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Hot Furz (East & Absinthe and Fine Wine)


Mar 17, 2012
"Wilde, Hopps, my office!" The sun was still rising, it was an hour that Nick didn't actually enjoy getting up at. His old work shift didn't start till noon, but the ZPD had taught him that his old sleeping schedule had been unhealthy. Police Sargent Nick Wilde had basically just arrived at the desk when the buffalo bellowed at them. In his three years working at the ZPD he had learned full well that when Buffalo butt wanted you, it was not a good thing. He waved off to clawhauser and walked out to the elevator to the top floor, down the dark lit hall, last room.

"Police Sergent Nicholas Wilde, The second graduate of the Zootopian Police academy under the mammal inclusion initiative, species Vulpes vulpes, excelled in study, and showed particular resilience to environmental training. Excelled in the cold weather tundra town simulator. After graduation he recieved three accommodations for service, and sustained two injuries, the most recent when he was stabbed in the left paw by of all things a man dressed as father hogsmas, The only stain on an otherwise perfect record was nearly suspended from the ZPD Academy when his class's uniforms were died a hideous shade of green, the only evidence against him, that Nick's uniform had been in a different laundry machine the Fox having insisted it be soft pressed." Bogo put down the file addressing Nick, a deep breath showing his displeasure at reading that last part. His features softened slightly.

NIck for his part shrugged. "How many times do I have to say it, I have sensitive fur."

"How's the paw Nicholas." Nick regarded his left paw for a moment, moving his claws so that each touched his thumb in a quick motion, he had retained 86% mobility with the paw, and yet every time he did this it felt stiff now.

"Still a bit stiff." He said shrugging. The police chief grunted, and took a second file waiting for the rabbit to come into the room.
When the call had come out for her and her partner to report in, Lieutenant Hopps had been away from her desk. When she arrived back at it only a moment later and found her partner missing there was a brief moment of concern, but she was not about to worry too much about Nick's ability to handle himself.

She made her way past the dispatch desk, pausing as she reached it. "You wouldn't happen to know where my partner went off to, would you?" she asked, half expecting Nick had snuck off to get a coffee or something like that.

"Didn't you hear the Cheif call you two in?" Clawhauser asked in shock. "Oh, Nick went in there a little bit ago. I expect you guys are getting chewed out for something."

This surprised Judy. She had thought they'd been at the top of their game recently. Within the past six months, they'd had more arrests resulting in convictions than any other pair of officers in all of ZPD. She had no clue what the chief could have been mad about, they'd done nothing wrong.

"Geez, I wonder what's going on," Judy said thoughtfully. "Well, thanks, wish me luck." And with a wave, she made her way over to the office and after tapping gently on the door entered.

Inside she saw her partner, his attention on the wound on his paw, and the Chief. The Chief didn't look as pissed as Clawhauser had reported, but he did have that look of needing something.

"Sorry for the delay," she said and stepped in and closed the door behind her.

"Take a seat," the chief said and gestured to the empty chair.

Judy complied, glancing over at Nick as she did so. She was confused as to what this was about, but he didn't give her anything to go off of.

The chief flipped open the file on his desk and read aloud. "Officer Judy Hopps, attended Zootopia police training academy, displaying an impressive aptitude in both field training and theoretical studies. Excelled way beyond peers, passed into the ZPD Metropolitan Police Service," he read with the dry candor of a man who really didn't care what he was reading. "And soon proved worth as an officer. Establishing both a popularity and an effectiveness in the community. Also became heavily involved in many extracurricular activities and to this day holds the Met record for the 100-meter dash in the below 1-meter height category."

"Coulda got it in the above 1-meter category too," Judy replied with a smirk.

The chief only gave her a look, licked his thumb and turned the page. "Recently began operations in a North Zootopia armed response unit, Whiskey, Bravo 7, and received a bravery award for efforts in the resolution of Operation Crackdown. In the last six months alone, has received nine special commendations, achieved the highest arrest record for any officer in the Department."

Judy could only smirk. She did have an impressive record recently.

"That about right?" the Chief asked closing her file and sliding it to the corner of his desk.

"Well, who am I to argue with what's in my file?" she said grinning even wider. "Did you need something boss?"

"You're being reassigned to senior positions," the Chief said in a flat tone.

Judy's jaw dropped.
"Well I have to say that it feels good to finally be recognized." Wilde's ears perked as he adjusted himself in their seat. He was glad that the two of them were finally going up the ladder, at least more than they had in years prior. Senior position so they were making them captains? he had to wonder if that meant the two would co-own a district, or if they were going to be split up and sent to different ones, if they were split up well it would suck because his days would be a lot less fun, but he would finally be able to ask the rabbit to move in with him and have a valid reason for doing so.

"In Deerbrook." Bogo's words popped as he let the last part of his sentence drop. Nick blinked for a moment. Wait so they were being sent out of the city? but he had been raised in the city? Nick had a dozen or so thoughts running through his head.

"Wait, can't we stay here in Zootopia maybe take up a position at one of the other precincts?" The fox asked as he looked between the chief of police and the rabbit. This was precinct number 1, they had both worked their asses off to get here, and they were being transferred? he looked to Judy for a moment trying to see if she was okay with this.

"No." Nick's signature smile faltered slightly at the harsh break down of the word. There didn't feel like there was any room to go with this, and he was looking more and more at Judy to see what she would say. While he was usually the one with the silver tongue right now it felt very dry and difficult to use.
For her part, Judy was far from disappointed with the idea of working in a smaller community. After all, Bunnyburrow was not that unlike Deerbrook, well maybe more Bunnies, but that was to be expected.

"Sounds like a good idea boss," Judy said a cocky smile appearing on her face. "Just what me and Nick, erm, I mean Officer Wilde could use. I am certain we can bring some big city justice to whatever small town problems they are having." She balled her furry paw into a fist and pumped it enthusiastically.

"I'm sure you will," the Chief said in a flat tone, clearly not overly invested into what happened to them, as long as it didn't cause him more trouble. "Go and see Officer Clawhauser for your transfer orders and to see about getting your train tickets there." He shuffled some papers on his desk and gave them both a stern look. "You'll be expected to follow the rules of the community, you know how delicate some of these situations are. I am trusting you to do a good job and make the ZPD look good."

"You've got it, boss!" Judy said, practically bouncing out of her seat to give him the thumbs up.

"Now get out of my office," the chief said and pointed to the door.

A moment later, standing in the hallway, Judy smiled brightly at Nick. "Looks like we are going up in the world. Exciting isn't it?" she asked still all but bouncing on her heels.
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