Looking for long-term, story-heavy plays over Discord/YIM


Aug 13, 2012
The Work Rival
-----Elements of revenge, exhibitionism, slight manipulation... A couple shares an apartment. The boyfriend is something of a... devious guy, kind of a jerk sometimes. He works in an office-type environment. He and a coworker, both up for a promotion, have to give competing presentations. The coworker put quite a bit of time and effort into his, only for the boyfriend to make a copy of it the previous week, spend his time memorizing it, then present it as his own the day before the coworker was to give it.
-----The play will open up with the boyfriend returning to the apartment after work that same day. His coworker follows him home, bursting into his apartment, and starting a fight. The coworker has the upper hand until the girlfriend hears the commotion from the shower and rushes in to help. After the couple overpowers the coworker, the boyfriend leaves his girlfriend to kick out the now-dazed/bleeding coworker. The girlfriend feels sympathy and cannot kick him out, listening to his story as she helps clean him up.

The Play
-----This one is semi-related to my Fundraiser Week roleplay (and, by extension, the "Greek Week" story in my Literotica links). As per my usual, a boyfriend/girlfriend college couple. The girlfriend is a Theatre major, and it just so happens that the boyfriend's fraternity is putting on a play in order to raise money. The boyfriend casually mentions this, and his girlfriend jumps all over it, eager to help out while exercising her theatrical muscles. But as the preparations go on, the fraternity president makes more and more changes/tweaks to the play in order to "sell more tickets". How far will the girlfriend go in pursuit of her passion?

I Don't Think We Agreed to This...
-----A reformation of a previous story in a format that lends itself better to longer plays. A couple (age undecided) want to start experimenting sexually, as both of them haven't had much other than each other. Through a bit of sexual convincing, the boyfriend agrees to let his girl flirt with other guys from time to time. Jealousy supposedly can rekindle a relationship, so why not try? The girlfriend finds that she enjoys it very much and slowly begins bending and breaking the rules that the boyfriend laid out during their agreement. Can he stop her before she goes too far?

My Abrasive Father-in-Law
-----This will follow a freshly married husband and wife. I'm picturing mid-20's or so. They're a nice, perfect couple and are just moving in together. But there is a snag. The husband's father (mid 50's) just recently had surgery. With his wife having passed away many years before, he asks to stay with his son, who naturally obliges him. We'll pick up as the father-in-law moves his stuff into the spare bedroom. The storyline will follow as the father-in-law becomes more and more sexual towards his son's young bride, taking advantage of her innocence and naivety to get away with as much as he can. Both of them end up having to hide things all under the husband's roof.

Target Demographic
-----Imagine an entertainment outlet of some kind (I'm thinking either radio or TV station) that caters mainly to blacks, like BET, but on a much more local level, smaller, etc. Their ratings have been slipping lately, so one of the DJs/newscasters/whatever comes up with an idea to hire an attractive white woman, subliminally appealing to the younger male viewers/listeners. Enter my character. Recent college graduate with a Communications degree. I can be either married or have a boyfriend, whichever you prefer. The general story will go as the guys at work get me to do more and more degrading things, much to the objection of my SO. The story has many directions it can go.

Cosplay Girlfriend
-----He didn't know how he had gotten so lucky... his sophomore year of college, he'd finally managed to hook up with a girl, and she seemed to really like him. They had been 'dating' for a few months, though he was too nervous to really confront her and talk about what their status. Better not to rock the boat, he figured. But a second step had to be taken sooner or later. He always loved the "nerd" conventions that came into the city where the college was. His old hometown had been too small for such things, so he was eager to attend. He had to invite his "girlfriend", though he was sure she wouldn't be interested. To his surprise, she agreed. What's more, she didn't seem bothered when he had said he might dress up, despite how nerdy it would make him seem. In fact, she volunteered to dress up as well. He gave her a few suggestions of what costumes would work best but ultimately left it up to her, agreeing to meet her at the convention center. Upon his arrival, he met up with her and was shocked at how revealing her costume was. She looked like one of those slutty models company's hired to dress up like their video game characters and promote the game. How would their uncertain relationship fare as every nerdy pair of eyes in the building admired his "girlfriend"?

It Can't Be That Big...
-----This story has a focus on interracial play. The main focus will be a married couple, the wife being several years younger than her husband, a bit naive as well. She has no job, choosing to stay at home and take care of the household. They are trying to get pregnant and hope to conceive very soon. The husband works with the underprivileged in some form. I haven't quite decided on his exact job, something like a parole officer or something similar. The roleplay will start when the two of them are home one night, perhaps eating dinner. The husband, not thinking, offhandedly mentions the physical prowess of one of the black underprivileged men he works with. The wife, having only ever been with her husband, is shocked at what she hears, but it becomes all she can think about. She finds herself visiting her husband at work, though that may not be too appropriate given what he does. She even encourages him to invite over someone he works with for dinner, hoping it will be the well proportioned man her husband mentioned. The play will progress from there, and we can discuss the end game for it.

The Con Artist
-----I'm still a little fuzzy on the details of this one, but it's an idea I've been toying with for a while, so I want to toss it out here and see how others can expand on it. I've always wanted a roleplay involving a con/theft/heist/etc, but I've struggled to come up with specifics. All I have thus far is that a (male) con artist sees me and, through some way or another, convinces me to work with him. We work a few small jobs together while he teaches me the tricks of the trade. During the jobs, I'm typically the distraction, occasionally in ways my character is reluctant to go through with. From there, we can decide if we want to a longer, more elaborate con or what. Lots of room for improvisation here.

Risky Business (Just a jacket)
-----This roleplay heavily involves exhibitionism, so if that isn't your cup of tea, you should move right along. The main character would be a young girl either in her Senior year of high school or in college, who basically gets off on placing herself in risky situations. Years ago, she stumbled upon a Truth or Dare website, which led her into the world of exhibitionism. I imagine she either comes up with 'challenges' for her to do herself, gets them off of the website, or even has a friend online who directs her. We can start with smaller things (spend the next 2 hours sitting in your room totally naked, no matter what happens) and eventually escalate (go to class wearing only a long jacket). There would have to be multiple side characters (with a few of them standing out as more major characters), so if you're uncomfortable playing more than one role, this roleplay isn't for you.

Fundraiser Week
-----This one centers around a happy college couple. The girlfriend is in a sorority, the boy in a fraternity. There is a certain week during the semester where every fraternity/sorority pairing competes against one another in a competition to see who can raise the most money. One of the boyfriend's close friends is the President of the fraternity, and he sees an opportunity this week. He wants to use this week as an excuse to get closer to the girlfriend. The week could start off simple... maybe he encourages her to sign up for the dunking booth then, arguing that they need to make as much money as possible, suggest she go in a white t-shirt? Then on Tuesday, perhaps he buys a skimpy bikini for her to wear for the car wash? The girlfriend is faithful to her boyfriend, but she wants to do everything she can to help out, so she agrees to these things, despite her boyfriend's concerns. The week goes on and on, and things continually escalate...
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