Wanted: F// Fantasy Fun! *{Active Search - Come Play!}*

Bright Fae

May 11, 2018
Ok.. Trying over again, sorry if I didn't get back to you previously, it was due to the chaos of life, not a lack of interest. If we were discussing, and, you would like to resume our conversation, I would like that also, though due to limitations on my time, I can only take on a couple of roleplays... So -

Hello, hello, to you, my new roleplaying buddies! Or, as Charlotte might write, 'Greetings and Salutations'! <3 I am trying this forum roleplay request thing, again, so, hopefully someone(s) of you can help me out a bit and come play? I am a plentifully experienced roleplayer, and, I have to say, with a total lack of modesty, that I do believe that I write pretty well. At least, I really, really enjoy it, and that is what I am here for - to have fun... So, lets.

About me... Though I am not here to get deeply personal. Oky doky - I am cis female, old enough to know better but (I will always be!) too young to care. Well enough educated, and a dedicated and delighted pit bull mom. Bi, but much weighted towards the ladies, Pagan (Lokean), and with an enormous affinity for Fae. And.. Yeah, that would be all I wish to share, though I will always be friendly, polite and respectful, OOC.

I would like to do pretty much just f//, for now, as far as pairings go. Futa partners are dandy, as well - definitely, throw a good futa at me! Nothing against it, but I don't enjoy M x F pairings in RP, so I don't write it. I can be easily talked into adapting most of my ideas for m//, if you wish. And, of course, your in-real-life gender identity is irrelevant to our roleplaying together! :D

I have rules. Rules suck, I know, but, I have them, anyhow; these are not preferences, but absolutely nots.. So, no:
° Scat, vomit, and anything like. This is just gross, and I don't even want to hear about it. Ever.
° Vore, inflation of anything, sexual torture, extreme S&M, mutilation.
° Objectification, mind control, mind break, bimboification.
° Bestiality, meaning non-sentient critters. Furries are a turn-off, sorry not sorry, but Naga, Dragons, Selkies and Were-creatures are all awesome.
° And, absolutely no children, by which I mean, under seventeen. Squick, no, please. Brief back story explaining trauma is ok.
° I am just not into the whole entire pregnancy trope.

That's it, for the rules. I am fine with most everything else, just ask, and I have no problem with descriptive violence and such like. So, now, onto the meat. Which is odd for me, as I am a vegetarian. Lol!
° Story and plot are must haves, please. I love the porn, too, I do, but it can't be PWP, or I will lose interest quickly. 60/40 is about right for me.
° I'm not grading your literacy; anything between basic to advanced is fine. No one-liners, please, however.
° I write in third person and I want you to do likewise, please.
° I am peachy with PM or thread and also have Discord and Hangouts for pre-roleplay plotting and talking. I will also play via Discord if you wish.
° I am mostly a switch. All over the place, really. I can try doing either sub or domme if you really want, though.
° Fantasy is where I'm at, high, low, modern, supernatural, whatever. I rarely will do a slice-of-life RP with no magical elements. Dystopia is a Yes!
° I most like to play Fae, Faeries, Elves, Changelings (Sidhe, Sluagh, and Pooka.) My #2 faves to play are vampires. *Chomp! *
° Dark and tragic, please and thank you, though, I also love romance and happy endings. Humor, sarcasm, and wittiness encouraged!
° My most beloved part of writing roleplays is relationship building, and I adore power struggles and schemes and controversial characters.
° Time periods I like are especially Medieval and Victorian, and then modern, but I am willing to try anything, really, in this regard.

So, lets move along to: The Fandom Question. I don't play canons, only OCs, and unless you are really good at a role, please don't play a canon, either? This something I am picky/peevy about. With that covered, however, I am totally cool with borrowing fandom universes, settings, and themes. There are very many that I like. Some are the worlds and concepts of: Alice's Wonderland, Tolkien's Middle Earth, The Hunger Games, Divergent, Game of Thrones, MCU, Amazons ala Wonder Woman, Anne Rice's New Orleans, Dungeons and Dragons, Gunslinger/Dark Tower, World of Darkness roleplaying games, H. P. Lovecraft, A Gentleman's Guide To Vice and Virtue, Ready Player One, Twilight, Troy: Fall of a City, Year One, V For Vendetta, The Host, Star Wars, Bright, Neil Gaiman's brilliant American Gods. If you have a fandom setting in mind, just let me know - I either know it, or know how to read a wiki.

I don't have pre-made characters, but I do have certain pairings and plots that I enjoy. The character I want to play are always the first one listed, and, for your listening pleasure, these are also the bits in bold.

° Soul x Free Human!! **Immediate huge craving!**
° Knight/Warrior x Princess/Noblewoman
° Tribute x Tribute
° Fae or Changeling x ANY (or, almost)!
° Goddess x Priestess
° Elf x Human
° Orc x Elf (Bright, not Tolkien, for this.)
° Vampire x Werewolf
° Vampire x Vampire (Humans and Hunters, also)
° Faerie x any (Year One)
° Changeling x any supernatural
° Pirate x Aristocratic Captive
° Selkie x Human Woman
° Ex/Runaway Covert Ops Assassin x Girl in Trouble (this one can be slice-of-life.)MO
° Rebel x Good Girl or Society Type (Dystopian)
° Amazon x Amazon
° Goddess x Goddess (any Western pantheon/mixed pantheons)
° Unseelie x Seelie

And, actually, there is really so much I like, pairings and such. Just ask - probably your pairing will quickly become mine. I am up for a pretty wide range of scenarios, too. Current cravings include Goddesses, arranged marriage, rescuing maidens fair, post apocalypse or dystopia, and age of piracy. I would really love to do a f x f based on The Shape of Water, perhaps updated to the modern era.

And, damn, I really rambled on a whole helluva lot! Thanks for reading, and if you are interested, please PM and, I'll get back to you! <3
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