Kindness is earned...brutal honesty is free.
- Joined
- May 14, 2018
Hello all of my lovely sinners. My name is Inordinate, or if you know the hidden meaning behind the name then feel free to use that as well. (It's a specific term)
Now, onto why I'm here: To fulfill desires that the real world would not allow me to do without serious ramifications or things that I as a normal human being can not do. Thus, enter the world of RP!
Q- What are my demands?
A- Simple really. I want creativity. I want passion. I want something that makes me want to open the pm or thread and smile.
Q- What can you expect from me?
A- In plot building and discussion or answering questions I will be polite and friendly, however I will be blunt as well. You have come to my thread seeking to rp with me. Thus you should bring me an idea, don't send me a pm asking me what to rp, or telling me to go look at your request thread. I look over threads I'm interested in. That shows me you have little to no creativity and thus makes you less ideal to work with.
In terms of an RP, I will add everything needed for a character. Her personality, her back story, how she feels based on the situation she's in. The environment around her and how it affects her. My girls are mine. Do Not try and take control of them. (small things like moving them from one spot to another are fine but controlling what they say or how they feel is forbidden and will result in a stern warning then a drop of the rp)
Q- What kind of genre do you prefer?
A- Honestly I'm pretty crappy at medieval but I can manage. Victorian era is a no go as I have no clue about that. Fantasy, modern, and some futuristic is good with me but if the story and characters are good, I'll try anything.
Q- What kind of girls do you have?
A- All of my girls are unique in how they will respond and how they will act. Some are shy and submissive while others are outspoken and dominant. Some may also be cold and emotionally shut off. It depends on the story. I will be sure to have a brief description of each girl's personality so choose them wisely when thinking of a story.
Q- What are your kinks/limits?
A- I have a variety of kinks that is too much to list but my limits are as follows:
Bathroom (scat/urine)
Vomiting (How about no.)
Feet (Just gross, you walk on them)
Bad hygiene (There's this new invention called soap. Rub it on your skin with warm water. Does wonders)
Breast Lactation (Unless MC is pregnant, she'd have no reason to be doing that and if so, it's for the baby.)
Non-con (There isn't a woman on this planet that would enjoy rape. If you do, that makes it consensual.)
Abuse (Hit my girls, they will hit back twice as hard. They are not door mats.)
Degradation/humiliation (Try it. The rp will be dropped and you will be blocked. This is your one warning.)
(More will be added later, but you should get the idea)
Must Read and Comprehend!
*When sending me a request. HAVE AN IDEA! Show some creativity and some enthusiasm to play, and no I will not play a character you have. Meaning if the character isn't in this list, don't ask. Each of these girls can be tweaked to fit any story.
*If you send me something like this: "Hey. I wanna rp." I will delete your message. If you ask me if I want to rp, I will delete your message. I obviously want to, I'm here aren't I?
*When picking one of my girls, read their personality carefully. Make sure it fits with the setting and idea of the plot! If I don't feel MC will be a good match, I will deny the use of that character.
*Be aware that NONE of my girls will be 'googly eyed' for anyone. Love is earned, not given freely. Don't just think you can swoon them with little effort.
*Be able to take constructive criticism. I am direct, blunt, mean, a bitch...whatever you want to call it. I will point out the flaws in your request and inform you why I am doing so. Take it as it is and either accept it or don't. Not my problem. I have needs to be met on my thread just the same as you do on yours.
*Be respectful. I will do the same. I want to have fun here, just like everyone else. If you wear your heart on your sleeve, please inform me and I will tone down the bluntness to a simple yes or no.
*If I send you a starter and you take longer than 2 days to reply to it, I'll most likely drop the rp. It's very difficult for me to retain excitement in an rp when it has trouble starting.
*I only rp here. Pm or thread. No exceptions.
*If I refuse an rp (for whatever reason) don't get all butt hurt and start bashing me or send a hailstorm of pm's wondering why. That's a fast track to my blocked list. Just accept it and move on. There are plenty of fish here.
*Not interested in interracial. Inter-species sure, but no interracial.
