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Kill-Team (Broomhandle45&Nihilistic_Impact)



For many planets, the Great Rift that spread across the entire galaxy was a newfound horror in their day to day lives. Elysia was better off than most, but their precious homeland had turned into a war zone of Traitor Marines and cultists, hosts of vessels had flooded their system. There was only so much any one soldier could do, but there was confidence in the Adeptus Custodes.

They had another task. The entire system had plummeted into war, the Imperial Navy had it's hands full in dealing with heretic vessels, and they had no choice but to cut the head of the snake and make sure the body died. Two breaching torpedoes shot out from the Burning Blade, slamming into the side of the hull of the Chaos vessel.

Heretics, was impossible to tell what was on that ship. That didn't matter, because they had no choice. The Maw of War was one of the main ships on the fleet, destroying that would make the surrounding battle and the battle for their homeworld that much easier to secure.

"Jina, up front, Sam, behind her." The sharp, rasping voice of Hellena filled their helmets. A few more seconds and the nauseating speed would stop.

"Copy." Jina said without much delay, hands checking her shotgun in minor preparation. Sam had the assault shotgun, but it was too risky to sport a flamer in here. The Rookie was their bet for burning away the filth, because everything seemed to work in her favor.

They'd link up with the others, hopefully they were all in the same hallway. The Torpedo slammed into the hull with the force of a Thunder Hammer, and the airlock snapped into place. Doubtless, there would be anything waiting for them on the other side, that's why Jina was first. The moment the hatch slammed open, she was glad Jina was the one in front and not anyone else.

"Emperor-" Sam cursed, but they all moved out of the way in unison as a traitor marine howled in hunger, it's chainaxe slamming into the floor of the breaching torpedo in a howl of sparks and metal. That crazy monster was trying to cut them off! Sam and Hellena darted past as Jina fired her shotgun at the red helmet of the Marine. She wasn't expecting it to do anything, but she angled her shotgun to the side on the fresh, smoking breech and slid in a dark-colored shotshell and closed the chamber with a firm rack and fired. The krak slug slammed into the head of the marine and he jerked to the side as the explosion mushroomed the side of his helmet and the massive man hit the ground, blood leaking out of his helmet.

Sam and Hellena had moved into an ambush, and Hellena had little choice but to drop into a kneel as traitors opened fire, and Sam retaliated with a high pitched chatter of her shotgun. Hellena's Lasgun moved quickly from target to target, precise semi-automatic fire slamming into the chests of the traitors that had rallied behind their now dead marine. The fight was over in seconds as Sam checked her drum and Hellena rose up, sweeping the hallway.

"Everyone alive?" Hellena asked as they glanced back to see Jina bound over the dead marine, racking the forend of her shotgun.

"Yes, Ma'am." Jina said easily as Sam glanced at the body, then to the Rookie.

"...Fucking glad she's on our side," Sam muttered. "All good here, Hell."

"Good, let's hope the rest of our team had a safe arrival, let's go." Hellena said quickly. They didn't have a lot of time, so they'd meet up in the hallway or hope they met somewhere else.
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