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Ouran High: Final Year (roseangelkoi and I only)


Queen of the Angels
Mar 29, 2018
Name: Arisu Kato
Age: 18
Biography: Arisu Kato is the only child of Chiara and Kenji Kato. Her mother is a world famous actress and her father is the owner of a popular clothing line for young ladies. Growing up Arisu was taught the skills to be a lady, and for a while she acted as a child at least until she got older. She hit a strange phase where she started to act more like a guy than she did a female. She was always out skateboarding, playing video games, and stuff like that. After that phase was done she got more into the gothic or lolita style clothing. Now that she is eighteen, and she got kicked out of St. Lobelia's for not being "girly" enough her parents decided to send her to Ouran High School to see if anybody could help her to become a lady.

Name: Hikaru Hitachiin
Age: 18


It was finally upon them. The final year at Ouran High School, and the Hitachiin twins were definitely more than excited for that. Finally they wouldn't have to worry about getting up early and then having to go school, listen to teachers talk about stuff that they really had no interest in. Of course the thing that they would miss was the Host Club since that would more than likely break up, and that would be rather depressing. But until that happened they were just going to continue on with their lives as if graduation weren't right around the corner. Well more likely within a year, but there wasn't a whole lot that they could really do about that.

Pulling up in front of the school was their limo and they were hoping out, grabbing their school bags before they were strolling off towards the school. Even when they weren't in the Host Club room they were still acting like they were brothers that were in love more than they should be. It still had the females of the school fan-girling over it, including some of the female staff. And over the last few years, the only female that was apart of the host club, Haruhi, had finally stopped hiding the fact that she was female, she had finally revealed the truth to everybody. And that still didn't seem to stop females from requesting Haruhi at all.

"I wonder what the King has planned for today. He didn't really want to get into the conversation about what the theme was going to be for the day." was all Kaoru could really say as he headed up the stairs and into the school building. A number of girls around them just winked at them, which had the twins just smirking back towards them for a brief moment in time. Honestly the only thing that they every looked forward to about coming to school was the host club meetings that occurred at the end of the day after school for a few hours.

As this was happening, another limo was pulling up and a young woman was climbing out of the limo. Although she was definitely different from most of the other girls that were in the school. She had long black hair pulled up into a tight ponytail, and wore a black and crimson red dress that fell to her knees with a pair of fishnet leggings, and a pair of black boots that came up to ankles. She was holding a black lacey parasol above her head as if the sunlight bothered her, which was quite possible at that point in time. She didn't typically leave her house much to go outside, at least not until her parents had decided to send her to Ouran High School so that hopefully she could be taught to be a lady, and perhaps find a husband.
Name: Rin Saito
Age: 18
Biography: Rin Saito was raised in a normal middle-income family who was wealth enough to have their own house on the outskirts of the city. Every since Rin was a little girl, she enjoyed drawing. She would spend hours designing new outfits for her favorite characters she drew. This was where her love of fashion started. Now Rin hopes to enter the fashion world. She knows it's a hard business for those inspiring to be designers, but she knows this is where her passion is. Over the last couple of months, Rin has spent her free time applying for an internship at the Hitachiin's Fashion Company. She had always been a big fan of their pieces. Unfortunately, she really couldn't afford to wear any of it. Rin couldn't believe she won the opportunity. She is really to show the world her abilities as a designer.
Appearance:Anime Girl with Headphones Render


Rin's eyes scanned every inch of the limo as she rode in the back by herself. She had never rode in a limo before. Rin couldn't believe this was how she was being transported to her first day of work. She was even more surprised that she was going to the Hitachiin's house to meet Yuzuha Hitachiin. However, Rin wasn't going to complain about it. When the limo arrived, the driver opened the door for her. As she got out of the limo, Rin was greeted by a butler who brought her inside the Hitachiin house... well more like a mansion. The butler brought her down a few hallways to the dinning room where Yuzuha was eating breakfast.

"Welcome Rin. It's wonderful to finally meet you. I have to say I loved your designs the moment I saw them. I see great potential in you," Yuzuha said greeting her as Rin was ushered into a seat next to her. Rin was surprised by Yuzuha's high praise. "Thank you, Mrs. Hitachiin. It's a great honor to be working for you over this next year," she responded back. "Well you are not going to be working for me right away. I have to go over to Italy to help with the oversea line for a few months. Since you are still in High School, you will be attending Ouran with my sons, Hikaru and Kaoru. They will be responsible for showing you the ropes while I'm away. I'm sure you three will get along wonderfully," Yuzuha explains to her. Rin felt her heart drop before a rush of worry went through her body. She had no idea what she was getting herself into.

