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The Real Power of Love (GuardianAngel x Roseangelkoi)


Jun 9, 2018

After the guys turned 18, they stop using their power to prevent themselves from aging. They still have a strange feeling that Chase isn't completely gone and they are right. After 5 years of waiting, healing, and regaining his powers, Chase has found a way to prevent the aging curse when using his powers. According to an old text, the Sons of Iswpich fell into this curse due to one of the brothers crushing the heart of one of the Element Sisters. The only way to stop the aging is to get one of the Element Sisters to fall in love with them.

~Character Templates~

Sons of Ispwich

Element Girls
Short Bio:

Chase Collins
Any Takers

Serenity Knight
Reid Garwin
Short Bio:
When Serenity turned 13 years old, her powers started to surface. Before this, her mother kept the true about her family ancestors. This is when she learned she was one of the Element Sisters. Serenity at first dislike her powers and refused to accept them. However, this lead to uncontrol rain/storms and tsunamis. When she realized this, Serenity started to learn how to control and master her powers.
Name: Reid Darwin
Age: 22
Crush: Serenity Knight

Name: Ravyn Winters
Age: 24
Element: Darkness
Crush: Chase Collins
Short Bio: Ravyn, birth name being Natalia before she changed it, was born to a pair of drug addicts. Her childhood was full of abuse and neglect, which is why she has been so independent. She had to take care of herself all the time growing up. High school she was the outcast, keeping more to herself and being different with her lolita and gothic like clothing. At eighteen she was sexually assaulted, and going to her parents they only told her that she had it coming, that if she stopped dressing like a slut it wouldn't have happened. This is about when Ravyn tried to commit suicide for the first time....and probably would have succeeded had Chase not shown up. Since then she has been helping him, at least for a number of years. Soon after she turned twenty-three she left for a while, and is just now returning to be at Chase's side.
Hair is long, falling to the middle of her back and she has green eyes.
(Alright, I'll just setup basic location for these characters to begin. I figure we could roleplay the other characters when needed)

Serenity swirled her straw around in her empty glass as she waited for the bartender to come back and refill her drink. She had been hanging out in this town for the last couple of days. Her powers had lead her for some reason. After visiting the 'visitor center' yesterday, Serenity had learned that this was location for one of the original colonies. If she remembered her mother's stories correct, her family was part of the first settlement here until the Salem witch trials and that's when her family had to flee to the West. Serenity glanced around 'Nicky's' noting the various ages of people in this bar. She figured this was one of the only places to hang out in this small town for fun. "Maybe I should just go back to my room and read that book some more," Serenity muttered to herself. (She had a room at a local hotel)


Chase paced around the small apartment as he tried to translate the ancient text he had in his hand. He had been repeating the same phrase over and over again. Chase had been working on some powerful ancient spells that hadn't been used for many, many years. "Damn it," Chase cursed before throwing the book against the wall. He left the book on the ground as he headed to the kitchen. Chase opened the fridge and grabbed a drink. After taking a few drinks, he glanced over at the clock and realized that four hours had already passed. However, this really didn't phase Chase since he was waiting for Ravyn to return to the apartment.
A year ago the female that Chase happened to be waiting for had decided that she was going to leave, to travel and learn. Although now she was arriving back in town, but only for one reason. And that was for Chase. Nothing else and nobody else mattered to the red haired female, except for that one person. He was the one who had saved her life so many years ago, and after a while of being around him....she had fallen in love with him. Who knew if he felt the same way. He was usually busy plotting against the Sons of Ipswich, but there wasn't much that she could do about that. Other than help him. Ravyn was looking down at her phone for a brief moment before she was walking up to the room that the male had mentioned in his text message. With that she was giving a knock on the door before she was pushing it open and standing in the doorway, soon after he had taken to throwing the book. "You know.... you really shouldn't throw books. You could ruin them." she cooed as she was sweeping into the room and snagging up the book.


