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A Kiss Over Summer (Gwenie and MellowYellow)


May 13, 2018
Ann thought Akira would be a different person back in his hometown, but he continued to be the same young man she adored. She was glad she had the chance to visit him for a week over the summer break. It would be a good opportunity to see how he’d been doing after their adventures.

On her tiptoes, Ann brushed a soft kiss upon the other’s lips as a greeting, while she cupped his face between her fingers. The lean lines of her body pressed against the strength of the other man’s own. When she broke apart for air, her warm, blue eyes swept across his parent’s home before settling on his handsome features. “Care to show me around later?” A mischievous grin. “I’d be so disappointed in you if you didn’t…”
After everything that had happened over the course of their adventures together, Akira had never put much thought into the idea of dating. But, despite this, he and Ann had just kind of... drifted together. He admired Ann a great deal and had supported her at every turn, wanting to see her thrive and succeed as a model. And she, in turn, had helped get his spirits up at all times.

"Hehe... well, I'm sure there's one room in particular I'd give you a tour of," the raven haired boy said. Akira, still slightly taller than the blonde, settled his hands on her rounded hips to give them a modest squeeze. "Still, for now... you want me to show you around town? There's not a whole lot to see, not gonna lie."
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