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Stuff that's on my mind (comments and input welcome!)


Oct 22, 2017
I just feel like I have to say this, otherwise it will just keep being on my mind. I feel like something is definitely not right and I wonder, am I the only one experiencing this? I get lots of ideas for RPs, for stories that I would love to start but most of the time when I put them in a nice thread, I just get no answers. It's gotten to the point where I am almost certain there's an issue on my side. I have some standards, it's true, but are they really that difficult to meet? I'm just genuinely wondering. On the other hand, I apply the very same standards when looking for a partner. And I find these very nice threads that catch my eye, with ideas that appeal to me and people who seem to be what I'm looking for because they, too, have standards. Nothing wrong with that! So I make an introduction message where I carefully say who I am, what I like, what I'm interested in from what they've given me to choose and what not. And then the waiting game begins. And now comes the worst part. Some people just don't even bother. They read the message, they acknowledge, and they don't even do as much as say "No." in return. God, at this point I'd even be happy to be told to fuck off outright. Others? They reply, though they hardly seem as excited as they did in their threads. And after a few exchanged messages, they just vanish. They are there but they just avoid answering even to tell me they aren't interested any longer or I'm not what they're looking for. And I'm just left waiting and waiting until I eventually either lose my interest or forget about it. The worst part of it? I'd poke them, but I don't wanna seem pushy. I just want to be able to ride that wave of excitement when I see or get an idea that I absolutely love.

Yes, I know how it is to just not feel like answering. Yes, I've sadly done a few of these things myself in the past and I am horribly sorry for it. It's why now I try to be as transparent as I can about things. Honestly it almost feels like my past mistakes are coming back to bite me in the ass really hard.

I'm sorry for this getting rant-y, I hope it's the right place to post it and if not, then I don't mind it getting deleted. I just wanna know if I'm the only one who feels this way. And, I don't know, maybe some constructive advice or anything of the sorts. How do other people deal with these situations? How do I make myself more... accessible, if anything?
You're not the only one that feels this way. I actually left BMR for several months because I hated being ignored. My only guess is that no one was interested in my fandoms, rp ideas, or any of that. I made one good partner from here who I rp with on another forum, but basically, it's a clic here. If you don't like what they like, you won't get any partners.

It's why I've moved on. I came back this week in the hopes of trying again, but once again, have no takers.
"Send me an entire novel about yourself in your message to me so I can ignore it all the same because I'm too important to just outright tell you I don't wanna play with you."
I had that for years, much like others have too, and it's a terrible feeling the more it goes on and it reached the point I've given up looking for any more RPs. The rare times I would get an interest it would only be from people that are unable to read the thread to which I would state my standards, basically just going "I'm interested". As if I can somehow read their minds over the internet which of the many, many, many plots I had up. Or the ones that are promising partners that I could make a decent story with, they end up just dropping it at around 10 posts. Not a word or anything. And then if I have my concerns that the RP with continue, typically when something bad happens to them on their end, I'm not allowed to voice my concerns without being accused of being 'angry and lashing out'. But the I keep quiet and the RP still drops with the partners still RPing with others.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. As I said, I'm not a saint, I've done some no notice dropping in the past but I grew out of that kind of behavior and I absolutely loathe it. I try to keep people knowing what is up and it saddens me whenever this kind of behavior has me on the receiving end. Heck, I also let people who contact me regarding my ideas know if I don't think we are compatible. I do keep up some standards because I know what I want, but I try not to be ridiculous.
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