Mostly f/f, with one lone m/f plot


May 7, 2010
Interested? Leave a message below or hit me on PM! I am open to taking things offsite but don't want to give out my contact information to everyone who wanders by, so it's best if we talk first.

I don't write one-liners, and I hope you don't either. Overall, I tend to tailor my posts to my partner's; I tend to average 2-3 paragraphs but can write more if the scene calls for it. (I won't, however, write dreadful filler just for the sake of padding out a post. Say what you have to say and press "send".)

I don't expect FLAWLESS PERFECTION! in grammar and spelling, but if your command of English is so dismal that I need several reference materials to figure out what you're trying to say, that's not going to work. (Also, I very strongly dislike txtspk; I hear things in my head as I read them on the page or screen, and txtspk manifests in my brain as a chopped and screwed robot voice. WHY ARE YOU TORMENTING THAT POOR ROBOT.)

I write in third-person, usually past-tense (sometimes present if we're both on that page).

Just like you, I like smut. I don't, however, like nonstop smut, and I like plot better. Pairings aren't plots, although they can be part of the plot. Like anyone else, I have my specific tastes, but we can discuss those later. For reference, though, I'm emphatically not into snuff, torture, gore, feces, vomit, or forced anything. (I don't have an issue with using rape and other violence as plot points or part of a backstory, but they're not sexy to me, and they should have a purpose in the story rather than just being there for their own sake.) I also don't like anything where a character's will is broken or where they're turned into a mindless fuck machine. Not interesting, you know?

If you want to chat OOC, I'm happy to chat. If not, and you just want to use me for the sweet, sweet RP, that's fine too.

I don't do fandom anything, unless you count history as a fandom. I am a lazy dick and it's much easier for me to make shit up, or stick with shit I know like the back of my hand, than have to be faithful to a canon universe.

We're all adults with real life obligations. I, for one, work full-time outside the home and have to be up at four o'clock in the morning four days a week. You probably have places you need to be and things you need to do. Life happens. I'm pretty ditch-friendly; if you don't have time or it's not working for you, that's life, and we'll all move on. RP is a hobby, not the center of the universe. That said, I'd ideally like to find something that will last a good long while!

I should mention I RP predominantly to have fun telling a story and writing, not to make up for real or imagined deficiencies in my love life. Consequently, my real-life gender (and yours) aren't super important as far as I'm concerned.

As far as settings, I don't like dystopias, and I do not under any circumstances write any kind of modern anything. I live in the modern world, I don't want to write about it. I like a lot of different historical settings, and I like low fantasy (where the emphasis is on the worldbuilding rather than on the magical elements). My default is Vaguely Eighteenth Centuryish Or So.

When it comes to f/f, I don't have any particular plots or cravings; I'd rather we talk about our likes and interests and come up with something we'd both like to do. I tend to write tough, competent, practical women who lean a little more masculine (and may or may not actually be disguised or passing as men), and I like to play against the innocent, blushing princess archetype. (Note, though, that innocent blushing princesses aren't necessarily stupid, or without agency or agenda.)

This is the only m/f interest I really have (I typically play male roles for m/f, and this is the only one where I'm interested in playing a female role).

Two Old Sinners: The Emperor and the Dictatrix are old rivals, old enemies, and before that, old lovers. They have much in common: both brilliant, they came from almost nothing, have a military background, and are self-made. His relentless conquests ended in his being outlawed and driven from the continent; she orchestrated a coup and overthrew her brother-in-law, then installed a short-lived dictatorship. Her brother-in-law wished to show mercy, for she had served him well for many years, and so he has had her exiled to the same island where the Emperor languishes in obscurity.

This island is roughly the size of a postage stamp, and news takes perhaps a couple of days to get from one end to the other. Sure enough, the terrible two meet again, now middle-aged but no less ferocious, and it's like fire and gunpowder. It becomes immediately obvious that nothing has changed, and given that neither has any means of getting off the island or any way to communicate with the outside world that won't be intercepted, things are about to get very hot indeed.
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