*Oh. One more thing. Absolutely no out right smut! I require story as well. Outright smut will be denied immediately, and since I have put this warning here. If you offer smut focused rp's, you will also be blocked.
NOW. Onto the girls! Key note: Romance is a requirement! It may be a rough start and it may be a love hate but I prefer romance in some aspect. No one wants to die alone.
**Key note** None of my girls will instantly like/fall for a character. Instant hook-up's or pre-existing relations are a no go.
Ava is a free spirit. She regrets nothing and acts on impulse quite a bit. She's sweet, flirty, seductive, funny and always smiles. However, she also sees everyone as a toy. Something fun to play with but not necessarily keep. She keeps everyone at a distance. You may get in her pants sure, but her heart is on lock down, so you better be good at picking locks and have a lot of patience. Despite her seeming like an airhead, she's actually very smart and very aware. Pulling a fast one over on her is not recommended as she is also quick to violence when needed.
Angel is a sweetheart. She's kind, respectful, timid, a bit of a klutz, determined, strong willed, responsible and affectionate. She is a klutz because she is completely blind. Born blind, she's adapted by using sound, sense of touch and smell as her primary tools for seeing. She judges based on actions rather than looks for obvious reasons, but she's not stupid. She's very intelligent and knows the human anatomy rather well. For example, she can tell when someone is lying thanks to her acute hearing and sense of touch. She'll be able to feel the jump in the heart rate, making her a walking lie detector.
Melissa, or Mel for short, is feisty, playful, smart, a bit of a klutz if her mind is elsewhere, and she is brutally honest with little regard for people's feelings. She tells it how she sees it. She's very much a free spirit but she does actually think before doing something. She's mature for her age but is very much in touch with her youthful side as well. She's also not afraid to fight and given her feline abilities thanks to her race, she's not to be taken lightly. (Mel is one of my nicer characters. Since people seem to have a problem with the other ones.)
Futa Alex (Blue Hair)
Normal Alex (Blue hair)
Alex is very much a punker chick. She has very little care for how others view her and with throw down at the drop of a hat. Alex has very few men she is friends with and for the most part absolutely hates men because of how most of them think. She has disowned her parents and trusts a grand total of three people. Keeping everyone at arms length. She's a switch in the bedroom, easily capable of being the dominant but will be submissive for a select few. To anyone wanting to rp with her, be ready for a very distant and very blunt female. If you are looking to play male...good luck. She'll immediately not trust you and there's a good chance she'll hate you just based on your gender.
Victoria, or Tori as she prefers to be called is a fire demoness. She's a switch when it comes to what side of the spectrum she prefers. With humans, she's a Dominant, for other demons that are stronger than her, she's a sub. Tori is a spit fire. She's wild, out spoken, shameless, brutally honest, a bit of ditsy at times, fun loving and she will not take shit from anyone. To be her Dom, you must earn that right. Trying to physically dominate her will just make her resist and fight harder. You must show you are a true Dom. Someone who can dominate without physical force. Confidence is key, but so is humility.
Jasmine, or Jaz for short, is another 'nicer' character. Meaning she won't be a complete bitch when she shoots down your advancements. She's soft spoken, easy going, and just an all around sweet heart. She doesn't like violence but she's not afraid to fight if it's needed. Most of the time, if it isn't absolutely necessary, she'll just run or try and defuse the aggression around her.
Tessa is a true submissive. One of the few that I have. She's sweet, loving, nurturing, a bit hyperactive when she's excited and very loyal. On top of all that, she's also wickedly intelligent and very strong since she is an angelic race. Unlike the common thought of 'angel's' she's more along the lines of a combat Angel. She was bred for war and combat but when there's no war, she's enjoying life and having fun.
Delta and Echo
These two were inspired from a story I currently have going but I love them so I wanted to keep them around. To give a nutshell explanation of the two; Delta and Echo are both lab experiments. Rapid growth to accelerate the growth of their bodies but in mind they're fairly young and inexperienced with anything outside of what the scientists who raised them taught them.