"I can't afford to attend Ouran High School," Rin responded knowing that it was an elite school. "Everything is taken care. Now hurry or you are going to be late for your first day of school. My sons are already filled in on what's happening," Yuzuha said before Rin was whisked away to Ouran High School.


Kyoya and Tamaki left the principal's office after being called there for an early morning meeting. The principal had made the boys aware that Chiara Kato's daughter will be attending Ouran High for a short period of time. He wanted her to enjoy her time here so she would continue at the school instead of returning to St Lobelia. Kyoya could see this was an opportunity for himself and his family's name. "I can't wait to meet this lovely princess of Chiara Kato," Tamaki said happily excited to meet the daughter of one of his favorite actress. "Now don't scary her away from being too loud and excited," Kyoya said as they headed to the host club room. He figured the task would be rather simple. The host club could make any girl want to stay at Ouran High School.
Kaoru did stop Hikaru before his twin could get to far before he spoke, "Hikaru, don't forget that we have to wait that intern to show up. We need to show her around." This had Hikaru almost pouting at the thought of there being a third person and he was acting as if it were tragic that somebody else was going to be hanging around them, possibly stealing Kaoru away from him. Or vise versa.

Over the last few years the twins had gotten better about being apart, far better than what they had been when Haruhi had first started. Splitting them up at that point in time had been terrible, or at least attempting to. Now at least they could go places without the other....dependent on where they were going and how long they were going to be apart for. Heck they could even stand not being in the same class for a couple of their classes instead of their parents speaking to Tamaki's father and making arrangements for the twins to be in the same class.

"Lets just head to the Host Club room. We can seek out the intern later. Or I'm sure she'll find her way to us." Hikaru commented after a moment in time and soon enough the pair were headed off towards music room three. An music room that wasn't used for anything except for the Host Club meeting every day after school. Entering the room they were waving to their king, Tamaki, and Kyoya who was also with the blonde haired male. Now all that was missing was that of Mori, Honey, and Haruhi. The twins were sure that Mori and Honey were together at the time, that was usually how it went with the pair of them.


Arisu looked around the school for a moment in time as she headed to the principal's office so that she could speak to him, and get her schedule. There was a pure look of disgust on her features when she saw the hideous yellow dresses that the female's wore for a school uniform. Yeah no way in hell was she wearing a bright color such as that. A dress she was fine, but bright colors were something that she hated with a passion. Once she got her schedule she went off to explore the school, still holding the parasol above her head despite being indoors. There were a few girls around her that were whispering amongst themselves and discussing the Host Club. Oh yes she had heard about them from the Zuka Club at St. Lobelia's. A group of boys that impressed the girls of the school. This actually had Arisu curious. So she decided to venture towards music room three to meet the boys of the infamous host club..
Kyoya was at the entrance to the music room to greet the guests as they arrived. Over the last couple of years, he has worked out a pretty good system to ensure that all guests have a good time. With only seven host, not everyone could have one on one time with their favorite host. Instead, Kyoya worked out a system of the hosts meeting with small groups for short amounts of times. Usually, that was enough for many of the guest. The hosts would be allowed a few one on one times with guests if they wished. "Welcome to the Ouran Host Club. I'm so grateful you could make an appearance here," Kyoya said as he greeted a few female students as they entered the music room. As the girls answered him, his eyes wandered down the hall as he notice a new student.