While Serenity was sitting at Nicky's so was one of the Sons of Ipswich, Reid Garwin. Since the age of eighteen the guys had been aging since one of the others had taken to hurting one of the Element Sisters at that time. And with that happening they had all paid the price for it. On top of it, the others had the feeling that Chase was still around which was only going to prove problematic that was for sure. His eyes did go towards a female that was at the bar before he was getting up and sauntering over. She was new, he had never seen her before, mind as well greet her so that she didn't feel so lonely.
A smirk appeared on Chase's face as he heard Ravyn's voice. He set his drink down on the counter before turning to face the red haired woman. "Not when you have powers like me," Chase said before his eyes turned black for a moment. He used his powers to fix the binding that had been slightly ruined by his anger. Chase then walked over and grabbed the book from Ravyn's hand. "I see you found the apartment. Did you run into any other problems?" Chase asked as he walked over to place the book on the table. He had sent out Ravyn to see if she could find where the Sons of Ipswich were staying since he knew he had to keep a lower profile for himself.


Serenity was deep in thought when she sense someone sitting down next to her. She glanced over to the side to see a blonde haired man had taken the seat next to her. By first look, he seemed like a bad boy who is probably full of himself. However, Serenity could sense that there was something different about this guy. He didn't seem normal and she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She decided it was best to be alert around this male. Finally, the bartender had appeared in front of Serenity. "I'll take another," she told the bartender, who nodded his head before grabbing her glass. He started to mix up her favorite drink, captain and root beer.
Ravyn looked towards him before she spoke, "I suppose so. As for running into problems.... the only thing I ran into was my parents. That wasn't very fun at all." With that she was rolling her eyes a bit before she was moving closer to him and wrapping her arms around him in a hug, giving him a kiss on the cheek. After that she was drawing away and walking a few steps away before she spoke, "The Sons of Ipswich never left where they had been from five years ago. But.... they cursed themselves. One of them hurt one of my fellow sisters." A faint smirk played at her lips before she was giving a small shrug and taking off her jacket, tossing it over the back of one of the chairs. This revealed various scars on her arms, and on her right arm was gauze from where she had managed to cut herself on a piece of glass. That had been a total accident.

Reid looked towards her for a moment in time before he spoke, "Welcome to our lovely little town. I'm Reid. I've never seen you before. You must be new to this town?" With that he was brushing some of his blonde hair out of his face and asking the bartender for a drink. Bartender's choice, he really didn't care at that point in time. Hell if he needed a ride all he had to do was call up one of the other guys to come and get him.
Chase could himself clench his teeth together as Ravyn mentioned seeing her parents. If she would allow it, he would have killed them without a second thought duet to their treatment of Ravyn. However, Chase's focus quickly changed to the Sons as Ipswich when Ravyn started filling him in on what she had discovered. He couldn't help, but smirk at the boys' misfortune about getting cursed. This was going to be too easy for him. Chase could probably just force the boys to use their powers until they bodies completely wear down. He was pulled out of his train of thought when he noticed the gauze on Ravyn's arm. Chase walked over to Ravyn and grabbed her right wrist. "What happened?" he asked in a worried tone as he turned her arm to reveal the gauze.


Serenity let out a small sigh as she heard him talking to her. She debated for a moment if she should use her powers to spill water on him so he would leave her alone. Serenity figured against it for two reason. One, there was something strange about this boy and two, there was nothing else to do in this town. "I'm Serenity," she answered as she turned towards him slight. At least point, Serenity was able to get a better look at him. She could feel her heart starting to race a bit. Serenity wasn't expecting him to be so handsome. "And yeah I'm new here. That's not a hard mystery to solve in this small town," Serenity responded.
Ravyn could see the smirk on his lips which had her giving a faint smile as well. Although it wasn't long before he was grabbing her wrist and was asking what had happened. "I cut my arm on some glass. No need to worry, love." With that she was learning forward and giving him a kiss on the cheek before she was commenting that she was going to borrow his shower. "Unless you want to join me." she spoke in a teasing, playful voice. Hey if he really wanted to shower with her, she wouldn't care at all.

