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Tainted RWBY (Blazorna & Fabs)


At parity with pears...
Apr 7, 2017
From the Flames of Creativity
(WARNING: This contains bestiality, so if you don'tlike that, don't read!)

Remnant's kingdoms always had issues with the Grimm. But things became drastic after the fall of Beacon Academy. The threat of the Grimm rose more after that, and as such, attacks were becoming more and more frequent. One such attack was of what were considered the weakest of the species, the Beowolf. Considering this, one wouldn't take this threat as serious than the other species.

A pack of these beasts were spotted outsite a small town, However, these Grimm didn't attack indiscriminately, showing caution when they made their move. This wasn't noticed by the victims, with all of the ones who confronted them slain or missing. A reward was offered for the extermination of these Grimm, with none claiming success yet. The bounty still haven't claimed enough to warrent a more critical eye on just how dangerous it truely was.

Deep inside a forest, a pack of five Beowolves ran across their territory, the Grimm all tense, as if they were pent up. The leader of the pack was twice the size of the others, with a diagonal scar running across its mask like face. The eyes were a brilliant red, with orange pupils that almost blended into the red. At first glance, they looked like a normal Grimm's. but there was something more present in them if seen up close. Something unusual that were not present in the eyes of regular Grimm.

The pack picked up the scents of several women, and with a bark from the Alpha, the five dispersed, with the Alpha running straight ahead to confront the pack's chosen targets. It darted for a bit before seeing the four, Rising onto its hind legs, it snarled at them while its arms were positioned to be ready to swipe if attacked.
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