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You want what from me? (DBZ RP) (Sausage-sama x roseangelkoi)


Jun 9, 2018
Serenity Shields
19 years old (I'm thinking Trunk could be 20)
Serenity is smart, caring, always thinking of others, but can be strong willed when she believes in something. She does not like when others question her abilities. Serenity enjoys proving those people wrong.
Short Bio
Serenity grew up in a small family in the city. She has one older brother, father, and mother. Serenity was so excited and grateful for the opportunity to work at Capsule Corp especially for Bulma Briefs. Her main focus of study is the creation of energy and transportation. Serenity has been working to create a single source of energy that could power a whole city and the ability to transport items instantly. (Similar to Goku's instant transition, but with objects... note at this time Serenity didn't know about Goku and his abilities)
(So I'm going to make my character be normal around everyone except for Trunks. Serenity experiences new feelings around him that she has never had before. He makes her heart flutter and her cheeks turn red. She typically is shy around him even though she doesn't try to be. Trunks just seems to catch her off guard.)

Serenity could not believe that she had been accepted in such an elite program plus to have Bulma as a mentor was icing on the cake. She quickly followed the receptionist as she brought her to where Bulma was working. "Bulma, your new intern is here," the receptionist said after entering into a room with many machines and parts laying all over. Suddenly, a blue haired woman popped out from inside a capsule machine. "I'm glad to see you found the place okay. I hope the travel wasn't too far," Bulma said as she made her way out of the machine and towards Serenity. "No, not at all. I would have traveled anywhere for this opportunity," Serenity responded gratefully with a bit of nervousness in her voice. "Relax. You earned this, girl. I have never met anyone who has developed well thought out theories for instant transmission like you. It's an honor to be working with you," Bulma said noticing how nerves she seemed. 'Also seeing as how you never met Goku' she thought to herself. "Thank you. So what are you working on?" Serenity asked eager to get to work.


Her eyes narrowed as 18 read the letter she had received from a well-known private school in the area. She was reading over some of the requirements for admission to the school. 18 and Krillan were hoping that Maron could attend this school and receive a good education. Krillan had even been working extra hours at the police station to help pay for the school. 18 wanted to be a good mother and wife and handle the registration for the school. The one thing she was struggling to come up with is a letter of recommendation. 18 didn't know many people. Krillan and Maron where pretty much her whole world. "Mommy, mommy I want to go Turtle. I want him to swim in the ocean while I ride on his back," Maron shouted as she ran towards 18. A soft smile appeared on her face. "Sure, sweetie. Let me just pack a few things," 18 answered before heading inside.
“At the minute I’m working on some classified projects, really top level stuff a lot of them are personal projects, but do well on this energy one. And I’m sure you will be helping me out personally before long” Bulma replied giving her a cheeky smile not wanting to tease the poor girl too much. “Anyway I need to get going, your lab is here” Bulma said showing her a large room and handing her a blue pass. “If you need anything just phone security they can get it for you I have to run I have some meetings” Bulma said as she gave Serenity a thumbs up before having to depart.


Meanwhile at Kame house the turtle had already heard Marons please for a ride, and slowly crawled towards her so she could get on his back while 18 went inside. She would soon find Roshi staring at the TV watching some spy footage he had of Bulma getting changed, with a massive tent in his pants grinning like a madman. “Oh hey 18” he said with a big smile before going back to watch the television.
(Yes, you are fine controlling the other characters beside for my oc and 18.)

Serenity was a bit overwhelmed with receiving her own personal lab to work in. Plus the room seem almost larger than her family's house. After a taking a few minutes to settle in, Serenity decided to start working on a chamber that would hold the energy source since it will produce high levels of heat that normally cause metal to melt. She search through her new lab looking for all the materials she would need to get started.


