When you pick a rose, try not to bleed...


Apr 16, 2018



I will try to keep this as a place to let my partners and any potential partners updated on my current life happenings. Anything major medically speaking or vacation wise that may take me away from the internet or RPing world for long amounts of time will get posted here.

As I stated in my request thread I do have a chronic medical condition that flares up quite often. If I catch it early I can get on and give warning. If not, I cant use computer or phone screens so here is my advanced apology for any delayed responses.​
So I broke my foot last night. Yeah.... My first broken bone (besides my nose) since the first grade when I broke my wrist. I've never been in a position where I can't do things. And living in a second story apartment is just the worst. hopping and sliding up and down stairs. At least it's my left foot so I can still drive.

I am supposed to be getting a walking cast tomorrow so I can go back to work. I'm not sure what kind of limitations the doctor or my boss will have. We will see. The bitch hurts.

My dog is mad at me because I can't play or take her outside.... truth be told, it's her fault I broke my foot. She got excited last night and tangled me up in her leash and tripped me. So meh, she can be mad all she wants. No, I don't blame her , but there isn't really anything I can do at this point about taking her outside.

Hopefully once I get a real cast instead of this splint it wont hurt so much.
Well the cast I received isn’t good enough for work. Open toes and what not. The little shoe over the cast just doesn’t cut it. So until I get a closed toe shoe to cover my cast I can not work. Of course insurance won’t cover it so I bought something online but it won’t be here for weeks. Fml

Anyway. Tomorrow is the best friends baby shower so I will be spending all day doing girly things with her and other females I can’t stand. (Surprising as much as I play women online I absolutely hate being around them in real life). I’m a total tomboy. And being the only one without children or a husband I tend to be the awkward one out.

So needless to say I will most likely not be online at all or it will be really late. If you happen to really need me, my discord is still posted on my profile page.
So HEAT WAVE. Not only has it caused a flare up medically but my poor old laptop simply cant handle the heat since we have no AC. I promise i haven't forgotten about all you beautiful souls, I just can't really get online for more then a minute or so or my computer siezes.

Please be patient with me! I'll be back asap!
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