Rin had spent most of the limo ride looking out her window at all the fancy buildings as they approached the school. She grew up in a much simpler and smaller town than this place. Rin was starting to feel like a bit out of place. Even the school uniforms were something she had never seen before. Why any girl would want to wear something so bright and yellow was beyond Rin. As the limo stopped at the entrance of the school, Rin did not wait for the driver to open her door. Instead she got out of the limo on her own. Her eyes widened a bit as she stared at the fancy school. Rin was pulled out of her trance as she heard some students near her starting to whisper. A slight blush appeared on her cheeks as she hurried inside still unsure how she got herself into this situation. After taking a few minutes to breathe and figure out the situation, Rin decided it would be best to find Yuzuha's sons, Hikaru and Kaoru. She asked a few students before one told her to head to music room three.
Arisu looked around for a moment in time as she approached the music room. It would seem that there was a tall black haired male wearing glasses was greeting the girls as they walked up to the room. This had her pausing for a moment in time before she headed forward once again, following after a few girls that made their way towards the music room. There were a few girls that commented on her dress, which just had her mumbling that it was a lot better than the hideous thing that they were wearing. It wasn't a lie, and a number of the girls at the school definitely agreed with it. The guys got to wear nice light blue uniforms and they were stuck with a hideous and bright yellow....thing. "So this must be the infamous host club." Arisu commented to herself.
While Kyoya dealt with the customers coming in, he never lost sight of the new student as she made her way towards the host club. A soft smile appeared on his face when she finally arrived at the door asking if this was the host club. "Yes this is the infamous host club. I'm Kyoya Ootori, a senior here. May I inquire what your name is, my dear?" Kyoya asked politely hoping that this was the daughter of the famous actress the principal wanted to make happy. He also knew if he got on her good side, it maybe beneficially relationship for him in the future. You could never know too many famous people.


After getting directions from a few students, Rin finally found the third music room. She had to admit that the size of the school was bigger than she imagined. Making her way through the crowd, Rin entered the music room, which was filled with mostly female students. She let out a small sigh at how much work this was already turning out to be as he blue eyes scanned the room for a set of twins. Rin figured they were probably one of the only sets of twins in the school. A slight smile appeared on her face when she finally found a pair of orange haired boys. "Excuse me, are you Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin? I'm Rin Saito, the new intern for Hitachiin Fashions. Your mother told me to find you here," Rin said after approaching the group they were sitting with.
"I have heard much of the Ootori family, quite the prominent family. I am Arisu Kato." Arisu spoke after a moment in time as she was pushing some of her dark hair out of her face. After that she was giving a polite smile before looking around at a few of the other girls, who were gathered around a number of males that were in the room. There was a male with blonde hair that had a number of females gathered around him. There were a pair of orange haired twins, a brown haired person, then there was a short boy who was hanging around near another tall dark haired male.

"Yes we are. And that is good to hear, I guess. Not sure what you being an intern for the company our parents run has to do with us." Hikaru spoke after a moment in time, his voice rather bored but sharp. This had Kaoru scolding him for being rude, and the more polite of the pair was wrapping his arms around Hikaru in a hug, telling him to be more nice. This had a few of the girls squealing at their actions.
Rin stood there as the scene unfolded in front of her. It was clear to her that these twins were not going to be helpful nor the few girls hoovering over every move the twins made. "I'm not sure either. Your mother was the one who said I had to attend Ouran and that you two would be the ones 'showing me the ropes'" Rin answered before letting out a sigh. It was obvious that these two boys were busy. "You know what. I'll just figure it out myself. Have fun with your fan club," Rin said not wanting to waste anymore time. She turned around to leave the music room.


Kyoya kept the soft smile on his face as Arisu mentioned the Ootori family. He was not surprised that the actress daughter knew of his family. The Ootori family took care of many wealth and famous people. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Arisu. How is everything going for your first day? Are you finding your way around the school grounds easily?" Kyoya asked turning most of his focus on her. He was not worried about any of the customers now. Most of them were regulars and knew the drill anyways when it came to the Host Club. Kyoya's main concern now was Arisu and making sure she enjoyed her time at the school especially since it was a request from the principal.
Arisu was giving a small shrug before she spoke, "Going well enough, the school hasn't been difficult to navigate. If anything you just ask and somebody is more than happy to point you in the right direction." With that she was just looking around the room once again just studying everything that was going on in the room, although she couldn't help but agree with what the Zuka club leader had said. They were kind of womanizers, even if they didn't realize it at all. She did glance at her phone when it vibrated in her hand and saw that it was just a message from her mother, asking if she had made it safely to the school and to remind her that it was time for her to learn to be a lady. Man this year was probably going to be rather annoying.

