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Perfectly Good At Being Bad (Shockazulla)

Mar 21, 2018
"Tonight's the night"

He repeated it like a mantra inside his head as he finished his third and final lap around the indoor gym of the Middleton Y. His old high school gym shirt stuck to his lean body. After having spent so much time running on the foot ball field and building on his experiences running from super villains Ron found running to be his favorite exercise. The ability to slide his headphones in and let the music blast any big thought out of his head. There was nothing in those runs not School or saving the world.

And especially not Kim.

"Hey there stud"

Ron heard the soft feminine voice behind him and stiffened ever so slightly. He turned taking in Zoe and noticing she here for a work out like him. Strange... she seemed to be coming more and more when he was here. The Ron from high school wouldn't have noticed that.

The clueless idiot.

"Uh hey Z" Ron said pushing his mop of blonde hair back and rubbing the back of his neck "I thought you worked out on Tuesdays?"

"Thought you could use some company Ron" Zoe said brushing past him and lightly touching your shoulder "You know since your girlfriend is still off in New York City"

Ron bristled at the way she said girlfriend and the casual mention of Kim being in New York City. Not for the first time Ron cursed not only the distance physically from the girl he loved more than anything but also the emotional distance as well. Ron thought after the Lowardian Invasion that rocked their graduation things would finally settle down and they would get stronger and stronger together. When Kim revealed she got invited to a prestigious New York City college Ron had no trouble telling her to go. He would be going to Middleton U on his own culinary scholarship and that would be fine.

Little did he know.

A year and a half later and Kim might as well have been on another planet! The long night of calls and phone sex whittled down to the occasional text and the quick calls in the time between classes. Ron could hear the happiness in Kim voice as well as the suspiciously male sounding friends around her. No matter how many times he tried to get her to have a serious conversation with him she blew him off or worse flat out ignored him.

Meanwhile here Ron was transforming himself from the lank unsure teenage boy to a young adult. He was knocking his classes out of the park and was the top student in his grade and his culinary program. He was getting in shape to having gotten invited by a friend to join the schools weight lifting program. Not that Kim was even here to see any of these changes... And his offer and hints to send a picture were largely missed.

But other girls were noticing.

He eyed Zoe again who seemed to be making a point to stretch and bend over right in front of him. His eyes ran up her long toned legs and his tongue flicked out before moving back into his mouth. He cleared his throat reaching behind his neck and scratching it. Ron wasn't a cheater and a part of him wanted to think there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for Kim ducking him before he went down that rabbit hole. Tonight she was finally home and his plan was to go shower put on some of the new cologne his dad got him and put on his new clothes before going to see her.

"I'll see you later Zoe" He told her turning on his heel and moving to the door leading out of the Y.



"Okay okay" Ron said shrugging his leather jacket on and moving to the door. While he ran through his small apartment he talked himself through his checklist.

"Rufus is with Wade" Ron murmured to himself "Fresh shower and deodorant on, belt on jeans, cologne is on.... flowers are waiting on my bike"

He paused thinking and going over the plan for the night before heading out of his apartment. A few minutes later the young blonde sidekick was riding down the streets in his new bike. Gone was the Vespa from before and now he had what he knew Kim would consider to be a "man's bike". He hoped his clothes managed to impress her to as he had finally upgraded from his tired old red polo and into clothes that actually cost a few bucks and were well made. A black express shirt clung to his newly defined muscles showing that he was mostly free of his teenage flab. The high end jeans he wore were supposed to tell a similar story. The flowers he had safely nestled in his bikes saddle bags were her favorites.

All in all Ron was ready to get his girl back!

He pulled up to the Possible house a few hours later and sighed in relief when he saw her car there but not her parents car. He held an idle hope that Kim might be so enamored with his "upgrade" that she would want him before they went out. It was a silly and ego driven thought but the fact her parents weren't home bode well. He ran to the door jumping up the first two steps before reaching out to knock. At the last minute he stopped however as the thought of surprising her emboldened him to stoop down and dig under the mat for the possible key. He found it seconds later and used it letting himself in before closing it behind him.

He moved through the home he knew as well as his own childhood home. It felt good to be back here and with a start Ron realized he hadn't been here in almost six months. He made a mental note not to leave the Possible family hanging like that. He was planning what delicious baked good to make for them when he reached the staircase and a soft moan stopped him.

Ron paused cocking his head and wondering if Kim was in trouble. Seconds later another string of moans floated down and reached his ear. Ron stiffened when he realized Kim most certainly wasn't in trouble.

Instead it couldn't be further.

"Oh Mike" Kim moaned groaning in pleasure as she came. Ron feet were suddenly cement keeping him rooted in the spot as he heard his girl friend cry out and cum for another man. He wanted to cry but found he couldn't and the only reaction he seemed capable of taking was to drop the flowers onto the floor. He continued to stand there even as she cleaned up and moved back to the bed.

"Yes Mike I'm meeting him in fifteen minutes" Kim said sighing and annoyed "I plan on breaking things off then"

Ron swallowed hard when he realized she was talking about him.

"Well I know you've been upset about him being strung along but he's my best friend!" Kim said her voice annoyed as if she had this argument many times "I tell him on MY terms okay? I don't want to be with him any more but I still want him as my friend"

That was all Ron needed to hear. He turned running and not caring if she heard him stomp out of her house. He shoved the door open behind him cracking it slightly on its hinges as he moved to his bike. He jumped on letting the bike roar to life and turning it as fast as he could to the road. He popped a wheelie as he tore away driving as fast and as hard as he could away from the entire ordeal.



She was calling him again.

He growled and picked it up contemplating his new smart phone for a second. After a few minutes he leaned over plopping his phone right in the tub of ice the bar tenders were pulling from. He watched his phone sink in and after making sure he wasn't going to be bothered with her crap any more he brought the mug up to his mouth and took a long pull from it. He let the beer rush into his body making him feel lighter as he brought the drink down with a satisfying THUD.
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