Delta is about as submissive as one can get. She's a powerhouse of power mainly involving spiritual power. She can control astral spirits which can be used both offensively and defensively. However, when the scientists aren't controlling her, she holds no interest in fighting at all. She's easily distracted and very mentally innocent.
Echo is the polar opposite of Delta. She's highly aggressive, Dominant in personality and a wild card even to the scientists that raised her. She and Delta are the only ones of their kind, Echo being as close to a dragon-kin as possible. Her scales are her biggest power as they are the classic dragon armored scales. Her wings are also dangerous as they can act like shields or swords given the speed she can slice them towards an enemy. Echo is Delta's better, the experiment who was created based off of Delta but made to be better and stronger.
In a story involving these two, they will be portrayed as sisters. Echo will be violently protective of Delta and is very untrusting of EVERYONE, so don't expect them to like you at all. Raised by scientists, abused and conditioned as super soldiers make them very cold toward anyone but each other.
Plot Idea:
This is a plot that is in need of a male, however I will be VERY picky about who gets this role as the males I've seen lately are...lacking to put it nicely.
So the idea requires a dominant male who is confident in himself and his abilities (whatever they may be) BUT he can't be a snobbish dick. A balance of confidence and humility is needed. I want a gentle Dom. Someone who knows that a true Dom doesn't need physical aggression to make someone submit. Intelligence and natural dominance is what makes someone submit. Also remembering that a Dom is nothing without the PERMISSION of their sub. So earning trust is key. Now, that said, this is obviously a slow build rp as trust is earned not given freely. Patience is a virtue that will be required here. The male character will be dealing with Humanoid or Anthro females that have had a rough upbringing and don't trust humans. At max, the male will be dealing with 3 females at once. Each with different personalities.
You get the idea.
Okie dokie. Wall of text is, if you would like to rp with any of these girls, let me know. I'm not going to put a plot or anything like that because I want to see what YOU can come up with. First and foremost, I would like to RP against a female/futa. Male's are secondary unless you have one hell of an idea. Given the pictures, you can guess that some of these girls will be in a fantasy setting.
I'd like to stay away from the cliche slice of life school life plays because those are boring. Add some flavor and depth to them.
Welp, that's about it! I'll edit this later as I go, but this is a rough first draft.
Now, onto why I'm here: To fulfill desires that the real world would not allow me to do without serious ramifications or things that I as a normal human being can not do. Thus, enter the world of RP!
Q- What are my demands?
A- Simple really. I want creativity. I want passion. I want something that makes me want to open the pm or thread and smile.
Q- What can you expect from me?
A- In plot building and discussion or answering questions I will be polite and friendly, however I will be blunt as well. You have come to my thread seeking to rp with me. Thus you should bring me an idea, don't send me a pm asking me what to rp, or telling me to go look at your request thread. I look over threads I'm interested in. That shows me you have little to no creativity and thus makes you less ideal to work with.
In terms of an RP, I will add everything needed for a character. Her personality, her back story, how she feels based on the situation she's in. The environment around her and how it affects her. My girls are mine. Do Not try and take control of them. (small things like moving them from one spot to another are fine but controlling what they say or how they feel is forbidden and will result in a stern warning then a drop of the rp)
Q- What kind of genre do you prefer?
A- Honestly I'm pretty crappy at medieval but I can manage. Victorian era is a no go as I have no clue about that. Fantasy, modern, and some futuristic is good with me but if the story and characters are good, I'll try anything.
Q- What kind of girls do you have?
A- All of my girls are unique in how they will respond and how they will act. Some are shy and submissive while others are outspoken and dominant. Some may also be cold and emotionally shut off. It depends on the story. I will be sure to have a brief description of each girl's personality so choose them wisely when thinking of a story.
Q- What are your kinks/limits?
A- I have a variety of kinks that is too much to list but my limits are as follows:
Bathroom (scat/urine)
Vomiting (How about no.)
Feet (Just gross, you walk on them)
Bad hygiene (There's this new invention called soap. Rub it on your skin with warm water. Does wonders)
Breast Lactation (Unless MC is pregnant, she'd have no reason to be doing that and if so, it's for the baby.)
