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A Trainer and his Gardevoir: MysteriousD & Magatama_Slave


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
Diego Vendrix cheered in the air.

It was victory. It was an absolute victory. For months, he and his team had preparing for their fight against the Elite 4 of Hoemn and they now finally beaten Steven. Diego went over to embrace the one who landed the final blow, his beloved Gardevoir.

Gardevoir was one of the first Pokemon he caught as a trainer, being the third to join his team after his partner Pikachu and Torchic, a starter Pokemon who was left over from the lab that he offered to take. They along with Shifty, Crawdaunt and Flygon had traveled Hoemn and fought Gym Leaders, strong trainers and even the criminal organizations of Team Magma and Team Aqua.

And now he was Pokemon Champion. The tired but happy team was cheering while Diego was twirling around his Gardevoir, who defeated Metagross with a Shadow Ball.

"We did it!" Diego shouted with glee, squeezing Gardevoir.
Gardevoir was feeling bliss, sharing in her trainers emotions, as she always had. It was part her skill, and her curse, but it was the was it had always been.

She was a magnificent specimen of Pokemon, a rare blue colour variant in her hair that was only seen in tens of thousands of Ralts. Her trainer always called her a "Shining" Gardevoir when he explained it to others, whatever that meant.

His squeeze felt strong, but comforting, a welcome reward for the months of carrying her trainers team through badges and hardship.
"Good job, my Shining Gardevoir," Diego said to her as the tired team began heading to the room so they would all be registered in. Pikachu smiled and was high-fiving everyone for their collective victory. They all did an incredible job and they all earned some rest and relaxation.

Several hours after the ceremony and a big dinner, they were all back in their hotel room. Everyone was returned to their Pokeballs except for Pikachu, who preferred staying outside as he could and Gardevoir. Diego was right now showering, taking a nice long hot shower to relax after such a trying day and so they could get some much needed rest.
Gardevoir was levitating champagne that had been comped to the room whilst her trainer took a shower. The bottle was shaking as her psychic powers made the bottle seemingly levitate.

She was waiting for her trainer to come back, unsure quite why she had been left out at this occasion when almost everyone else had been put away. She spun in circles as she waited, her cloak flowing
Diego had finished showering, only wearing a towel around him given how his clothes were all pretty dirty from the battles and were being washed. He also had on his glasses on obviously. "Sorry I took a while," Diego told her before he was a bit of a surprise at seein the levitating bottle of champagne there.

"Thanks again for everything, Gardevoir! You pulled through for us," Diego said as embraced her and twirled her around. She always knew how to cheer him up and understood him like few others can. He felt close to her, probably the closest out of all his Pokemon, barring the brotherly bond he had with Pikachu.
Her trainers appearance shocked her, the champagne bottle shaking as she tried to steady it.

"Gar" She said,

She felt his warmth as he embraced her, his emotions swelling within her.

"Voir" She said, patting his shoulder gently, the chapagne bottle popping over them from all the shaking she had been doing earlier, as well as the twisting from her trainer.
Diego was surprised by the sudden birst of the champagne bottle, covering him a bit and the towel. "No worries, I'm all right, how about you?" Diego told her, noticing Gardevoir was now covered in champagne. "I'll pay for that, don't worry. Though now that we're both dirty, we should probably shower," Diego suiggested to her.
Gardevoir nodded, waiting in her sticky mess, assuming that her trainer would go first. He was a caring man, but he was her trainer, her boss as it were. His needs come first.

The sticky situation, was making her feel stiff, and perhaps a little stupid for playing around with unfamiliar objects.
Diego looked at his Shining Gardevoir. "I'll wash you off, don't worry, okay?" Diego told her with a smile before he grabbed her hand and was leading her to the shower. He ciuld tell she was uncomfortable and he didn't like seeing her in distress.

He wondered if he would ever connect to her more. She was a Psychic type after all. He wondered if she could read his mind or something, he thought as he put her in the shower.
The Gardevoir nodded, as if to affirm his thoughts. She didn't mean to intrude, but it was something that was fairly easy for her specific species of Pokemon to carry out.

Gardevoir could feel the water on her flesh, the feeling quite nice, a treat that humans had kept from her for many years.
Still having the towel wrapped around him, Diego entered behind her, getting some of the soap and such and was washing Gardevoir. He always treated her as an equal. Well, he always treated his Pokemon with respect, attention and dignity, but there was always something special with her. She was the smartest of them all, including him and her empath abilities helped out to.

