Butterfly's Requests - Romantic and Plot Heavy RPs


Jan 9, 2009
An Alternate Universe

Well, back into the request thread game I go!
For those that have not encountered me before, I like to keep things as organized as possible so for your convenience I have split my request thread into into a few sections over the next few posts:

-*- Turn On and Offs
-**- Developed Plots (Long Term)
-***- Extra Bits

But FIRST, a few IMPORTANT things about me to know before you continue onward:
- There will be times that I will encounter writers block on some of my topics but not necessarily all of them. Especially if I have a large number of topics running at the same time. Please to not it personal or start to hound me if I have to take a pause for a period of time on posting in a topic while still visiting the site.
- I only play m/f pairings (me being the female).
- I favor playing as SUB.
- I do NOT play or play opposite any character under the age of 18. Period.
- I LOVE an in depth plot and meaty characters. This is BIG deal for me.
- I only write in THREADS. No PMs. No Messengers.
- PLEASE do NOT message me with just a pairing you want and nothing more to work with. At least include some hint of a plot, PLEASE. I'm begging on this one.
- I will not respond to PMs from people that have clearly not read over this request thread because they ask for something I have said I will NOT do.

-*- Turn Ons and Offs -*-

My F-list profile HERE: F-list - Warning
BUT a quick list of the most critical turn on and offs on that list are as follows...

- Romance
- Bondage
- Being dominated
- Dressing up
- Blindfolds
- Fantasy setting
- Medieval-ish setting

- Incest
- Scat
- Furries
- Bestiality
- Public Humiliation
- Unrealistic altering of appearance (i.e. enlarging boobs five sizes with your mind)
- Using existing characters (i.e. "Wanna play the Buffy to my Angel?")

Favorite pairings that I enjoy or would like to try:
- Slave/Master
- Damsel in distress/hero
- Kidnapper/captive
- Invader/Prisoner of war
- Pirate/Maiden
- Princess/Knight

-**- Developed Plots -**-

Now, I know what you are thinking. "Butterfly, what do YOU consider to be a developed plot?" Well I'll tell you!
The topic's plot is mainly focused on the story of the characters and is enhanced by the kink and sex. But the plot always comes first.

With my Developed Plots, I like to make my RPs like I'm writing a story. I know it's not a style of RPing that's for everyone, but I have found a few people that like it just as much as I do. It's hard to find a good developed plot partner and that's what I am here for. As I said above, looking for someone that is not afraid of writing in small paragraphs at times and not just always one liner after one liner. Someone willing to dig a little deeper into the story of the characters not just have sex constantly. These kinds of plots have the potential to last a long time and incorporate multiple characters, plot twists, dramatic elements. I like to think of them as playing out a romance novel.

Writing Samples 1 - 2 - 3


Mythological Romance
(Based on the myth of the God Cupid/Eros and Psyche)
Psyche was said to be so beautiful that she rivaled the Goddess Aphrodite herself. Angered by this, Aphrodite sent her son Eros to put a curse Psyche into loving the most vile of creatures. But one look at her and Eros could not help but head over heals in love with her instead. Wanting her for his wife as well as to protect her from his jealous mother, Eros arranged for an oracle to tell Psyche's parents she was to await her monster of a husband at the top of a mountain. It is there that she is carried on the wind to Eros's palace. At first, she finds herself alone but when night falls, Psyche is visited by her husband, Eros. For fear of her falling in love with him for based only upon his godlike appearance rather then falling in love with the man he was inside, Eros forbid her to ever see his face. So by night, Psyche would only hear his loving voice as he would make passionate love to her. By the morning, he would be gone. How long can this last before curiosity pulls them apart?

A traveling show has come to town and it advertises itself as "The best puppet show on earth." but also "Men Only. No Women Allowed." They say that curiousity kills the cat. Advise one naive girl should have taken as she sneaks backstage to see just what is so very special about this puppet show. What she discovers is far beyond anything she could have imagined. The puppets are living, breathing humans who have been enchanted and enslaved by the shows powerful puppetmaster. Once he places a collar around your neck, you are fully under his command. The best puppet show on earth is a sex show as the imprisoned puppets perform for the paying male customers. One look at the girl that has stumbled into trouble, and puppet master he has to have her. In time, not only does he turn her into the star of his little show but he finds that for the first time, he might just be falling for someone and unlocking a piece of himself he didn't know he was missing.

The Road to Ever After
Being rescued from her tower prision by a handsome prince should have been her happy ending, but it was only the beginning of her dark fairy tale. In her eyes, her prince is perfect, but the truth is that he is not at all charming. She is blind to how he only saved her for the fame as well as the land it will bring him. All she can see is her happy ending. Until she is kidnapped by a tall, dark, and handsome villain, her prince charming's long time rival. He see's the princess as a way to torture the prince as he holds her captive in his fortress and his bed. The princess can't deny she is finding herself attracted to this dark captor in ways she did not find with her prince, yet still she fights it thinking her prince will come for her once again. But happens when the princess realizes her prince is the villain of her fairy tale and the man she thinks the villain may just be her one true love?

