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The Secret Truth (Maiesiobreed)

Mar 21, 2018
The teleporter flashed crackling with energy as its high-tech parts brought back the three league members from the Earth down below. The appropriately named Zeta tube flashed with energy and then seconds later receded as the black silhouette of the three came into focus. First was the man of steel himself the all American alien wonder who along with the other two founded the now hundred strong Justice League.

The second figure was in all black and head to toe armor. His strong jaw was the only thing that could be seen of his face. Even his eyes were hidden the cowl having mirrored lens that gave nothing away of the man behind the mask.

Bruce Wayne.

“Glad to see you guys made it back safely” Cyborg called out as the last of the light faded and revealed the big three of the league “Everything okay?”

Wonder Woman



“How are things going here?” Batman AKA Bruce Wayne said. His tone was all business as he strode forward and moved off of the teleporter pad.

“We’re fine as well” Superman AKA Clark Kent said with a roll of his eyes “You know Bruce you really could-“

“How are things going?” Bruce repeated cutting Clark off even as the corner of his mouth lifted into a smile “please” he amended this time.

“The rest of the leaguers are having the baby shower today” Cyborg piped up laughing a little at the please “Hawk girl and her husband came up today before her pregnancy stopped her from being able to Zeta travel”

“I see” Bruce said his eyes flickering behind the mirrored cowl to look over at Diana. Bruce didn’t know what was going on with Diana but lately every time the pregnancy was mentioned he noted a certain sadness to her eyes. A sadness that worried him.

“Yeah you guys should head up” Cyborg said his eyes back on the console and the information coming in “I have a few more leaguers coming in that I want to monitor”

“I’ll come relieve you in a little while” Bruce replied as Clark started to make his way down the hall. Bruce paused turning to Diana instead.

“You up for this?” He asked her.
Diana was unusually quite as Cyborg greeted them at the entrance of the great hall. She nodded to him, forgoing her usual greeting of a warm hug and some kind words of the young member of the League. Her mind was elsewhere, distracted by the festivities being held at the headquarters today. Hawkgirl was here, heavily pregnant, nearing the end of her term, and was being showered with gifts, as was the human tradition for women about to have their first child.

It should have been a happy occasion, one of great celebration and happiness for her colleague, but Diana felt a strange stirring in her soul. She had been denying it since Hawkgirl had announced she was with child, but with the woman here today, so close to giving birth, Diana could no longer deny what she was feeling.

She wished it was her. She wished it was her waddling into a party, being the center of attention from all of her colleagues. She placed a hand on her tight, six pack belly, wondering how it would look sticking far out from her toned body, huge with child, as her friends cooed over her and remarked on her size.

It sounded wonderful....but she was too important to the league, too important to the WORLD to be a broodmare and to give in to her maternal desires.

She heard Bruce speaking to her, but she ignored what he was saying.

"Bruce.......not now." She said, rather curtly, and walked towards the celebration. She hung out in the back entrance, watching the guests fawn over Hawkgirl, who looked wonderful in her late stages of pregnancy. She put a hand on her own belly again, almost wistfully, before going over to wish her congratulations.

"You look beautiful. I am so happy for you," Diana told her, as she leaned in for a hug. She felt the woman's bump press up against her body and she had to almost stifle a moan.

It wasn't fair. None of this was.
Something wasn’t right.

It didn’t take the worlds greatest detective much to suss out something was wrong with the picture. While every one else looked happy for Hawk Girl and her husband Diana was far more reserved. Bruce didn’t miss the look of want on her face nor the desire as she softly touched her own belly. All the evidence pointed to one thing, one thing Bruce was more than a little surprised to see Diana want.


A child.

He watched her carefully keeping her in view as she moved about the party. Thankfully Batman wasn’t a mingle type and so people more or less stayed clear of him. He mostly watched it get harder and harder for her. The more pain on her face the more Bruce felt for his friend. Diana was simply put the best woman he knew.

She deserved the world.

When she finally disappeared and said something about taking a shower he followed. The leagues showers were unisex and no one spared him a second thought as he went in after Diana. The second the door swished closed behind him he cleared his throat and spoke up.

“Diana” Bruce said reaching up and unsealing the cowl of his costume. He tugged it off revealing his short black hair and handsome blue eyes.

“I thought we could talk” He said to her placing the cowl on the bench “About what happened out there”
"We don't need to talk about anything, Bruce. Just drop it. There is too much to do, too much to prepare for....this shower of babies has put us firmly behind preparations and monitoring sector 7 for more criminal activity, so just drop it, ok?" She said, as she left the shower without talking to anyone else.

Her nipples were rock hard as she left the party, crossing her arms over her chest. Why did pregnancy do this to her? Why did the idea of being massively pregnant, being barefoot and waddling around with a full brood in her womb, do this to her? She was a stalwart of femininity, an icon of feminism, a strong rock that represented everything a woman could do on her own.....and the idea of being pregnant with a man's child filled her with so much joy and erotic energy she felt she could burst.

"It's not fair...." She grumbled to herself, as she entered the monitoring room. It was empty, save for her.
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