Reid just looked at her for a moment in time before he spoke, "Serenity.... a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He was taking his drink from the bartender as well before taking a swig of it, deciding to take a seat on the stool next to Serenity instead of standing the entire time.
Chase was a bit skeptical of Ravyn's response. He trusted her, but at the same time he wanted to protect her and make sure she was never harmed again. Chase put all his thoughts on hold when he heard Ravyn's proposal. "You don't have to ask me, just tell me," he said as he removed his shirt before walk over to Ravyn. Chase placed a hand on the side of her face as he leaned in for a deep kiss. He wrapped an arm around her waist before walking backwards into the bathroom to take a shower together.


Serenity knew that this guy Reid wasn't planning on leaving any time soon as he sat down next to her. "So here's the deal, if you want me to stay I suggest you cut it with the corny pickup lanes, you could use on any bimbo with half a brain. I'm a smart, intelligent woman and as such I can see you have a dark side to you," she said before a smirk appeared on her face. She turned her head away from Reid to take a drink. Serenity waited to see on the blonde was going to respond. She figured she meant as well mess with him to see if he was worth her time or just a normal creep in the bar trying to pick up a girl.
Ravyn looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "You have that look like you don't believe me. It is the truth, despite how I myself wanted to do something." With that she was giving him a kiss back before she was following after him into the bathroom. And of course she was going to ask, it was his apartment, she was just a visitor at the time. "And of course I'm going to ask. It is your apartment. I'm just visiting." she commented after a moment in time, and she was pushing the bathroom door closed behind her with her foot.


Reid looked towards her before he chuckled and spoke, "Ah but doesn't everybody have a dark side to them. And who says I'm using a pick-up line and not just being polite." With that he was taking a swig from his drink and brushing some strands of blonde hair from his face. It wasn't long before he was glancing at his phone to see that he had a message from Caleb. Another Son of Ispwich, and a close friend of Reid's.
Chase pressed his lips firmly against Ravyn as he felt her womanly body against his. He reluctantly pulled away from the kiss before staring into Ravyn's green eyes for a moment. Without losing eye contact with Ravyn, Chase reached to the side of him and opened the shower door. He moved his hand to the shower wall as he felt for the handle for the shower. "Let me help you remove your clothes," Chase said with a sly grin as he turned the water on. His hands quickly found their way to the bottom of Ravyn's shirt.


A grin formed against the glass as Serenity finished taken a drink. She had to admit that she was rather intrigued by Reid's response. Serenity was impressed he held his own without becoming a cocky prick. She glanced down at Reid's phone as he pulls it out. "Did you just get a message from your girlfriend?" Serenity teased as she saw the text message icon pop up on Reid's screen. She glanced back at Reid's face. This time taking a moment to study her new companion's face.
Ravyn looked towards him for a brief moment in time before she cooed, "You are being a pervert." Her tone was joking of course, otherwise she probably would have stopped him when his hands traveled down to the hem of her shirt. With that she was moving a bit and raising her arms up over her head so that he could pull her top off if he so wished.

Reid looked towards her for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "No girlfriend. A friend was asking where I was at. Getting together with a few guys later." It wasn't a lie. He was getting together with Caleb, Tyler, and Pouge later on, guess they needed to discuss the situation at hand.
He let out a small chuckle at her joke. "I think you enjoy my perverted side," Chase said as he lifted her shirt up and over her head. He placed his hands above her pants before slowly gliding his fingertips up along her sides until they reach the side of her bra. Using the bottom of the bra as a guide, his fingers made their way behind Ravyn to unhook her bra. The last bit of clothing on her upper half that was preventing him from seeing Ravyn's body.


Serenity could feel a bit of relief wash over her as she heard the blonde man did not have a girlfriend. She wasn't sure why, but at least she knew he wasn't taken. "I see so does that mean you are going to leave me here alone to endure the boredness by myself," Serenity said teasing Reid a bit since she didn't want to get in the way of his plans for the night.
Reid looked towards her before he was speaking, "Nah not meeting up with them until later. One of the guys is working, and doesn't get done until later." With that he was taking another drink from his cup before talking to the bartender about ordering some food as well. It was a place that sold food as well, thankfully. He was starving.


