Fx M or F Take a Closer Look (Links NSFW)


Fucking little Gorgeous Goddess
Jan 30, 2012
Vaucluse, SC
Hello, and Welcome to my request thread!

In the interests of not wasting your time, we’ll get a few things out of the way right off the bat.

  1. I am an intelligent, passionate, strong willed woman that enjoys partners that are Dominant in nature (i.e. confident, capable, strong willed, ambitious, etc), can take everything I can dish out, and give as good as they get. I crave personalities that can handle the fact that, while I enjoy the submissive headspace from time to time, this isn't always about "Dom and Sub." I know it's a primary theme here on BM, but it is not the only theme.
  2. While smut is part of the plot, it can’t be the only plot. I need more than that to stay interested in the characters and their dynamic and development. This means I am prone to in-depth character creation and writing, and I welcome and enjoy your input, and sharing the creative process. Intellectual stimulation is just as important as the sensual stimulation (if not more so) and I want to know the thoughts, emotions, and motivations of your character. If you have a smut-only RP in mind, I'll hear you out, but I make no promises.
  3. I am not a fickle, or stickly writer. I expect and appreciate being surprised by your writing taking a direction I didn’t predict. Enjoying what you write is as much a part of the fun as writing, and if you spoil the fun by asking to do something, that just ruins it all. Everything, even the base plot, can be changed or adjusted as we go along, so please don’t be afraid to write freely. (And, if you are one of those individuals that needs me to ask before my character can smack yours on the butt… we won’t get along well.)
  4. I feel the quality of my writing, and my ability to keep true to the character both suffer under the pressure to push out a multitude of posts each day. Therefore, I try to take at least a day between reading and posting, and I do not expect you to post any faster than you have time for, and ability to, as well. I would rather neither of us get stressed or overwhelmed, and enjoy the process of seeing what happens, and where the story goes, so I will not be posting a reply the same day you do, and I will not reply more than once a day.
  5. I play by forum post, not email, yahoo, discord, never by text, and very rarely by pm. It’s the format I prefer, and I rarely make exceptions. I do however like to keep in touch by pm, particularly if there is a delay in posting due to real life getting in the way. The forum is where the writing goes, and healthy pm communication is where the background plot-work and planning will take place.

(The following plots can be all can be either FxM or FxF., andplayed out as "light" or "dark" as we would like to take them. Please see Noncon disclaimer at bottom of post for details.)

Dramatic/Romantic Plots:
The Courtesan:

Never fall in love with a woman who sells herself, her love is for the highest bidder, and the jealousy will drive you mad. It is a simple idea that can be played in a number of ways. It's her job to make you believe the lie, whatever lie it is you want to hear her whisper into your ear at night, but what happens when the curtain is pulled back and you see the evil truth for what it really is? Set up to be a dark romance, the genre and scope are open to discussion. From modern to historical or fantasy, and from the scope of just the pair, or to side characters and additional players, it is all open to creative collaboration.

The Arrangement:

Neither of them wanted to be there, but they were there, and nothing could get them out. On the surface, it’s simple – two nations (gangs, organizations, families etc.) have been at war (in conflict, in competition, blood feud, etc.) with each other for generations. Recent circumstances (lack of manpower or resources, a bigger outside threat, a change in power structure, etc.) demand an end to hostilities in order for both sides of the struggle to survive. This can be formulated several ways - from fantasy to modern realistic, to sci-fi - around the core ideal of an arranged marriage between YC (heir, or new head of nation/family, etc.) and MC (female lead/heir of nation/family, etc.). This centers around my favorite Kink, which is the power struggle between two intelligent, and dominate personality types. So long as that core aspect is upheld, the details of The Arrangement are up for creative collaboration.

