Mx Female Rosita's search for twisted tales

rosita red

Jun 12, 2012
Hello, bluemoon! As you may have guessed, I am a female behind the keyboard. However, I am interested in playing mostly male characters.

Could we be partners?
You may ask but what are you looking for Rosita? I'm glad (hypothetically) you asked. I few solid ideas I would like to someone to fulfill with me, but I'll get to those later. What I'm looking for in a partner is a short and sweet list. Make an rp interesting... I love verbose partners, to a point. Two to three paragraphs suit me quite well. I like to think I bring fully rounded main characters, and hope that my partner can as well.

So who are you, Red?
About myself... Let's see, I've been rping for ten years now, or so. I prefer fantasy most of the time. werewolves, fae folk, dragons, the list goes on and on. I prefer to stay on-site, primarily using pms. Maybe I can be talked into threads. I prefer a good volley of replies, like every two to three days. I'm very open to OOC chat and planning. If life happens, please let me know.

TL : DR= Prefer fantasy and rping over pms. Threads maybe. No incest. Can do long/short rps. Rping is like volleyball. Questions? Send me a pm!

You promised us ideas!
Indeed I did! And here they are!

The Beast's Hunter
Prince Adam, that Prince Adam has never forgotten the witch that cursed him as a child. How dare she! While he's incapable of hunting her himself and making her suffer, he can hire someone to do it. Enter Red Riding Hood, who definitely isn't little. She's the best tracker and mercenary money can buy for the uncanny. She is aided by her off and on again beau the former big bad wolf, whom she broke his curse.

A few notes- I'm taking inspiration from the Beast of Gevauduan as the big bad wolf. I know the time periods probably don't match up, but it's fun anyway.

Pomegranates and Darkness
In the darkness that was Chronos' stomach, Hades and Hera grew up and fell and love. Then Zeus claimed her as his wife. Her tired to rebel against her husband, aided by Hades. Hera was punished by hanging from the sky by the wrists. Hades was cursed to a far worse fate. He became the first vampire, dependent on the blood of living to satisfy his hunger. After some years, the kingdom of the dead isn't functioning properly. Zeus decides that a bride will liven up the lord of the dead, consequences be damned.

A few notes- A love triangle would be great here between Hades, Hera, and Persephone.

*I've been super craving a Magnificent Century harem rp

The harem of dignitaries
The kingdom of Arcadia (place holder name) has a unique tradition to help ensure peace with their allies. The reigning monarch or crown prince/princess is monogamous with their significant other. Any younger siblings or the next in line for the throne hosts what is officially known as the Court of Dignitaries. Allies of the kingdom send a dignitary, who participates in the court. The Court's job is help ensure vested interest in maintaining relationships, both physical and political.

A few notes...
This is most definitely a harem idea. I would love to play a female ruler, but wouldn't mind playing a male.

The deal in the dark
A small village, isolated from the rest of civilization once was the first stopping point for raiders who only kept it from being razed to the ground for their convenience. Tired of this, the villagers made struck a deal with a force that they did not understand. Every set period of years, they would offer up a maiden for the creature's pleasure in exchange for it's protection. Since they found it out the hard way that if the exchange isn't honored, it's become a point of pride to become the sacrifice.

A few notes_
Werewolves, demons, dragons, etc... All lovely things I've been craving to play for a length of time. The one massive exception to my preference for anatomical correctness.

It's lonely at the top
Being the god-king comes with lots of perks; riches, women, pleasure galore. But it is, on a personal level, incredibly lonely when you're regarded as a god incarnate in a mortal form. You can mate with all the females you want, but none will truly be your equal. Until one either comes of age to be married and mated, for falls out of the sky.

-A few notes
The anthro lion/tiger king- Still the same with the king being a god. He can only take a wife the same as him. Say, a rare white tiger taking another white tiger for it's mate. Maybe there's something about the lions to set them apart. The feline king would have to wait for his mate to come of age, but he could have fun with a lively harem in the meantime. *This could be done with a queen, for extra fun, because she couldn't mate.

Alien goddess(es)- Very much The Road to El Dorado with aliens. And sex.

A marriage sealed with blood and darkness
Elves and vampires have been fighting for time out of memory. Sometimes it's minor border scuffles, and sometimes it dissolves into full-blown war. Two rulers realize that the time for such conflicts is waning. Other forces are growing stronger while they weaken fighting against each other. A marriage is proposed to bond the elves and the vampires together but still let them retain their individual identities. Merge the ruling houses so that the next ruler is a hybrid: able to claim linage to both. Many exist already, not really fitting into either kingdom.

A few notes-
I picture this happening in a terrain similar to Alaska, where it could be feasible dark enough for the vampires to live comfortably. Also, i would like to play a male vampire against a female elf. Inquire for more details.

The ways of the tribe
A female elf is taken in by a tribe of anthros. She is made the servant/slave of the chieftain, who of course uses her for sexual entertainment. The chieftain decides that it would be interesting to have her to servant impregnated. For that, she calls upon a strong, virile warrior of the tribe, who may get to have some fun with the chieftain as well.

That's all for now, folks. So what are you into, 'Sita?
-Anatomical correctness (there are exceptions.)
-Con/Dub/Non con
-Knotting, or bristles in the case of felines
_Being domiant
_Anthros I mean intelligent beings, not like your ordinary dog or something like that.

What turns you off?
-*Incest.* Nope. Any requests for it will be turned down. Instantly.
_*Using slang like dick or pussy* Like nails on a chalkboard. Please don't.
_Oral-giving, receiving I'm okay with
_Anything that belongs in a toilet.

That's it, for now. I'm always open to hearing your ideas and seeing if we can create something together. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I wish you luck on all your rping adventures.
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