Fx Male Looking to write for some fun and good story!

Apr 1, 2012
Waiting to be amused.
Hello there, it’s been a long time since I’ve been back here and I’m looking to get some new stories on the way. To all those that I used to play with I’m sorry my life got very crazy and things just went to crap. Between divorce and all that fun stuff it’s certainly been a hard road. But things are back in order mostly with my life and I’m seeking to start roleplaying again. I have a few odd story ideas lately and I’m sure more will come. Everything from Fantasy, Slice of life, to the Taboo. My tastes range all over the place and I’m open to a lot. I will list my Off’s later in this as it isn’t a very long list and its normally what other people don’t like as well.

[size=10pt][size=12pt]About Good Ol’ Me.[/size]

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    Hello, its been a really long time since I've played on here. But I'm open to starting some new games. Here is a little about my and some ideas I've been tossing around in my head for awhile now.

    A little about the writer: Hello, I'm Love, you can call me Margo if you like everyone else does. I have been writing since I was 12, and let me tell you that was a long time ago. Nearly 16 years ago, back in the stone age of dial up internet and AOL chat rooms....god, kill me now...I'll be 28 this July. Anyhoo! I started writing and roleplaying then and its only grown to me writing as my passion and hobby, which I write my own short stories outside of roleplaying thread sites and hope to publish some day. But, for fun this is my outlet. I am a literate writer that can write up to and above five paragraphs per post normally way more. I am seeking someone of the same literate level and desire to write, thank you. Also, I am friendly and love to chat and get to know my writing partner on a easy friend level.

    A small list of On's.

    *Pregnancy- This needs some follow up because I know a lot of people are not accepting of this kink, which is fine. But, I do like it to play some part in the story as it not something I partake of in real life. All my story ideas can be made to feature this, or not feature it, its not a big deal to me! Thank you.

    *Non/con or starting Non/con- Moments in which a man who is normal shy or quiet (those book-worm types) show someone who's boss. You know what they say about the quiet ones.

    *Good writing! I like someone who can challenge me in my writing!

    *Incest! Mostly cousins or brother and sister.

    *Sexual Play- Rough, hair pulling, choking, mouth fucking, ass fucking, pussy fucking or even something more calm and vanilla, all those things appeal to me. There is little I will say no to.

    A small list of Off's

    *No potty play, I don't wanna play with shit or piss thank you.

    *No furries.

    *No anime.

    Really...that's about it.....


    These range from romantic and vanilla to darker with more taboo things. Please remember you can take anything you like from the story and talk with me about it! I'm open to talk about my ideas to make it both our ideas!


    Plot Bunny- On a Cold Winter's Day

    He was what his family would consider and loser. He wasn't a lawyer or the owner of a company just like the rest of the men in his family. He had taken a more quiet lifestyle to being a artist, and it paid. His paintings went for lots of money, but it was something his family still frowned on. But, it made him happy. There was something else in life that made him very happy...his older sister. Who had grown into being a model and dancing at many high edge clubs in the city. His sister was beautiful in all the sense of the words, no one could compare to her in his mind. He had been touching himself to the thought of her since he was just a boy. Both of them hardly see each other anymore as they are both busy with their adult lives. But, over the Christmas holiday they come home to spend it with family. His sister is recently broken up with and seeking out home comforts. While her parents are out the house to go pick up their grandparents from the airport, she gets more than she bargained for in regards to “comforts” as her brother finally snaps and needs to get what he's thought of all his life.

    Plot Bunny-Those Family Secrets

    Second idea for this storyline to add in incest and impregnation.

    Story base is the same, a young girl lives with her mildly crazy mother who is a religious nut. But this time, the girls aunt, the crazy mothers sister is in need of a place to stay as she is running from ab abusive home life with her son who is about two years older than the young girl.

    After some begging the girls mother let's her sister and her son move in to their house till they can get a place of their own. But the cousin is more worldly than the girl and finds her very attractive and intriguing due to her timid nature. And they begin to mess around. But they dont know the secret their family kept.

    The boy is the first child the religious mother gave away to her sister. They arent cousins, they are brother and sister.

    Young Girl-

    Young Boy (2 years older) -


    Plot Bunny-A city that is nearly literally ran on the crime syndicate that holds a grip on the community is astonished to learn that their "assumed" mob boss leader and under the guise of an out standing community, is gunned down in his beautiful home. His wife is murdered along with him. The only living relation is their daughter, a high school girl. She knows about her family business and had even been mildly trained by her father. But, she never thought she would have to step in so early in life. I'm open to discussing who my partners character would be, give me ideas.
    Just not someone to much older than her, I'm not big on big age play.

    Plot Bunny- 80 stories up.
    A young man is looking to escape his family tree. All the men in his family had worked for the local cities mob as hitmen, and they were very good at their jobs. Till his father turned vigilante. Using his skills against the mob that had employed him. But, his son was looking to escape that life even though he was very skilled himself and after his fathers passing he thought he could get away with just being normal. Happy, he gets a new apartment in the city from the newest built apartment complex and moves in with his girlfriend. Only to learn the place was built by, ran by, and all the way owned by, the mob bosses daughter. A girl he knew growing up as the main hitman's son. She sees him while he is out on his balcony and she is in the apartment one over to check on something. They meet eyes, and she smiles at him.

    Those are just some of my ideas, I have more stirring around in my head but I have yet to flesh out so I will be adding more soon. I will be adding a brother and sister story, or even cousins set around Christmas or thanksgiving which is something I really enjoy. But I’ve yet to fully flesh it out.

    If any of these idea’s appeal to you please let me know, if you have some ideas, I’m open to hear them.
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