18 narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms as she realize what the old man was doing. "I can't believe you don't get tired of watching this shit," she said before walking over to the window to glance out at Maron and Turtle as they played in the ocean close by shore. Looking at Maron, 18 was reminded of her task of finding a letter of recommendation. She glance back over at Master Roshi as an idea popped in her head. 18 realized that Master Roshi could write a letter of recommendation. He was probably one of the only other people in the world she knew beside her family. 18 walked over and stood in front of the TV. "Write Maron a letter of recommendation for school," she demanded.
As Serenity was busy getting acquainted with her lab, Bulma had left Capsule Corp for a meeting on the other side of the city. With her gone, 4 men in black masks decided now was the time they had been hired by a rival company to break in and steal some high tech equipment specifically from the Research and development labs in hopes of beating Capsule Corp in the market. "You ready?" one asked as the other nodded running for the front gate where they shot the security man dead, and proceeded to enter the building the screams of nearby staff accompanying them.


“Hmm I don’t know 18, too much work for me and I don’t give recommendations easily. When your husband wanted to train under me he had to bring me a hot girl” Roshi replied grinning as he looked at 18 with hungry eyes. “What can you do for me? And I don’t want some dirty magazines I want you 18” he said becoming even bolder as his erection became harder. "Come on I know its important to you" he said.
Serenity had been writing some formulas on the whiteboard when she heard the commotion. She glanced towards the doorway as her attention was directed away from her work. Upon hearing the gun shot, Serenity hurried over to the counter. She grabbed a couple of items before putting them in her pocket and hurrying down the hall. Unfortunately, Serenity was not familiar with the layout of Capsule Corp. She made a couple of wrong turns that cause her to run into one of the thieves.

18 was not surprised by Master Roshi's story or his request. However, she would have preferred to bring the old man some magazines. "If I bring you a hot girl, who is willing to spend some time with you, you will write the letter of recommendation for Maron," 18 responded as she ignored Master Roshi's comments about wanting her. She figured that he was just joking around. "Does that work for you?" 18 asked ready to leave to find this mystery girl. She figured she could find at least one girl willing to spend a few hours with an old man on Earth.
As the thieves walked through the halls of Capsule Corp, they quickly made their way to the research and development dome, killing anyone who tried to stop them or delayed them in anyway like a scientist who refused to open the door for them. Then they eventually ran into Serenity, as one of the burly men grabbed her by the wrist “open the door” he said not knowing the passcode.

“Not really 18 most girls leave whenever I manage to get them to stay with me” Roshi said rather depressed about the whole situation. “What about you, if you start dating me from now on I will write the stupid letter” Roshi said eyes hungrily staring at 18.
Serenity struggled to free herself as one of the men held her by the wrist. However, he was too strong for her. "Fine, but you need to release me. I need to hand scan," Serenity said lying to the thief. Since they didn't know better, the man let go of her wrist. Serenity walked over to the keypad as she slowly slipped her hand into her pocket. Luck was on her side, as an employee appeared down the hallway for a slip second to distract the men. Serenity pulled out a chemical spray and released in the face of the biggest thief. The gas quickly put the man to sleep causing him to fall backwards onto the other two thieves. While this was happening, Serenity quickly escaped down the hallway. The two other thieves followed quickly behind her once they pushed their sleeping partner to the side. She makes a quick left turn before dropping some powder on the ground. Serenity hurried down the hallway until she heard the sound of a gun being locked on her. "Stop right there and turn around slowly," one of the man shouted. Little did the thieves know, she had one more surprise up her sleeve. Serenity had a flare and a lighter in her hand. She quickly lite it with her back towards them. Serenity tossed it up in the air hoping to distract the men and her plan worked. The sprinkling system went on causing the powder on the floor to expand into this foam substance binding the men in place.


The way Roshi was looking at her caused a shiver to run down 18's spine. She had never felt a feeling like this before. 18 brushed it aside as she focused on her conversation with Roshi as she tried to reason with him. "What do you mean date you?," she said trying to figure out what Roshi really wanted from her. 18 wanted to make sure she had to do the least amount of work to receive that letter of recommendation from Master Roshi. She also felt uneasy about Roshi's request. 18 had genuine feelings for Krillan and they had a child together. However, Maron was her daughter and she wanted to provide the best life for her. "And for how long?" 18 said with a slight sigh since she couldn't believe she was thinking about going along with this.

