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A Hogwarts RP, featuring a student and a teacher [East & Frogger]


Mar 17, 2012
Professor Salem had to brush the sweat from his brow, spring in the british isles were muggy, and he still wasn't entirely used to just how swampy this place could get. The long hike from the school down to the lake front hadn't been kind either. The climb down through the twisting forested paths of the school and too the muddy shores of the lakeside had only made that walk even more uncomfortable. But now standing on the beach he could at least say it was tollerable as he took a drink from a water bottle.

It was late afternoon, the sun was still bright overhead but it was starting to decend now and in a few hours it would be dark. Salem had taken on detention duty for the day, and while he was normally a defense against the dark arts teacher, he had come down here to help gather some things from the water. He was a taller blond, his hair was a soft short sort, and his eyes were a colder blue. He was wearing short clothing, a blazer, and some white rolled up sleeves, and a set of nylon shorts, his arms were uncovered showing off a bunch of scars along his left arm.

He turned towards the student he had brought here, and pulled out a picture of what they were looking for in the water. "This is Moneywort, it grows in the shallows, don't go to deep their is a reason that students aren't normally to swim in this thing."
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