King of the Seas
Mutiny! Over the years, the pirate king has ruined the lives of many. Especially those that are closest to him. His first mate believes that it's time for a change. Once the power is in his hands however, what is he to do with the pirate king's most prized treasure? His beautiful and tempting daughter. Or could it be that she is the very reason he planned the mutiny in the first place? Can he uphold the reputation of "King of the Seas" and balance it with love?

It is the future and the gap between rich and poor has never been wider. The elite rich live in a glorious city above ground where they all romp and play their carefree days away. The poor workers that slave their own lives away to power this golden city live deep, deep below the earth's surface. When the son of one of the most powerful leaders in the great city by chance meets a daughter of the underground, he is captivated by her strong will and power to lead. It ends up drawing him deep into the underground to see the world as he never knew it to. Is everything he knows a lie? And what will he do when his father uses the very girl who has opened his eyes as a tool to control him? Will he risk loosing the girl who has captured his heart to liberate her people? Or will he fall in line to keep her safe and at his side?

From One God to Another
There is one Gods that is not only feared by mortals, but by others of his kind. Even though he has a harem of the most beautiful women and mythical creatures in the universe, none of them can please him. It is not until the God of desire brings him the ultimate gift that he finds what true passion and desire is. She is after all the lord of desire’s own daughter born of a nymph a very tempting combination that may make her the one and only being to ever satisfy him more than one time. In fact, is she enough to not only satisfy him for the rest of eternity but is she enough to win his heart as well?

Digital Eden
The world as we know it is dead. Humanity is near to the point of extinction but one computer company comes to the rescue, creating an entirely digital world for mankind to retreat into and live on. At first, everything seemed ideal in this place that could be changed for the users every desires but it has always been the programmers that were the true controllers of this world. Over time, the power of ultimate control turned some of the programmers power hungry. Untouchable, the programmers rose to the levels of the Gods of this digital world. Our heroine is one of Eden's high priced courtesans, a common partner among the elite. While she had seen programmers often from afar, she has never worked for one. Until tonight when she will learn just how a programmer can shatter all she knew about the world and joins him on an adventure of a lifetime.

Prince of the Forest
By day, the forest seems like a normal place, but when night falls, the wood comes alive with mythical, mysterious creatures who are ruled by the fairy king and his queen. Now it is time for their eldest son to rise to the thrown and become king, but he cannot do so without first choosing a queen to rule at his side. Every fairy, sprit, and nymph in the forest would gladly be his willing bride and submit to his every desire. All except the one, beautiful, headstrong nymph he wants. While he could choose another, the thrill of the hunt and the challenge to win her over it to tempting to pass up. He will stop at nothing to make her his. But in return she will stop and nothing to keep her freedom. Who will bet he first one to faulter?

Forgotten Memories
A beautiful woman is found in the aftermath of a terrible storm floating unconscious in the middle of the sea. When she is brought aboard, the captain and his crew find she has no memory of who she is or how she ended up on her own in the sea. With no past, no name, and only a few small hints to who she may be, the captain can't leave his little sea siren go on living not knowing. He vows to her he will help her find her memories. Of course they start to fall for one another, but once they start to hunt down her past and her memories return, will it bring them closer together or only tear them apart?

Remember Me
After her mother's death, Ella went mad and disappeared. At least that is what everyone in the household thinks. The truth is far different though. She is still there among them, but thanks to a curse placed upon her by her wicked stepmother, Ella is trapped the and appears all but invisible to everyone she meets. The moment anyone sets their eyes upon her, she is already forgotten. All they see is a simple servant now. The only way the curse can be lifted is for someone strong to spent a night with her and remember her the next day. For years she has tried and with every failure to be recognized by her bed mates the next morning, she loses more hope. That is until one day, the prince of the land stops to rest in the keep. She quickly losses her heart to him but will he be strong enough? Is he be the one she has waited for to release her from this curse? And for him, why does he always have the same wonderful dream of the perfect maiden sharing his bed with him whenever he visits the household? Is she real or just a dream?

Image Inspired

While you have seen that I had some image inspired things up in my plot list, I also have a LOT of other images I have found that I would love to attempt to build a plot around.
Deviantart Favorites: butterfly0408's DeviantArt favourites

If you see any image you find as appealing as I do, please contact me about cooking up a plot to match it here on Blue Moon. Ones that I have developed a plot for can be found from time to time above in the developed plots. Others I don't have anything but I would love to try and cook something up. When contacting me with an image inspired request, please link me to the image so I know which one you are talking about.
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