolodex has got some supers sniffing around for the culprit, it's like she's being lead right to your doorstep.

Ever wanted the kind of raw fucking that could literally level a building? The kind where you don't have to worry about how hard you dish it out, because you know she's good for it? That's what's on offer here at the moment. I'll be playing Kara Zor-El, better known as Supergirl. That's the thing about being invulnerable, you see. No matter how abusive, how bone-shattering, or how violent someone gets with you, you're still going to come away from it kicking. I'm pretty much exclusively interested in uber-strong brutes who can more than handle her, put her in her place, and keep her there, no kryptonite needed. Like I said, it could be a Doomsday esque alien, a canon character you want to portray, a completely original fella who lucked out on the super powers front but got the super blue balls to go along with it. Within my little parameters, you can totally color in those lines however you like, and in reward, Krypton'll have a few more last daughters to go around by the time Kara's done being bred.


Relevant fetishes: City-wrecking sex * Clothes violently ripped off * Hair pulling * Cape yanking * Slut-shaming * Violent rape (but she loves it! (eventually!)) * Knocking Up * Dirty talk and denigration * Massive Cock, Tiny Girl * Public displays * Overwhelming Alpha Male Force * Dude Who NEEDS It * No Happy Ending * Fucked Into Mental Submission * And optionally, if you're into it, extra violence, pain, and even snuff.

Please don't include: Scatman Crothers * Romance And Wooing * Nice Guys Gone Wrong (Just be a dick from the get-go!) * Kryptonite or such * Butt Stuff
It turns out that when your only limits are love, resurrection, and death, there are plenty of ways to get around those restrictions. There is no need to return the dead when you've never regretted another's passing. The icy hand of the reaper is unnecessary from a magical bidding when a cold, sharp knife can do the same in capable hands. And love? That's so often unnecessary when all a man needs to incite is its more carnal cousin, lust. The Royal Vizier of Agrabah, given at last ultimate cosmic power, finally gets exactly what he wants; the throne, the kingdom, and the power to decimate anyone who might ever challenge his ascent to the greatest sultan that the dessert has or ever would know. When one's enemy is nothing more than an orphaned boy and his pet monkey, it would be rather silly if he lost, don't you think? Even hubris can only set someone up to fall so far when all of the cards are stacked in their favor.

Still, there is the matter of what was to be done with the royal family to which the vizier had so loyally served for so many years while biding his time. The foolish former sultan, well, there was nothing to be gained there. But it would be a bit of a shame to cut the princess' threads of fate short before her time, wouldn't it? Oh certainly, something would have to be done with her before the day she inevitably tried to drive a dagger into his heart, but that could have been many years off. And she, after all, still had many years in her prime.

Yes, yes, you can blame goddamn hot-ass Jafar for this partially, but it's always made next to no sense how a scheming wizard could throw away his shot so thoroughly by making dumb wish after dumb wish AND wanting to kill the hot teenaged piece of ass he had just minutes before tried to magically compel into complete servitude, right? I see two particular starting points for this: either leaving Aladdin to die in the Cave of Wonders after getting the lamp from him and returning to the palace, Jafar takes his time with his wishes to increase his power, and during this time educates, forces, and grooms Jasmine to being his, winning the prize as fairly as someone with all the cards can .. or, you know, getting the Genie during the big climax, using his wishes properly, and putting the princess in her place right then and there in an overwhelming coup. Any which way, it should be fun!

Diamonds: Harem pants, Snake Staves, Hypnotism/Compulsion that doesn't override that defiant spark in our spunky princess, chains, collars, piercings, risk of pregnancy, oral, vaginal, the villain wins (duh).

The Rough: Anything that belongs in the chamberpots, street rats and monkeys and blue fellas, complete mindless mind control / lust control, sand in uncomfortable places, seriously how did a volvo even get here, i blame your ad-libbing mr. williams, and parrots.
jk rowling is a fucking terf and i will not engage in this fandom ever again thanks
Harley's havin' kind of a bad couple of months. First everything goes sour in Arkham Asylum, and then her puddin' goes and gets himself killed in Arkham City. Now that Crane's evacuating the city with his kooky nightmare gas and the Joker's no longer an operating concern, everyone's trying to grab themselves a piece of the Gotham pie. Thing is, even as a corpse, the Clown Prince of Crime holds a hell of a lot of cache. The way the other ne'erdowells of Gotham see it, there's a power vacuum just waitin' to be filled. And when Harleen Quinzell goes strutting into the vacated streets of Gotham with a ragtag collection of Joker's remaining loyal men, it ain't just one villain who realizes the perfect way to assert the new way of things.

