Viper's Character Journal


Night Viper

The Icy Femme Fatale

Name: Sara Irene
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Occupation: Mercenary/Assassin
Orientation: Unknown
Appearance: Standing at a solid 5'8 and combined with a very athletic and flexible frame, Sara is more suited towards being a gymnast then in her self proclaimed role as a Mercenary. Her crimson-white hair is always kept just above her shoulders, the colors accenting her green eyes. Her face and body bares several scars from assignments both new and old.

One scar runs just under her right eye, the second scar that she has runs just above her left eye, cutting her eyebrow and disappearing into her hairline. She does not like to be questioned about the scar above her eye and often hides it under a slouch hat. She also bears a scar on her right breast, from a time that she was nearly raped when things on base got out of hand.

Saraa usually wears a pair of black combat fatigues, tucked into black combat boots, with a tight-fitting black tee-shirt. Over this, she often has a bulletproof vest. This is hidden beneath a black leather duster, that also hide her weapons.

Armaments: Pistols: Beretta FS92 and M9A1, Rifle: PSG-1, Shotgun: 1301 Tactical

Personality: Sara is the embodiment of the perfect killer, cold and calculating... She shows no remorse to her enemies and even less to those that try to hold back on her payments. She will wait for days for the perfect chance to kill her target. To everyone who observes her, it is more like watching a machine go through it's paces, then a person working to complete a task.

History: Sara was born into a fairly large family. She grew up watching her mother and father work themselves to death to support their three children. She had made up her mind that she would not live like her mother and father, slaving away to make a living. But at the age of 18 a hard lesson hit home, no matter your social class.. Death always collects it's due. It was the night before her birthday and her sisters and mother had gone out to some food for the party, when a drunk driver ran a red light and slammed into their car. The wreck was so bad, that her youngest sister and mother were announced DOA by the EMT, her older sister had survived just long enough to be loaded into the Ambulance before dying on the way to the Hospital. When the news was broken to her and her father, she was thrown into such a deep depression that not even her father was able to pull her out of the darkness that she surrounded herself with.​
Her father who use to be such a strong man was reduced to a shell of his former self. He started drinking and would not even look his remaining daughter in the eye, as he blamed her the event. All respect she had for the man who had been her father was thrown out of the window. This continued until Sara turned 21, by then she had been expelled from college for fighting with other students. Opening the door to her home, the first scent that caught her nose was alcohol, as she moved further inside the house, she could hear her father sobbing followed by a click. Rushing to her father's room, she opened the door just in time to watch her father place the muzzle of a pistol against his head and pulled the trigger...Leaving her alone in life.

After her father's suicide, Sara used the money that was left to her to nearly destroy herself with drugs and alcohol. She was taken in by a couple who were nice to her and tried to set her on the right path, but the damage had already been done, they did however get Sara to stop with her drug and alcohol abuse. Seeing that their influence was having no effect on her path, they recommended the military to see if she wouldn't learn discipline there. But she refused this course of action until she thrown in jail for being part of a bar fight, where she refused to back down, even when the odds weren't in her favor, her will was too strong to be broken and yet, her desire to live seemed nonexistent. Once she released from police custody, From that point on she was required to speak with counselors and a therapist. After three longs years of this, Sara eventually returned to her former self, or as close as she could get. Once she was cleared by the counselors and therapist, she joined the military hoping to turn her life around.

At the age of 24,, Sara joined the Marines. In boot camp, Sara show a natural proficiency with small arms and hand-to-hand combat. After her training, she continued on to train as a combat engineer. She enjoyed learning everything that she could and when she was sent on her first deployment, she was excited to get away from all the grief that she had experienced at home and in the States.

As far as deployments went, Sara's wasn't very exciting. But that didn't really bother her. She did as she was told until one night...after a celebration that their deployment was coming to an end and they would be going home. A group of men got into a fight and instead of ignoring it, Sara joined in and embarrassed several of the men, to the point that they wanted to put her in her place. The men followed her and when she turned a corner, they rushed her. Intending to rape the woman, her memories from Six years ago rushed back to her and she fought as best she could. Not wanting to be embarrassed again, one of the men drew his side arm and shot Sara five time, three to the chest and twice in the head. Before the men could even register what had happened or what they had done, they found themselves under arrest.