Hikaru just looked towards the female after he heard her mention showing her the ropes, which actually had him wondering what the hell his mother was talking about. "We go to school. Not sure how we can show you about that. Show you around sure but after that, you are on your own. Then after school we are here, entertaining these beautiful ladies..... unless...." Hikaru spoke after a moment in time and just stopped, a thinking look on his features. Although this is where the twin telepathy seemed to be kicking in as Kaoru was finishing, "Unless mother is wanting us to show you how to become a host."
Kyoya nodded his head at her reply. He was thankful to hear she was already having a good experience. Kyoya wouldn't have to worry about doing any damage control. He watched as Arisu checked her phone after receiving a text message. Kyoya's dark eyes remained on her studying all her little movements. He figure out who Arisu was as a person he could ensure he remained on her good side. "I'm sure you heard about Ouran and their excellent and various after school activities. Is there any clubs or activities that peak your interest?" Kyoya answered after Arisu seemed to be done with her phone.


"I don't think that's what your mother had intended. Beside I have no interest in being a host, I'm going to be a fashion designer," Rin said realizing that their mother really didn't have everything take of care of like she said. "Well I'm going to find out what my class schedule is. It was nice meeting you and I'm sorry for interrupting whatever this is. I'm sure I'll see you around school," Rin said before leaving the music room and heading to the office to see if they had her class schedule. Since she was a determine woman, she figured she would take her classes like a normal student and try to keep herself busy at Hitachiin Fashion's office by trying to help anyone with whatever they were doing to gain experience. Rin figured that would be the best use of her time until Yuzuha came back.
Arisu looked at him for a moment in time before she was giving a small shrug before she spoke, "Interests are dancing and painting." So if they had an art club and or a dance team she would be good, and that would make everything go a lot more smooth. At least she hoped so anyways. She still wasn't looking forward to this whatsoever, having to become a lady. Just didn't sound like fun at all.
Kyoya nodded his head noting her love of the arts. He was just thankful that there was a pretty decent art program here. "Well if you like, after school I can bring you to where the art club meets," Kyoya suggested hoping it would make Arisu happy. He thought it would be a good idea to involve her in a club of her choice that way he could devote time managing the host club while she was away doing something she liked and when she here, he could give her his full attention. "Classes are going to begin in about 45 minutes. Would you care to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea with me?" Kyoya offered hoping to ask her a few questions to get to know her better.


Rin made her way to the office and received her school schedule. She could not believe how fancy the whole school was. Rin didn't understand why Yuzuha was paying for her to attend school here. She knew that she was still high schooler, but why did Yuzuha pick her for this internship program. Rin did recall reading that Yuzuha was the type of person who had a reason for everything. Rin soon arrived in her homeroom and found her desk. To her surprise, there was already school supplies there for her. Maybe Yuzuha had this a little more planned out than she thought. Since school hadn't started yet, Rin pulled out a notebook and started to sketch a design for a dress.
Arisu looked towards him for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "That would be lovely actually. This place seems too chaotic to really find anything." With that she was just giving a small shrug before studying Kyoya for a moment in time. Tall, dark hair, rather handsome. God she could almost see her parents insisting that she marry him, or at least court him. Not that she was really looking for a relationship at all. She was distracted from her thoughts when he was commenting that classes were going to start in about forty-five minutes and he was asking if she would like to have a cup of tea with him. "I would love to." she spoke after a moment of thought. It wasn't going to hurt anything.
"Lovely," Kyoya replied back before taking Arisu's hand and leading her to a small table off to the side away from most of the customers. He pulled out a chair for Arisu and waited for her to sit down before pushing it in for her. "I'll be right back, my dear," Kyoya said as he excused himself to get a pot of tea and some cups for them to use. He came by shortly with everything they needed. After pulling two cups of tea, Kyoya sat down across from Arisu. "Arisu, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself if you don't mind," he asked a bit curious on what the young maiden would share with him.

(I'm going to skip doing my OC this post. I'm thinking of a way to get back on track with my character and Hikaru. I'll send you a message once I figure that out. I just have been so busy with work.)
Arisu looked towards Kyoya for a moment before she was following after him towards a table that seemed to be away from most of the people. That was perfectly fine with her. After that she was settling in the chair that he had pulled out for her and waite while he left to go and get a pot of tea and some cups. "Thank you." she spoke after a moment in time before she was studying him as he was suggesting that she tell him about herself. This had her speaking, "What is it you are wanting to know? I'm an only child, my parents are rather well known in particular my mother. If you haven't figured out yet, but I'm most definitely not like the normal female."
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