Daddy's Home:

The cruel phrase that crossed your lips made my skin crawl and my blood boil. I thought I had left you behind. Once upon a time, I might have called you anything you told me to, Master, Sir, and yes, Daddy. I had been entirely your creature, your little play thing, and when I had wised up to that fact, it had made me sick. So I ran. I left the US, migrated to England, found a man, fell in love, got married, and took control of my life. Now, I'm holding a pie for the new neighbor that had just moved in next and that smooth, familiar voice from my nightmares welcome's me as the door opens. Instincts and needs I thought I had long since forced out of my mind come back so quickly that my knees shake. The monster I ran from has found me, and it still thinks I belong to it.

The Arts of Seduction:

I'm the maid of honor, I don't have the option of not going to my best friend's wedding. The problem is that it is a cross country drive, and if I want to get there, I am going to have to ride with you. I've known you as long as I have my BFF, after all, you're her older brother. I know every girl you've fucked, and everyone knows the blessed ones you haven't fucked, and I am proud to count myself among the have-nots. I watched you break hearts and leave girls and women scattered behind your wake all begging you to come back to them. Seeing them made me sick. How could any woman debase herself like that for some asshole that used her, got bored with her, and then threw her away? I've never been able to make sense out of it. Now, I'm trapped alone with you in a car for hours at a time, and sharing hotel rooms with you at night, and the dry-spell that has been my sex life over the last year is suddenly and poignantly at the forefront of my mind. This plot can be simply and sweet with flirtation and seduction, or it can streak into coercion and force. It all comes down to our mood and interests and the character we want to write.

The Gallery (Carte Blanche):

It's a just a game, or so I tell myself while you tell me to sit down. Allure is a Fine Art Gallery devoted the greatest works of the greatest artists in history. At least, it was twenty years ago. Even in NYC, the support for the Fine Art has dwindled, people just don’t go to Galleries anymore unless they are new, hip, and modern. Add to that some dubious choices with some paintings that didn’t have their provenance by the previous owner, my grandmother, and I have inherited a dying business. On the same day I received the keys, going through the books revealed that Allure is 500K in debt and draining thousands more every month despite the beautiful pieces currently making up the collection. Thankfully, the owners of the art don’t seem to know about the state of Allure’s finances, no one is pulling their art yet, but the monthly stipend attached to maintaining the art won’t keep paying the bills for long and does nothing to pay back the gallery’s debt. I need art to sell, and phenomenal pieces at that. That’s where you come in. You are private collector, and one of the works of art you enjoy collecting and experiencing are beautiful women. You have a proposition, not for love or romance, but for business – carte blanche access to my body for one year in return for twice the debt of the Allure. Once or twice each month, for twelve months, I’m to be your private whore, and after each night spent together playing your games, I get one piece of art with all due papers and ownership, to use as I see fit to clear the Allure’s debt. The catch is that these are your games, games I’m playing for your entertainment, noy my enjoyment. Sometimes I may enjoy it, other times I might not. The attraction to this smut-heavy plot is the potential for each night to be anything we can devise behind the scenes in plot building. However, the focus would be less about the actual smut and more in the mental and emotional turmoil behind the physical activities. And, know that I do not, by any means, expect you to run the whole show. I am more than happy to bounce ideas around with you. Plotting is done together, even if I find myself running a character that is skirting the edge of "victim" status.

This plot comes down to two things: blackmail/coercion and ruination/corruption.

Fantasy/Sci Fi Plots:

Demons are a Girl’s Best Friend:

This is inherently a fantasy based RP, but it can be historical, modern, steampunk, or really any genre backdrop. I see this particular plot in two ways: 1) There is a constant struggle for power between the witch and demon, of which there are deals, promises, lies, manipulation, threats, and other trades between the pair (the demon being bound by the witch, and the witch depending on the power of the demon - or - the reverse power struggle, in that the demon has dibs on the witch’s soul - which she traded, and now she’s trying to earn it back through helping the Demon pursue their goals). The sexual dynamic between the two is up in the air and open to interpretation. Either way, this one is particularly open to collaboration on the rules of magic, the world, and the circumstances that bring the character’s together. And, while I originally imagined this one as MC being the Witch and YC being the demon, switching it around could be just as much fun, and I am open to suggestions, thoughts, and fresh ideas.