"Enjoying it?" he asked her, seeing her sparkle a bit in the water, as she was a shiny Pokemon.
The Gardevoir nodded, her womanly features seemingly more pronounced under the warm water. She would have looked a mess, almost like a teen girl in a wet t-shirt contest.

She appreciated her trainer and his concern for her, turning to face him, offering a caring look.
Diego blushed a bit when he saw Gardevoir turn around a bit. With the water, around, her more womanly aspects were showing, reminding Diego of how human-like Gardevoir was. However, he tried to focus insread on it and seeing her caring look made him smile.

He continued to wash her while using his towel to keep himself covered though his instincts were beginning to stir a bit.
Gardevoir used her hands to rub some of the water onto her trainers skin, feeling bad for ruining the shower that he had already taken.

Her eyes glistened as she looked at him, aware of his emotions to an extent, but these ones seemed strange and foreign to her.
Diego kept working at suppressing the emotions, shaking his head before he continued to wash Gardevoir and such. He blushed when he felt her hands begin washing him, mainly his face from the champagne. He wondered what she was thinking, especially since Pokemon were closer to their instincts than humans were.

He saw her glistening eyes and smiled at how lucky he was, having someone incredible like her.
Gardevoir worked at cleaning him, her thin protective skin clinging to her breasts like a t-shirt., fully transparent now.

She rubbed his pectorals and biceps, making sure that they are no longer sticky before moving to the next spot.

She nodded at her trainer "Gardevoir" she said with a happy tone.
Diego blushed as he felt Gardevoir slip her hands to touch him in his amrs and chest. He was never the best-looking person and he was a bit doughy despite the active lifestyle of a trainer. However, seeing her happy smile calmed him a bit. However, seeing her skin cling to her breasts, becoming more visible began exciting him.

She was his Pokemon... yet, she was also her own being. He was trying not to let the new perverted thoughts begin to occupy his head.
Gardevoir knelt, cleaning his legs, trying to avoid touching the area covered by the towel, something he clearly did not want her to see.

She looked up at her trainer, feeling conflicted as his emotions were seemingly conveying that to her.

"I-I'm all right," Diego told her with a smile, working more to suppress his emotions. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea. Granted, he did not know what she would understand, though from what he knew on Pokemon, they had a good understanding on mating and on the concepts of mates and the all the intimacy involved in it.

"You're almost clean," Diego told her with a smile as he was washing her, though feeling her body was getting him warmer.
Gardevoir held him, wanting to know why he was clearly lying to her.

She pressed her head to his, hoping to understand him, her body held close to him.

"Devoir, Garde. Voir!" She said with a stern tone.
Dieego blushed harder when he felt Gardevoir hold him tighter . However, her grip caused the towel to be undone, revealing his semi-erect cock to her. He was stunned speechless when it happened though his mind was becoming clearer for her to sense. It was the mating instinct, a strong and growing one, even if they were quite different.
Gardevoir sensed the emotion this time. though still not quite one she had felt before. She felt him poke her hips, feeling his feelings as he felt them himself.

Gardevoir could only mutter "oir" in a sultry tone, his emotions being far more powerful than her own will. Her bond with her trainer far too strong.
"S-sorry!" Diego couldn't help but tell Gardevoir as he felt his erection poke her in the hips. Her sultry tone stunned him a bit, but his strong emotions were there, a mix of lust and love as his animal side was tellin him to mate her. To take Gardevoir as his bride and be happy with her, to fuck her silly. He felt their bond grow deeper and Diego was growing hazy in his thoughts.
Gardevoir pulled him on top of her, sheltering him in her arms. She was taller than him, but she felt that she wanted to protect him. She always had, that's why she fought for him.

She always wanted his every desire fulfilled. For him to feel happy.
Diego was surprised when Gardevoir pulled him on top of her, feeling her soft breasts in his face and her wonderful embrace. Their bond was always a deep and powerful one and he was looking at her lovingly. Years of loneliness and desire for affection have become too much. Diego went in to give Gardevoir a kiss while he was grinding up his erect cock against her maidenhood, his and hers mating instincts awakening.
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