No better way to claim the throne as Gotham's new king of crime than to make sure the former heir's number one gal knows exactly where she stands. Or kneels.

Set in the Arkham Knight timeline (it's a long halloween, imagine that), to make it all tl;dr for you, I'm right now looking to play Harley Quinn getting a new leash on life as she is publically made the trophy of victory over the Joker and Gotham itself. Jonathan Crane, Harvey Dent, Oswald Cobblepot, and Edward Nygma are my preferred male counterparts for this role, and frankly, I'm hoping they're going to push hard enough to finally push the blonde's constantly-teetering brain off into the brink of madness so that all she needs to consider is being a good little hyena for whoever claims Gotham for their own. If none of those guys flip up your kilt to take on, I'd be willing to talk up some other potential Arkhamverse guys (Jarvis Tetch? Waylon Jones?). Whatever ends up with Harley quiverin' to puddin' over a new fella despite her heart and mind works fine by me. If you REALLY want other incarnations of Harley et al (Margot Robbie's popular these days, right?) we can maybe talk it over. I dig Harley in just about any version!


Relevant fetishes: Power Struggle # Forced Nudity # Rough Oral (Handlebars!) # Public Downfall (Everyone seems to have access to those giant TVs all over Gotham ..) # Bitter Rivals? (If you want to have one or more compete to take Harley .. sure!) # Mental Break # Enslavement # Clown Make-up # Spankings
Please don't include: Scatman Forever # Goody Two-Shoes # Tickling # Anal (No great excuse this time, it's just not really my thing guys) # Still bad at naming no-nos.
Dah dah, dah dah, dah dah dah, dah dah dah~~ Well, you know how it goes. And yeah, almost three years to the day since I first posted this, there's a sequel out and this is back on the brain.

Anyway, Jurassic World smut! Claire Dearing is a no-nonsense, career oriented woman tasked with running one of the most unique, dangerous, and thrilling theme parks the world has ever known. But dinosaurs as they are just don't thrill the world the way they did when the Park officially opened for business. There are now generations of children who have never lived in a world where dinosaurs were extinct. And so the engineers of Jurassic Park have to experiment to achieve something bigger, badder, and more fascinating than any living fossil has ever been before. Splicing together the DNA of multiple prehistoric animals -- what could ever possibly go wrong?

Well, for one, a careless scientist could somehow hocus-pocus magic-movie science scratch themselves or bleed in the wrong spot and incorporate just enough human DNA into the vicious new creation that the carnivorous predator doesn't just have a lust for flesh -- but for ladies (bow chicka bow wow SHUT UP I KNOW THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE FEMALE PORN ALSO FINDS A WAY).

Now they've cooked up some kind of new dinosaur in that lab of theirs .. and whether Dr. Wu feels Ms. Dearing is a perfect test subject, the creature escapes and happens to come across the no-nonsense park director while she tries to contain the situation, or the clever boy decides he wants what's just outside his glass prison all on his own, Jurassic Park is going to have an unexpected new addition to its breeding programs.


Relevant fetishes: Smart, vicious dinosaur seeks career-oriented female # Cross-species Breeding / Impregnation # Sex in heels (They never come off, duh) # Betrayal (Nobody seems to mind her becoming a dinosaur fucktoy all too much) # Biting # Scratching # On Display (It might make for a good attraction, after all) # Roughhousing # Dehumanization # Fucked to Exhaustion

Please don't include: Ticklesaurus Rex # Ellie Scattler # Anal Sex (It's about breeding, and life ain't findin' a way that way) # I don't know, I'm bad at thinking up NO'S until someone asks me about something I don't actually want to do

Second Opinion: I don't always offer a second scene idea, but in this case, I'd also be willing to play Claire getting it hard from Owen Grady. I mean "alpha male bullshit" ramped up to 11 "fucks her back into a 1950's mindset" hard. He's tamed cleverer girls than her. Just know that if you'd rather go for this than the dinodick, he should basically be equally predatory. Just, you know .. charming. 'cause Chris Pratt is.
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feelin' kinda weird and magical lately so let's try something and see??
because inevitably i'm going to have to be the one fucking my own childhood, right?
I'm feeling a little bit "dealer's choice" at the moment: if any of my prompts, past or present, inspire you to PM me with an idea then I'm all ears for all of them right now.
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