An Agent of Chaos: Geared to have a Mythological feel, this plot centers around YC (a Hero/Heroine, generally a good man/woman that struggles to do “the right thing” as they see it) and MC (a goddess, or other mythological creature, that has taken an interest in YC and wants to ruin the lie they believe about the world). This is another that is inherently fantasy, but can really be set against just about any genre background. (Imagine a modern Chicago cop that tries to play by the book, but has a Valkyrie constantly trying to seduce him into forgetting the rules and dispensing his own brand of justice). I’m also inclined to flop the plot onto its head and take the heroine role, if you would be more interested/have more fun playing the mythological character. The sexual dynamic would be centered around seduction and temptation. It is among the most sexually charged plot I find myself coming back to, as it can also be adapted for a more standard kind of “corruption,” ranging from the simplicity of a Victorian “moral woman” being tempted into a scandalous affair, to a more complex physiological and/or emotional “fall from grace.” There is plenty of room for interpretation and creative input, so do feel free to make suggestions.

Witch Hunter:

YC the Hunter, MC the Witch (or another monster/creature, such as Vampire, werewolf, or so on). The Dynamic between Predator and Prey (yes, yet another power struggle… I did say this was my favorite Kink) is the crucial factor in this RP. The actual plot, however, is very vague and open to discussion and interpretation. The Dynamic just keeps coming to mind, without any real preconceived notion of how it all plays out.

Culture Clash:

It’s a little ambiguous, but it has a lot of potential for creative approaches, so I decided to keep an old favorite in the list. Just, please keep in mind that I absolutely will not play an empty-headed bimbo or some naïve, brainless little twit. Outside of those two things, I'm open to suggestions. The general concept is simple and we've all seen it done many times before, so fresh ideas and unique takes on an old trope are welcome!

I Once Loved Death:

Vampire plot in the works. It's not quite completely formed yet, but this will be updated as it forms into a more solidly defined idea. The concept my brain is working around is that, a century or more ago, MC killed YC because MC discovered YC was a vampire. MC then tried to commit suicide but lived for mysterious magic reasons, but lost all memory of who she was. The faction MC worked for never filled in who she was before she showed up in town and she was reclaimed. They retrained her, made her a near immortal weapon to fight creatures of the night, and then YC comes back because of more mysterious magic reasons. XD

The Simple/Sassy Plots:

Blackmail: fairly straight forward, really. The details of who is blackmailing who, how, and why are all open for negotiation, because I have a lot of fun with this one either way.

There is a First time for Everything: first BDSM experience, first sexual experience, first (some topic here). The new is exciting and nostalgic for how fun it was the first time around. Every now and then I liked to write about it exactly for that nostalgia.

The Taming of the Shrew: this can take several forms, but the general principle is that YC is taming and/or training MC, and I don't at all plan to make this easy on you either way. Whether this is a shrew (spiteful wife, bitchy assistant, evil boss) or a more conventional "pet" type situation, is all up to plotting and what we want to do. Bring on the fresh ideas! :)

Due to recent requests - NonCon: I do not see seduction and coercion as noncon. If you ask me to write this (either as the victim or the perpetrator) please understand that I do not plan to romanticize rape. If we are writing noncon, then it is noncon. There will be no sugar-coated 'well, she liked it in the end' part to this. While the body can betray the mind, make no mistake, noncon means she never wanted it, and just because it felt good doesn't mean that perspective changed.

And that is all for now. Things will likely change and adjust fairly often (particularly as different plots are used), so check back every so often to see what's new.

WARNING! - I am not accepting any RP's by Text, Discord, Email, or IM. This is because these forms of communication are considered unacceptable and inappropriate by my RL Dom. Out of respect for him, I will ONLY be participating in RP's that take place in Thread and/or PM. No request for anything else will be accepted.

Have a lovely day!
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