[FxF] Variety of Sci-Fi & Modern Plots

May 23, 2018
Hello there all who have chanced across my request thread, I'm new to the site and figured I'd make a quick post just to canvass for anyone willing to indulge a couple of ideas I currently have.

Quick info

  • I'm looking to RP exclusively through PM's here on the forum, afraid I'm not interested in other methods.
  • I write in third person, typically a couple of paragraphs per reply, depending on the situation at the time.
  • Your actual gender doesn't matter to me, so long as you're able to play a convincing female character.
  • I lean more towards the sub side of the dom/sub dynamic. You don't need to play a super dominatrix however as for a lot of plots it simply doesn't factor in. (Though if you want to then I'm certainly up for it!)
  • Not looking for stories exclusively involving smut, for me the story has to have a good background and reasoning for our characters to revolve around. Relationship development is key in my opinion!

What I'm looking for

At the moment I'm searching for partners for pretty much any plot ideas that I find interesting. I'll list a couple below in this post but any suggestions are welcome and will be considered.

Sci-Fi Plot(s)

Right now I'm really interested in starting a sci-fi plot inspired by games such as Mass Effect, Halo etc. Our characters could be crew members or officers on board a spaceship (Could be military, merchant, anything!) who either work similar stations or are bunked together. Throughout the journey/mission they begin to develop a relationship with one another.

I really enjoy the whole space opera setting and think that it provides a lot of opportunity for interesting stories and character development.

Modern Plot(s)

For modern plots the ideas I am most interested in is playing the role of a young woman exploring her sexuality. Your character may be similarly inexperienced or alternatively a more confident, experienced woman determined to "turn" MC. This could be played out in all sorts of settings, from college students to work colleagues.

I'm hoping to develop this post as time goes on with more ideas, as I said before please feel free to PM me with any of your own ideas that you think I may be interested in and we can hopefully work a plot idea out!
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