Ravyn looked towards him before she spoke, "And what gives you that idea." With that she was giving a playful grin and was sliding her bra off after he had unhooked it, tossing it away from her. Now she just stood there in her short shorts, and a black lace thong under that. With that she was actually moving closer to him and grabbing the bottom of his shirt. "My turn to help you." she cooed.
"Luck me," Serenity responded back a bit relieved she wasn't going to be left alone. Even though she just met Reid, she felt comfortable around him. As Reid ordered some food, Serenity added French fries to the order for herself. "So there anything else fun or interesting to do in this town? Nicky's can't be the only place to go," she asked as soon as the food arrived. Serenity figured he looked like the type of guy who enjoyed an adventure.


"Alright", Chase responded with a chuckle as he feels her hands on the bottom of his shirt. He remained still as his shirt was removed from his body. Chase kept his eyes locked on Ravyn the whole time. Taking in her beauty, as she stood their half naked already. His eyes were lusting to see more of her. Chase undid his pants, but left them open revealing his boxers before his hands started to pull down Ravyn's short shorts and black lace thong with one motion.
Ravyn took off his shirt although it wasn't long before he was undoing his pants, and took to pulling down her shorts and panties. She could feel them drop down to her ankles which had her stepping out of them and kicking them away before she was returning the favor, pushing down his jeans and boxers. "I missed you while I was gone. A lot." she spoke in a soft voice after a moment in time, after the rest of his clothing dropped down around his ankles. No need to worry about socks on her end, she had taken those off earlier when she had taken off her boots.

Reid gave a faint chuckle before he spoke, "Nah this is kind of a boring town, not going to lie. Usually I'm pretty busy with my guy friends, and going to college." Oh yeah there was a college in that town, well more on the outskirts of it, and it was pretty popular. Reid and all of the guys were on the swim team at the college as well, well Caleb had been but he ended up dropping out after an incident. He had briefly blacked out while swimming, thankfully it was during practice and there were others around, but still. He decided it would be safer to not be apart of the swim team, figuring it had something to do with the current situation at hand.
"Not as much as me," Chase replied back as he moved her hand around his neck before grabbing the back of her thighs and lifting her up against his chest. His manhood pressing against her bottom as he crashed his lips against hers in another heated kiss. Chase had truly missed this feeling of closeness with Ravyn. Her skin touching his as he worshipped every bit of her. Chase knew it was thanks to Ravyn that he could continue using his powers. However, he also felt a deeper connection with her. Soon Chase carried Ravyn to the shower and carefully stepped inside. The warm water started to hit their bodies.


Serenity dipped a couple of fries in ketchup as she listened to Reid's response. She wasn't surprised to learn there was not much more to do in this town. Serenity was not sure why she was experiencing this connection with this place. She could feel this connection growing stronger as she sat with Reid talking with him. "So tell me about your guy friends. You must be pretty close since you can't seemed to stop mentioning them while talking to a pretty girl like me," Serenity teased before taking another drink. Hoping that getting to know Reid a bit more would help explain this feeling she had around him.
Ravyn looked towards him before she cooed, "That is good, I was concerned that you would have found somebody else." It wasn't long before he was lifting her against his chest, and she could feel is manhood pressing against her. Not that it bothered her at all, honestly she could already tell that they were probably going to end up having sex in the shower. With that she was wrapping her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her into the shower, the warm water falling across her skin.

"We've been friends for a long while. Caleb, Pouge, and Tyler. We are all on the swim team together, and have been together through thick and thin. Supported each other through break ups, and other issues." Reid spoke before he was thanking the bartender as he brought his burger over, and was picking it up, taking a bite out of it. Man the burger was delcious, and he was happy to eat that point in time.
Chase was lost in Ravyn's eyes since he couldn't stop himself from looking into them. He pressed her back against the cold shower wall. Chase wrapped one arm around Ravyn's lower half to keep her in place while his other hand traveled to her face. His fingertips brushed along her neck to the back of her head as he pulled her into a kiss. Chase was gentle at first as he pressed his lips against her before forcing his tongue inside of her mouth. Soon he pulled away from the kiss before placing her feet on the shower floor. "You are the only person I want," Chase said wanting to reassure her how much she meant to him.