For the first time in her life Sara was scared, that everything she had done in life was pointless after she found herself floating in the void. But when she was greeted by Death, who wished to strike a deal with the young woman. In exchange for her memories and emotions, he would grant her a new life and immortality. She took the deal without a second thought and became a hound for Death himself. When the corpsman came back for her body, they found no trace of her body except for the blood that had been left. Nobody in the base had seen anyone moving her body.

Seven years after her death and rebirth, Sara makes her living as an Assassin and does freelance mercenary work. She had learned from Death that she would regain her emotions only when one could draw them from the woman herself. During her Seven years as an immortal, Sara has stained her hands with the blood of thousands. Due to this fact, she has earned the nickname Lady Death...A name that even Death agrees fits the cold, unfeeling woman.
The Knight

Name: Sandra Ross
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Occupation: Knight
Orientation: Homosexual

Appearance: Standing at a solid 5'8, Sandra is very easy to spot in a crowd. Her silver hair falls down to the middle of her back, She usually keeps it in a braid, but when she allows it to fall freely she is given a silver mane. Presently only one of her eyes may be seen, due to an injury sustained in battle, Her eyes are the clearest blue that one could find. Her skin is not without flaws, as she had numerous scars from battles, including one that is forming over her eye. Her torso is covered by a blue tinted steel platemail, Around her neck and shoulders runs a trail of wolf's fur.

The gantlets of her armor do not connect with the body to allow her to keep her full range of motion. They were made in a staggered overlapping fashion to provide just that much more protection for her hands and arms. Moving down, around Sandra's waist is an armored belt that holds up several pieces of cloth to protect her modesty, hanging from the right side is even more wolf's fur. The greaves are made of steel and are not connected to the rest of the armor to continue allowing the range of motion.

Despite her thin frame, Sandra is capable of delivering truly shocking blows to foes that underestimate her. With her training has also come a great deal of flexibility, allowing her to dodge blows that would otherwise be impossible.

Armaments: Twin Spears- Sandra's weapon of choice. Her spears have been with her since she left her grandparent's village. With each battle and reforging they have become a part of her. While they are no longer the basic spears that she had begun her journey with, they are no less fatal as they are distracting.

Personality: Sandra is usually calm and collected. When she meets someone for the first time, she is usually very polite until she learns of the person's true self, in which she will either consider the person to be an enemy or ally depending of what is revealed. In battle, Sandra will not give up until she is completely exhausted. Her trust is not something that is earned easily and once it is lost, it is nearly impossible to regain. But when it comes to protecting someone, Sandra will put her body on the line, regardless of how unimportant the person may be.

History: Born to a noble family, Sandra eventually dreamed of living and fighting as a knight, but not if her parents had anything to say about it . At the age of 10, Sandra was going to be married to the first noble family that met all of their request, When she found out Sandra fought to escape her family and make a name for herself. Leaving her hometown, Sandra made her way to her grandparents who took her in. Her grandfather had been a knight and could see the determination and the heart behind her. She stood for everything that a Knight should, at least that is what her grandfather saw.

When her 11th birthday rolled around, Sandra had already started her on her path to knighthood. Everyone in her grandparent's village assisted her, through any means wither it included making training weapons and armor or helping her with the scholarly side of knighthood. Her abilities soon grew to surpass her grandfather's and even her father's. By the time she was 18, Sandra had become a knight for the village and during the celebration the villagers presented her with a set of twin spears and her very own armor. But the celebrations didn't last long as a band of knights rode into the village seeking her grandfather. They tried to persuade him to return to the king's service, but due to his age, he could not endure the travels anymore and gave his granddaughter the greatest recommendation that could be given.

When they saw that the old knight was not joking, they gave in and took Sandra with them. It was the beginning of her story and of her nightmare. Over the course of 6 years, Sandra had started to fight in countless battles and made a name for herself. But she also noted the way her fellow knights held themselves when no one was watching. She also noticed this with the soldiers of the army as well, so instead of remaining with them, Sandra left the service of the king and now travels the land protecting those who need to be protected and punishing the evil.
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