Longterm Sci-fi Based FxM,FxF


Apr 12, 2018
First off hello and thank you for looking at my thread, this is a looser sort of idea that I had and one that I am wanting to flesh out some more and work on with a dedicated partner.

So my idea is this. It's a sci-fi setting (obviously, duh!) and humanity has advanced enough to the point that it is able to sort of easily establish cities and outposts on varying planets around our own in our tiny part of the greater universe. Up to this point humanity has a base on Mars, focusing on research and mining practices. A base on the Moon that acts as a good go between and refueling point, as well as a place for colonists to settle into a brief life away from Earth. Further away humanity has been able to set up large gas mining operations in the areas above Jupiter and Saturn and have begun pushing further out from there with smaller colony ships.
Many years have passed since the last colony ship was sent out though and now some of the many ships ejected into "Deep Space" have begun to return, few if any of them have been able to be contacted for many years some of which were not supposed to return, designed to settle down and act as a sort of town for newly establishing settlements far away. Hailing attempts haven't worked, and therefore the newly formed security forces are dispatched to investigate these ships. So comes into the story our characters! And with that I am fairly open, I will be playing a female and a few others to keep the story going. But I was thinking we are part of a group sent out to investigate one of these dark ships, and once that is done work on exploring some other points of interest when the story gets there.

But please, if you are interested send me a message I'd love to flesh this out more with someone if they have the time to do so.
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