Non-con (There isn't a woman on this planet that would enjoy rape. If you do, that makes it consensual.)
Abuse (Hit my girls, they will hit back twice as hard. They are not door mats.)
Degradation/humiliation (Try it. The rp will be dropped and you will be blocked. This is your one warning.)
(More will be added later, but you should get the idea)
Must Read and Comprehend!
*When sending me a request. HAVE AN IDEA! Show some creativity and some enthusiasm to play, and no I will not play a character you have. Meaning if the character isn't in this list, don't ask. Each of these girls can be tweaked to fit any story.
*If you send me something like this: "Hey. I wanna rp." I will delete your message. If you ask me if I want to rp, I will delete your message. I obviously want to, I'm here aren't I?
*When picking one of my girls, read their personality carefully. Make sure it fits with the setting and idea of the plot! If I don't feel MC will be a good match, I will deny the use of that character.
*Be aware that NONE of my girls will be 'googly eyed' for anyone. Love is earned, not given freely. Don't just think you can swoon them with little effort.
*Be able to take constructive criticism. I am direct, blunt, mean, a bitch...whatever you want to call it. I will point out the flaws in your request and inform you why I am doing so. Take it as it is and either accept it or don't. Not my problem. I have needs to be met on my thread just the same as you do on yours.
*Be respectful. I will do the same. I want to have fun here, just like everyone else. If you wear your heart on your sleeve, please inform me and I will tone down the bluntness to a simple yes or no.
*If I send you a starter and you take longer than 2 days to reply to it, I'll most likely drop the rp. It's very difficult for me to retain excitement in an rp when it has trouble starting.
*I only rp here. Pm or thread. No exceptions.
*If I refuse an rp (for whatever reason) don't get all butt hurt and start bashing me or send a hailstorm of pm's wondering why. That's a fast track to my blocked list. Just accept it and move on. There are plenty of fish here.
*Not interested in interracial. Inter-species sure, but no interracial.
*Oh. One more thing. Absolutely no out right smut! I require story as well. Outright smut will be denied immediately, and since I have put this warning here. If you offer smut focused rp's, you will also be blocked.
NOW. Onto the girls! Key note: Romance is a requirement! It may be a rough start and it may be a love hate but I prefer romance in some aspect. No one wants to die alone.
**Key note** None of my girls will instantly like/fall for a character. Instant hook-up's or pre-existing relations are a no go.
Ava is a free spirit. She regrets nothing and acts on impulse quite a bit. She's sweet, flirty, seductive, funny and always smiles. However, she also sees everyone as a toy. Something fun to play with but not necessarily keep. She keeps everyone at a distance. You may get in her pants sure, but her heart is on lock down, so you better be good at picking locks and have a lot of patience. Despite her seeming like an airhead, she's actually very smart and very aware. Pulling a fast one over on her is not recommended as she is also quick to violence when needed.
Angel is a sweetheart. She's kind, respectful, timid, a bit of a klutz, determined, strong willed, responsible and affectionate. She is a klutz because she is completely blind. Born blind, she's adapted by using sound, sense of touch and smell as her primary tools for seeing. She judges based on actions rather than looks for obvious reasons, but she's not stupid. She's very intelligent and knows the human anatomy rather well. For example, she can tell when someone is lying thanks to her acute hearing and sense of touch. She'll be able to feel the jump in the heart rate, making her a walking lie detector.
Melissa, or Mel for short, is feisty, playful, smart, a bit of a klutz if her mind is elsewhere, and she is brutally honest with little regard for people's feelings. She tells it how she sees it. She's very much a free spirit but she does actually think before doing something. She's mature for her age but is very much in touch with her youthful side as well. She's also not afraid to fight and given her feline abilities thanks to her race, she's not to be taken lightly. (Mel is one of my nicer characters. Since people seem to have a problem with the other ones.)
