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Moon's Grace ( Gwenie and MellowYellow )


May 13, 2018
Moon Knight wasn’t at all that difficult to find at night. Spider-Woman’s gaze flickered over the all-white costume, broad shoulders, and powerful stature. She wondered if he was as crazy as all the rumors said he was, but it didn’t matter if he could help with her case.

Gwen kept her body high on the wall in case he didn’t like little heroines bothering his massacres. It’d be such a pain to throw down in with him in a dirty New York alley.

Her mask shrouded the nervous smile on her face. “How’s the night doing for you, Moonbeam?” Gwen drummed her fingers upon the brick she stuck herself upon. The adrenaline made her heart race in her chest, but she wouldn’t allow the fear into the lilt of her voice. “You look good in that color, I dig it…” She arched her slim neck forward. “It might be hard to get the bloodstains out.”
Moon Knight rose slowly from his 'handiwork.' A battered and bruised figure in an armoured blue suit, groaning loudly as his haul of stolen jewels spilled out beneath him. The newest version of the Midnight Man, going on his first (and presumably last) heist. Moon Knight turned with great slowness, the night air tussling the ivory material of his hood and cape. His ethereal eyes regarded Gwen closely.

"Every priest needs his vestments, and I'm no exception. And if I get bloody from my holy mission, well then so be it," he admitted, giving a quick flick of his right hand that sent a spurt of blood along the dirty ground. "But that's not important right now. I can tell you want something, otherwise you wouldn't seek me out." Nobody ever came his way unless they needed a favor from him.
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