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Tainted Love (Liluim)

Mar 21, 2018
She was on one of her usual walkabouts trading the abandoned green house she was running her experiments in for the green of nature. It was cold and chilly out which gave her an excuse to rap herself in a coat and leggings instead of her usual skin tight green costume. Her shocking red hair was pulled back contained in a ponytail that kissed the middle of her ass. A scarf wrapped around her face hiding most of her green tinted skin and giving her some space from the preying eyes of Gotham.

"Hello my lovelies" She purred moving amount the flower beds and admiring the green. Every so often her gloved hand would pull out of her pocket sprinkling a little of her special seeds and chemical concoctions on a plant that looked in need. She hummed to herself as she worked her ruby red lips pursing as she fell into her natural role of mother and nurturer.

She was towards the middle of the park when she heard a low groan. She turned her jade green eyes assessing the park before she spotted a figure on the bench. Her eyes softened slightly. It seemed there was another poor soul of Gotham out in the park tonight.

Against her better judgement Pamela Isley moved towards the bench. She was curious. When her eyes fell on that shock of hair she knew all to well her curiosity went straight to fear and worry.

"Harley!" Pamela shouted moving forward as fast as her heeled boots would take her. She moved towards the fellow super villianess gather her in her arms and pulled her against her coat.

'Harley talk to me honey" Pamela said stroking her hair "What did he do?! What did he do?!"
After the last mission they had been in, which consisted mainly in a trap against Batman and his friends, everything ended. It had been a failure, with the Joker almost being captured by his archenemy. And, of course, that hadn't pleased the Joker in the slightest. Whereas it was true or not, his loyal partner, Harley Quinn had received all the blame. Unlike previous, similar situations, this time her partner seemed to have lost it. Be it due to sheer humiliation or simply as a need to relieve his anger, he had beaten the crap out of Harley, literally.

She had been left half dead in the park, just as if she was one of the Joker's victims. A mere, abandoned and abused pet he no longer deemed useful. With her last energies, Harley had managed to get up and lie down in one of the benches, hoping that would, at least, make her feel more comfortable. Maybe she needed some rest and then everything would have turned out to be a mere nightmare. That should have been the case. Without even realizing it, the blonde woman ended up losing consciousness, her faint groans being perfectly audible even in her asleep state.

It wasn't until she heard a known voice that her eyes opened slowly again, her pale countenance grimacing a bit when she tried to move. "....Poison Ivy? Is...Is that you?" Harley finally inquired, recognizing that beautiful face she had seen more than once before. She then sat up a bit, finding it hard to even breathe properly. "I...failed. I failed him..." Harley finally whispered, sobbing again, transparent tears running down her cheeks. There was only one person she could shred tears for like that, and Pamela should perfectly know about that.
"You didn't fail him honey" Pam cooed kissing the top of the usually bubbly girls head. She brought her even closer hoping that her warmth would be conveyed. Pam was already going into doctor mode assessing the damage and what she would need to do to fix Harley. There wasn't many she wanted to fix.

"He failed YOU"

Harley was the exception.

"Just hang on Har" Pam said moving back towards her base.

"Let's get you fixed up"



Pam sighed rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she looked at her resting friend. She wasn't a medical doctor by any stretch of the imagination but she thought she knew enough to get Harley on the path to healing. She chewed her full bottom lip nervously eyeing the make shift medical table she set her up on using one of her babies. She willed the plant to morph turning it into a lush bed that Harley could rest on.

Once that was done she got up moving out of the green house and towards the small room she set up. She stripped pulling off her skin tight costume until all that remained was a striking red thong that showcased her shapely ass. She flopped into her bed deciding to remain naked as she let sleep consume her.
Harley remained like that for a few seconds, her light blue eyes fixed at Pamela during the whole time. Finally, her plump, crimson lips turned into a wide smirk as her palm caressed one of Poison Ivy's round cheeks. "Thank you Pam...I owe you one now.." She finally said, right before she lost consciousness and let herself be carried away by Pamela. She would have never guessed she'd end up requiring the help of a fellow villain. If Joker or anyone else was so learn that, they probably would mock and laugh at her. But she didn't mind, she couldn't afford that either. At that moment, all she cared about was the humiliation she felt for failing the mission, and just hoped the Joker would eventually trust her again.

Around seven hours later she finally wake up, groaning a bit since her whole body still ached from the several injuries her previous partner had inflicted on her. She stood up and realized her whole figure was now barely covered by her reddish bra and equally red, laced thong, which left her plump rear almost totally exposed. She had always enjoyed wearing that kind of lingerie, after all. She then started walking away, eventually finding Pamela's own room and entering, without even caring whether she'd be welcome there or not. That wasn't something she could afford to mind at the moment. She just needed to thank her somehow, as well as to receive some love from someone, for a change.

Finally, she arrived at the other woman's side and softly shook her shoulder, planting a chaste kiss against one of her cheeks. "Pam honey...Are you awake? I want to thank you for taking care of me properly." Harley finally said, a naughty smirk appearing on her plump lips as she wondered what Pamela would ask of her now she was indebted.
Hearing Harley’s voice from above caused a soft groan to emanate from the green tinted earthy goddess’s lips. Her eyelids fluttered and she half opened them taking in her patient for a few seconds. She stretched her breast spilling out of the covers and her green tinted nipples hardening from the feel of the soft sheets brushing over them. Her red hair spilled out over the pillow as she turned hooking one long green finger through the waistband of her thong.

“Come to bed….”

She reeled her in bringing her down onto the bed with her. She Maneuvered her guiding her until she was laying on Ivy chest and the blankets were wrapped around them both. Her smooth legs rubbed against Harley’s for a second caressing her before she settled back in and her eyes closed once more.

“Rest” Ivy told her with a soft concerned voice “Your injuries were severe we talk more in the morning”
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