As Serenity listened to Reid's answer, she couldn't help, but feel a bit jealous of their friendship. She had always wanted friends like that in life, but unfortunately, she was picked on growing up. Plus developing these powers didn't help. "So if you have been here a long time, do you know the history of the town?" Serenity asked wanting to know if there was a reason her senses had lead her here. Before Reid could answer her question, they were interrupted by a group of three guys. One of them sat down on the other side of Serenity. "Hello pretty young lady, do you need do you need rescuing from that loser over there?" Aaron asked looking directly down at Serenity, completely ignoring Reid with a smudge smile on his face.
Ravyn looked towards Chase for a brief moment in time before she was kissing him back, and allowing him to slide his tongue into her mouth. No she savored his touch for a brief moment in time, at least until he was letting her go so that they could shower. With that she was looking at him for a moment in time, before she was giving a soft smile. "I suppose that you'll have to prove that." she teased him after a moment in time before she was stepping under the water, and getting her hair wet.


Reid looked at her for a moment in time before he was giving a nod of his head although before he could really answer anything, Aaron and his loser friends were venturing over to flirt with Serenity. Go figure they would do that something like that. With that he was looking at his phone to see another message from Caleb stating that he was coming down with Tyler now, so they could hang while waiting for Pouge. "Who's the loser?" Reid mumbled although not that any of the guys would know, the small magic that he was casting. See how they liked the random voice change when they tried talking again. A little more high pitched, almost child like. Annoying child in specific.
Chase let out a small chuckle at her words. He had to admit that Ravyn kept him on his toes and he enjoyed it. She was definitely a special woman to him. Chase watched Ravyn get her hair wet as he waited for his turn to use the water. His mind started to wonder a bit thinking about the Ispwich boys. He couldn't wait to get rid of them so his focus could be on Ravyn. After all, she had saved his life and through her he was allowed to use his powers to the fullest. "So after we done showering, do you want to eat or just skip to dessert," Chase asked with a sly smile on his face.


Serenity rolled her eyes at the Alpha male's poor efforts to get her attention. She did not understand why his goon squad had to come over with him. "If I did need rescuing, I could handle it myself," Serenity spat back not impressed by Aaron. "Feisty. I like that," he responded back, but his voice seemed a bit higher than usual. Aaron cleared his throat before motioning at the bartender for a drink. "And I'll like you to leave our conversation," Serenity said not happy with the interruption. "I can promise you a better time if you come with me," Aaron said with his voice changing again. This caused a small giggle to escape Serenity's lips. After receiving his drink, he quickly took a drink thinking some throat was dry causing the weird change in his voice. Serenity took this opportunity to use her powers. She control the liquid in his drink to dump all the way out and onto his pants causing Serenity to start to laugh.
Ravyn looked towards him for a moment before she was drawing him forward so that he could use the water after she had finished rinsing the shampoo out of her hair. With that she was looking at him when he was asking if she wanted to eat or just skip to dessert. That sly smile on his face had her giving a faint head shake, but there was a smile on her lips. How she loved this man, had since day one of meeting him. Even if for the longest while they were constantly butting heads. But he had saved her, and she had saved him. "Considering I ate on my way here, I'm not overly hungry right now." she cooed after a moment in time. "At least not for food food. I would totally be okay with dessert." she almost purred.


Reid just gave a faint grin as he watched what was going at that point in time, although there was the laughter from not only Serenity but a number of other people that were around at his sudden high pitched voice. And the man seemed to think that it was just because he had a dry throat, which made it all the more entertaining. The best part was when his drink seemed to spill all over his pants, which had Reid laughing aloud as well. One of his goons actually made the comment that he pissed himself or something.
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