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Small, small, world, large large, universe (Midnight Lass x Saber Arturia)


Midnight Lass

The thing to remember about the universe is that it's not infinite, so not everything can happen.

People do talk about infinite possibilities, but infinity is an abstract concept. When people talk about an infinite number of parallel universes, what they're really talking about is that the possible number of parallel universes is so large, you might as well talk about it being infinite, even though the number of universes is infinite.

So if you're in a strange town, looking for a friend's house without the use of GPS or an old fashioned map, and you come to a T and take a right, a new universe doesn't come into existence at that moment where you take a left instead.


The collection of parallel dimensions has a number of general rules and laws in common, so there aren't universes out there where ten centimeter earthworms are the undisputed masters of all they can see. If they could see anything.

Still, the multiverse is a pretty strange place, as one Joe Plummer was about to prove to his friend.

Joe was on his knees in his mother's basemen, a panel open on a strange device, making last minute adjustments before his friend came over. The device in question took up the entire basement, and looked like the mad scientist laboratory from a 1950s movie set. But that wasn't the oddest thing about the room. The oddest thing about the room were the tubes and wires that connected everything in the room to a glass encased book. And the book in question was a collection of illustrated stories about animated princesses.

Joe grinned as he closed the panel and brushed himself off. Everything was ready for him to give his friend a demonstration of his new device.

A demonstration his friend would never forget.
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