Female seeking male characters for 1x1 plots

May 26, 2018
Hi there,

I'm new to this site but not new to roleplaying. Since my other roleplaying sites have started to slow down, I've decided to look elsewhere to get my writing fix.

A few things about me:
*I will only roleplay onsite.
*I prefer to roleplay third person, past tense
*I value plot over content. I want to develop a story with interesting characters. I'm not looking for a smut-fest. If you're looking for something sex-centered, I probably am not the partner for you.
*I write at a casual to advanced level and would prefer a partner who does the same. One liners are a no for me.
*I won't partake in non-con acts, incest, bestiality, breeding, scat or watersports.

Plots and Ideas:

These are just basic outlines and I'm happy to brainstorm with any potential partners.

Set in a world where humans are aware of vampires, and coexist somewhat peacefully. Rather than finding unwilling victims to satisfy their need for blood and no longer having to hide in a wold of shadows, vampires have come to hire human companions who will sustain them for an agreed length of time. The human is always paid handsomely. After all, they sign a contract agreeing to submit and to serve their vampiric employer in whatever way they are needed.

I'm mostly looking to play the vampire in this one, but I'm also open to playing the human or doubling.

Set in a medieval/victorian time period, the vampire in this story would be a prince who, along with his father, rules over the land. Every year the royal family hold a dance for all of the unmarried human women in the kingdom to come to. The prince selects one to feed from for the next few weeks, or months and then the human is killed at the end of their time with the vampire; in front of the rest of the townspeople to display the vampire's power over the humans and to keep them in line. I imagine the human trying to gain influence over the prince once she's selected and attempting to convince him that things need to change; that there can be another way.

I'm open to doubling for this one and taking on the role of the prince's brother/sister.

This could be set in the future, past or a present day alternate world. My character was born as a slave, and it is all she's known all her life. She grew up in an institution that focuses on training slaves and preparing them for their masters/mistresses; teaching them how to be obedient, never to act out, how to use musical instruments/cook/clean/read/write etc. They're taught that the greatest happiness one can find is to please their master and that if they did not have someone to control them and tell them what to do, that they would become wild and unruly and be destroyed. As a result, when it's time for my character to be given to her master, all she wants to do is be cooperative and obedient and make him happy. Except, the master doesn't want a slave. In fact, he's completely against slavery and thinks it should be abolished. Maybe he's part of an anti-slavery movement. So, he works to try and undo all those years of brainwashing, to get her to make her own choices and to act how she wants; not how she thinks her master wants her to. I was thinking it might be interesting if this was a whole race of people; who honestly believe their sole purpose in life is to be a slave. Maybe we can have this set somewhat in the future and they're an alien race (though I'd still like them to look relatively human), or we could even do a human/vampire thing with this one.

I'm willing to double on this one and play both a slave and a mistress.
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