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The Lady of Honnoji Academy and her Would-Be Suitor (Matttheman89 & Garnet)

Jun 12, 2017
While it was true that he was often relaxed, laid back, and even a little cocky at times, at the moment Uzu Sanageyama was completely focused on the elegant, yet fiercely beautiful young woman standing before him. Shinai in hand, he stared Lady Satsuki down - trying not to make it too obvious that he was also roaming her figure with his eyes - and took up a fighting stance.

"Ready whenever you are, Lady Satsuki!" he called, feeling a little tense but also excited at the same time. He was always eager to put his skills to the test, but against Satsuki...well...often times the test was simply how long he could stay on his feet. He was ready to prove himself this time though, and planned on showing her what he was capable of.

Perhaps then she would regard him more favorably? As beautiful and as powerful as she was, he knew only someone special would catch her attention, and he planned on being that special someone. And what better way to catch her attention than through a demonstration of his abilities?

To that end, once she had given him leave to begin, Uzu charged forward with his wooden sword raised, poised to strike once he was within striking distance, and lashed out in an attempt to hit her in the side.
Satsuki Kiryuin wasn't a woman who could be taken lightly. She had devoted her life to a singular mission and surrounded herself only with people who could match at least some of her resolve. One of those privileged few was deceptively...loud. Uzu Sanageyama, a wild former thug from enemy Kanto who had gained her respect since their first battle all those years ago. She had seen potential in him and her intuition had been dead n the mark when he rose to become part of her inner circle.

The dark haired woman was dressed in her usual training clothes, a white hakama, as she held Bakuzan in its sheath. Unleashing her blade would give her an unfair advantage against his shinai. She allowed a slight smile to cross her face as he gave her that usual smug grin. Normally over confidence irritated the young woman, however in Uzu's case it was far from misplaced.

"Very well. Come!" she said with a smile tugging at her lips. When he came in range, that hint of a grin was instantly erased as she dodged his sword with a quick few steps. She watched him closely and parried with her sword before taking a sharp step forward to strike his head. Uzu was one of the few who's swordsmanship she respected although that raised her expectations for him higher than most of her subordinates.
Practically quicker than could be believed, Lady Satsuki had danced out of the way of Uzu's attack, dodging it with a sort of lithe grace and smoothness that only she seemed to possess, and struck back with an attack of her own. Having been on the receiving end of such a blow many times before, he knew just what sort of damage she could do even with her sword safely tucked away in it's sheath, and quickly raised his guard to defend himself from her strike.

Feeling the reverb of the blade on blade collision jolt it's way down his arms, Uzu pushed against Satsuki's sheathed sword with a familiar smirk of confidence on his face, feeling the adrenaline of the fight coursing through his veins. Nothing got him as excited as fighting against Lady Satsuki...even if the fights were usually one-sided and rather painful on his end. "What do you say, Lady Satsuki? Feel like upping the ante, this time?" he asked, knowing he might have been pushing his luck but unable to help himself.

"What do you say, if I win, you give me a reward?" he continued, pushing her back with all his might, and swinging his sword down in the hopes of striking her while she was off-balance.
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