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Training Camp Has Many Temptations

Apr 9, 2009
((Blue eyes, minus all the armor))

First day of Knight Training Camp and it was the first day of the whole summer that the heavens decided it was time for some percipitation. Gray omnious clouds rolled across the bright blue sky, blocking out the bright sun shine. A blanket of darkness enveloped the land. The soft howling wind rustled a few leaves, shrubs and such. Riley sighed and dropped his brown satchle down next to his feet. He had just hicked about two miles up hill from where his father dropped him off and he was slightly winded. He looked around at the ever so familiar estate where he had trained previous years. He rustled his shaggy brown hair and batted his bright blue eyes. He let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes, enjoying the cool breeze that cooled his skin. He listened to the normal sounds of kids talking and animals on the grounds. It was the first day and everyone was excited to see their old friends. He reached down to his bag and started twards the center of the estate.

As he made his way through the courtyard hearing the sound of some dead grass crunching under his feet. A large castle like building with one wing filled with rooms for the trainies was only a few yards away. He noticed some of the vines crawling up the walls had gotten longer over the year. He looked up the wall and to the top floor where there was a large window and small balcony. He chuckled to himself and smiled, this year that was his room. He was an upper classmen and his father knew the head master. He got a fairly comfortable room with an ocean veiw. He gazed around seeing a few familar faces of students from past years. Though he said a word to know one, he rather liked to keep to himself and not socialize. He spent most of his free time wrinting, riding hoarses and some reading. He most preferred to be out and close to nature.

After getting settled down in his room he plopped down on his bed and read the peice of paper on it. Instrustions for each student. Which group he was in and where he would meet after lunch later that day. He tossed the paper aside and flopped back on his large bed to relax a bit before going around for a small tour of the grounds.​
Jonathan reached the castle, he was young at just fifteen years old. He was very well qualified to be a warrior, one of them watched him play with a sword and forced him to join. He just wanted to play with it, he did not wanted to have one for real, either way now he was screwed. The knight saw his speed rather outstanding, his strenght needed work but for that there was training. Jonathan reached the room where everything would be taking place, where he would life, he was to be assigned a group with a head student, he was nervous as to what would happen.

He sighed as he jumped into the bed, he needed some rest, his training would start later that day. He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep. Waking up a few hours later by the sound of a bell, he rushed toward the line and made it just in time. He sat straight not looking at the others, he did not cared about them. He saluted the general that came in front of him and then kept on. He was a very handsome kid for his age, being blond with blue eyes. His body was a bit strong but not as much as the other kids. He sighed and wondered what he gotten himself into.
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