(Sorry about writing so much for my character. I just wanted to skip ahead to when Trunks should probably arrive)
The man had no reason to doubt Serenity seeing as he had a gun and the others were armed as well, there was no way she would try anything stupid and most importantly dangerous. One of the thieves got distracted by another employee, and it wasn’t long before their entire plan went to shit. A mere 2 minutes after telling her to open the door, one of them was knocked out and the other two bound up in a sticky foam unable to move. Trunks soon arrived on the scene having got an alert from Capsule Corp security; ready with his sword he was shocked to find the thieves apprehended “how on earth?” he asked scratching his head.

“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean , I want you to be my girlfriend and cheat on my student like naughty housewife you are, we are going to do everything you would with a secret lover” Roshi said clearing up any doubts from 18 about what he wanted from her exactly.
Serenity was startled a bit when this blue hair man suddenly flew into the hallway, carrying a sword. "These men broke in here trying to get into Bulma's lab, but I knocked one out with sleeping gas and capture these two men using one of my inventions. It's a powder I created to help repair buildings in the town I grew up in," she explained to the familiar looking man. Serenity figured he had to be related to Bulma with that hair color. "I'm Serenity by the way. The new intern at Capsule Corp," she added introducing herself to him. Serenity could feel her cheeks starting to turn red as she stared at Trunks. She had never met someone as fit as him before.


18 knew she did not have much of a choice in the matter. It wasn't like she knew anyone else that could write a letter of recommendation for her. Especially since Master Roshi had won the World Martial Arts tournament in the past. 18 gritted her teeth before turning around and walking towards Master Roshi. She leaned down slowly to be eye level with him. "One week. I will play along and let you be my 'secret lover' and you will write me the letter of recommendation for Maron. Does that work for you?" 18 asked the old man.
Trunks looked over at Serenity, then back at immobilized thieves then back at her a few times, he could sense her Ki it was that of a normal human, not even a martial artist so there was no way she beat them and did this. She must have used her brains and that kind of turned Trunks on. “Well I’m Trunks, Trunks Briefs a pleasure to meet you “ he said extending his hand.

“Yes it does” Roshi said as she leaned down to accept, he grabbed her lapels of her shirt, and gave her an extremely sloppy kiss his tongue sliding over her lips before letting go. “Now my lover, go get changed into something sexy like you would for Krillin and come to my bedroom” Roshi said with an excited giggle hurrying to his room.

Serenity didn't response right away. Honestly, she couldn't pull her eyes off of Trunks as she bit her lower lip. Serenity couldn't deny the fact she found him attract. 'Come on Serenity. Pull yourself together,' she thought to herself trying to not embarrass herself in front of Trunks. Serenity open her mouth to response only to be cut off by some police officers entering the hallway. "Don't touch that fluff. Otherwise, you'll be stuck too. We need salt to stop the binding properties," she said as the officers tried to handcuff the thieves.


18 remained perfectly still as Roshi kissed her. Her thoughts were already racing with feelings of guilt and regret, but she knew Krillan wanted Maron to attend this school. "Fine, but let me bring Maron over to Chi Chi's," 18 said wanting to make sure Maron wouldn't be around to see her mother with Roshi. Also this way she could focus on making sure she had the upper hand here. 18 left the Kame house and told Maron to say bye to Turtles. Afterwards, she dropped Maron off with Chi Chi before making a quick stop at lingerie store before returning to Kame's house. "Old man, let's get this over with," 18 said as she arrived wearing a black dress, which had a slit that went up to her side.
Hmm I wonder when she started to work here, Mom didn't tell me about her Trunks thought to himself as he looked over Serenity as she informed the police officers they couldn't touch the strange substance. "It's okay I got this" he said trying to show off , as he grabbed the thieves by their collars careful not to touch the substance and pulled them out clean with his saiyan strength trying to show off a little to the girl next to him.