Futa Alex (Blue Hair)
Normal Alex (Blue hair)
Alex is very much a punker chick. She has very little care for how others view her and with throw down at the drop of a hat. Alex has very few men she is friends with and for the most part absolutely hates men because of how most of them think. She has disowned her parents and trusts a grand total of three people. Keeping everyone at arms length. She's a switch in the bedroom, easily capable of being the dominant but will be submissive for a select few. To anyone wanting to rp with her, be ready for a very distant and very blunt female. If you are looking to play male...good luck. She'll immediately not trust you and there's a good chance she'll hate you just based on your gender.
Victoria, or Tori as she prefers to be called is a fire demoness. She's a switch when it comes to what side of the spectrum she prefers. With humans, she's a Dominant, for other demons that are stronger than her, she's a sub. Tori is a spit fire. She's wild, out spoken, shameless, brutally honest, a bit of ditsy at times, fun loving and she will not take shit from anyone. To be her Dom, you must earn that right. Trying to physically dominate her will just make her resist and fight harder. You must show you are a true Dom. Someone who can dominate without physical force. Confidence is key, but so is humility.
Jasmine, or Jaz for short, is another 'nicer' character. Meaning she won't be a complete bitch when she shoots down your advancements. She's soft spoken, easy going, and just an all around sweet heart. She doesn't like violence but she's not afraid to fight if it's needed. Most of the time, if it isn't absolutely necessary, she'll just run or try and defuse the aggression around her.
Tessa is a true submissive. One of the few that I have. She's sweet, loving, nurturing, a bit hyperactive when she's excited and very loyal. On top of all that, she's also wickedly intelligent and very strong since she is an angelic race. Unlike the common thought of 'angel's' she's more along the lines of a combat Angel. She was bred for war and combat but when there's no war, she's enjoying life and having fun.
Delta and Echo
These two were inspired from a story I currently have going but I love them so I wanted to keep them around. To give a nutshell explanation of the two; Delta and Echo are both lab experiments. Rapid growth to accelerate the growth of their bodies but in mind they're fairly young and inexperienced with anything outside of what the scientists who raised them taught them.
Delta is about as submissive as one can get. She's a powerhouse of power mainly involving spiritual power. She can control astral spirits which can be used both offensively and defensively. However, when the scientists aren't controlling her, she holds no interest in fighting at all. She's easily distracted and very mentally innocent.
Echo is the polar opposite of Delta. She's highly aggressive, Dominant in personality and a wild card even to the scientists that raised her. She and Delta are the only ones of their kind, Echo being as close to a dragon-kin as possible. Her scales are her biggest power as they are the classic dragon armored scales. Her wings are also dangerous as they can act like shields or swords given the speed she can slice them towards an enemy. Echo is Delta's better, the experiment who was created based off of Delta but made to be better and stronger.
In a story involving these two, they will be portrayed as sisters. Echo will be violently protective of Delta and is very untrusting of EVERYONE, so don't expect them to like you at all. Raised by scientists, abused and conditioned as super soldiers make them very cold toward anyone but each other.
Plot Idea:
This is a plot that is in need of a male, however I will be VERY picky about who gets this role as the males I've seen lately are...lacking to put it nicely.
So the idea requires a dominant male who is confident in himself and his abilities (whatever they may be) BUT he can't be a snobbish dick. A balance of confidence and humility is needed. I want a gentle Dom. Someone who knows that a true Dom doesn't need physical aggression to make someone submit. Intelligence and natural dominance is what makes someone submit. Also remembering that a Dom is nothing without the PERMISSION of their sub. So earning trust is key. Now, that said, this is obviously a slow build rp as trust is earned not given freely. Patience is a virtue that will be required here. The male character will be dealing with Humanoid or Anthro females that have had a rough upbringing and don't trust humans. At max, the male will be dealing with 3 females at once. Each with different personalities.
You get the idea.
Okie dokie. Wall of text is, if you would like to rp with any of these girls, let me know. I'm not going to put a plot or anything like that because I want to see what YOU can come up with. First and foremost, I would like to RP against a female/futa. Male's are secondary unless you have one hell of an idea. Given the pictures, you can guess that some of these girls will be in a fantasy setting.
I'd like to stay away from the cliche slice of life school life plays because those are boring. Add some flavor and depth to them.
Welp, that's about it! I'll edit this later as I go, but this is a rough first draft.
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