As she arrived in her lingerie Roshi instantly popped an erection, which was as clear as day for 18 considering he was lying naked on her bed she usually shared with Krillin. Despite his advanced age his cock was a wonder to behold, likely a wish from Shenron as it stood at 12 inches tall, and 3 inches thick two large balls dangling either side. "I want you to ravage me like you would Krillin, properly mind as if you love me or I won't do the letter" he said.
Serenity was taken back slightly when Trunks pulled the thieves out of the substance since she knew how strong it was. She couldn't help, but be turned on by his strength. After speaking with the officers for a bit, Bulma returned home to learn about break in. "See I knew I found a perfect intern. Serenity, why don't you stay for dinner," she suggested. "Yes, of course. I would love to," Serenity quickly replied.


18 clenched her hand together as she listen to Roshi's words. Her eyes kept scanning over his body a bit impressed by size and appearance. 18 slowly made her way over to Roshi. "Fine, but if we are doing this stop mentioning Krillan," she instructed before crashing her lips firmly against Roshi's. 18 hoovered above Roshi as she snaked her tongue inside Roshi's mouth. She used one hand to prop herself up while the other touched his chest. Her fingertips gliding down his chest.
At the Briefs household Trunks was a little surprised to see Bulma invite Serenity to stay for dinner, Bulma wasn’t the homely type like chichi. She preferred to order in food while she worked on her gadgets and inventions, the thought of a sit down with Serenity made Trunks blush a little at the possibilities where this could lead. “I’ll set the table mom” Trunks said giving the girl a smile as he went to get some knives and forks.

Roshi shivered as her fingertips glided down his bon chest, his tongue wrestling with 18s own as they kissed. His hands were busy themselves, one groping one of her breasts through her black bra, while the other slipped in under her underwear and was fingering her womanhood as he applied a little ki to his finger to make it crackle with electricity. "No you are a dirty cheating wife, you should be ashamed of yourself 18" Roshi teased as they broke the kiss, his cockhead poking into her stomach.
"Perfect. I'll go let the chefs know to prepare a little more food than usual," Bulma said before walking away with a sly smile on her face. Call it women's intuition, Bulma had sense a connection between Trunks and Serenity. Since she was curious to see how things would play out, she invited Serenity to stay for dinner. Serenity let out a small giggle as she saw how eager Trunks was to help set the dinner. "So how long have you been able to fly?" she asked him once Bulma had left the room. Serenity had never seen anyone fly in person before. She heard rumors of heroes like the Great Sayianman who could fly.


18 was not engaging with Roshi as he kissed her. She sort of remained still and allowed him to touch her as he wanted. 18 had planned to be like this until Roshi had enough. However, she quickly lost her poker face when she felt electricity pulse through her womanhood. A soft, long moan escaped 18's lips as she felt her body grow excited from the new feeling. She pushed Roshi's words aside as she started to grind against Roshi's fingers. 18 figured she might as well enjoyed this new feeling if she had to do this to get that letter of recommendation.
Trunks didn’t miss his mother’s actions, if she really wanted to inform the chefs of what the wanted she would have used the wristwatch to send them a text. No there was something very fishy going on here, and he had a feeling what as he was left alone with Serenity. “F-fly? What I guess since I got my first hover car if that is what you mean Serenity” Trunks said playing dumb at her question, no way she knew.

Roshi continued his perverse actions fingering his students wife for the next 5 minutes getting her nice and wet as they kissed before he stopped pulling his hand out. “And now 18 it’s your turn I want you to fuck me, like you would your husband but harder no condoms either” Roshi demanded his footlong member fully on display.
A slight pout appeared on Serenity's face from Trunk's response. "Alright, play dumb on me. All I know is one minute there was no one in the hallway with me and those thieves then out of nowhere you appeared. Also, you were able to lift those thieves out of that foam substance. No, normal human should have been able to do that," Serenity said hoping to get the truth out of him.


18 unintentionally let out a small whimper as Roshi pulled his hand away. Soon a slight frown appeared on her face from him stopping. 18 quickly shook away this feeling of disappointment since she knew she probably shouldn't be enjoying it this much. She listened to his next instruction as a frown appeared on her face. "I didn't agree to that. You need to wear a condom," 18 retorted back.
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