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Ace Combat 5: Shattering Wings. [Feat. JeagerFox]


Forgotten Dark Phantom Knight
Dec 21, 2016
Somewhere you can find me
"And Phenix!" The flight leader of the 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron, called Wardog, called to him as he leaned against the side of his white and blue F-16C Block 60, "You keep flying like a maniac and you'll tear the wings off that bird!!"

He looked at his plane, going it with a trained eye as he tried to rid himself of seeing the explosions that marked the demise of the nuggets that had been lost earlier that day. The thing was, the demise of the nuggets hadn't bothered him. It was the pointlessness of their loss. There hadn't been any meaning behind it. That knowledge didn't sit right with him.

The mechanics took over his efforts of checking his plane, so he was forced to meander back to the crew quarters for the pilots. He almost ran into 2nd Lieutenant Kei Nagase, callsign Edge, along the way. There wasn't much in the way of chit chat, but she did thank him for helping her out. He nodded, receiving a sad little smile from her before he went on to shower and wait in the pilot's ready room. The one place where his "wingman" could consistantly find him.

"Go ahead and say it...." He said in a deadpan tone, glancing up from a book on a war from 15 years before then as a shadow fell across him, "I know I ditched you back there but I refused to sit back and watch a slaughter happen."

There was confusion over why he was there. On paper, he was listed as a "Temporary ACM Instructor". In actuality, he was a mercenary under direct contract with the Ocean Air Defense Force to train pilots. That meant rumors abound flew about his loyalty, and everyone seemed to question him on it. Well, other than the pilot he'd been "assigned" to after arriving on Sand Island. It was a nice change of pace for now.
Ryan sighed as he removed his helmet after turning the MIG-29A off allowing its engines to die down as he stepped out of the cockpit. Stepping foot on solid ground again was always a good feeling. But this time, it was difference, they had done up for training and end up in a dogfight with unknown fighters. He heard the flight leader blew out Phenix and Edge cause of their flying. It was abit understandable as when the unknown fighters attack, they were ordered back but engaged the unknown. He did make he could to keep the nuggets ready and cover his wingman. But in the end, he watched as all of the rookie pilots get show down one after the other.

He looked back at his plane and walked around seeing the bullet holes along his wing as he got shot at. He managed to down two planes. But spend the rest of the time dodging and trying yo keep them busy.

He let the mechanics and flight crew take a look at the plane as he made his way back to the ready room but before that he changed out of his flight gear and head yo the ready room, where it was the one place he could find his wingman.

"You think, I wanted to sit back and watch. Hell no, but we had order yo fall back with the nuggets." He said crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at the man. "You went after them, I tried to keep the rooks safe. But in the end. We all failed" he said sighing kicking a chair, "shit" he picked up the chain and sat in it.

Ryan, Borned in Erusea in Northwestern Usea. His family moved to Ocean after the fall of the Ulysses 1994XF04 and became Osean citizens and eventually joining the Air Force. He looked at the mercenary that had been assigned as his wingman. "You know, this is probably going to lean to something big. Those jets were well armed and well trained, not aome rag-tag group."
"Yeah," He said, staring at the emblem on the book he was reading before other pilots filed in, "Unmarked too. They were hardened professionals, no doubt. They way they flew reminded me of something my dad described to me once...."

He was mildly surprised when Nagase sat next to him, but not bothered. She was the closest thing he had to a friend on the base excluding his wingman. However, they only engaged in small talk. Nothing elaborate but always meaningful. Just the way he liked it actually. Which was something he liked Kei for.

"Alright," The flight leader of Wardog, whom he recalled was called Captain Jack Bartlett stated gruffly as all the Nuggets that remained grounded settled into seats around the room, "This is all there are left. As of tomorrow, you all are sitting on alert. I don't like it but that's what it's gonna be. Phenix, due to you unauthorized actions earlier today, you're officially off instruction duty."

This was met with a snort of barely restrained amusement, as most of the nuggets beyond Nagase and the one called Blaze could hardly keep up with him. That and he wasn't really able to slow himself down enough to teach anything. It just wasn't who he was. He only felt himself when he was pushing the limits of himself and the plane he was in.

"By those same actions, your wingman and yourself are to consider yourselves as an independent squad detachment of my squadron." Bartlett added in a semi-deadpan tone, "Ryan will be leading you, and should it be necessary, he'll receive orders from me."

"So, with respect Sir, I'm being verbally castrated and thrown into a possible combat role for my actions earlier today?" He asked, his amusement fading as he felt Nagase punch him lightly in the arm as a way to tell him to lighten up.

"That's right, and unless you and Ryan are engaged in independent action, You're flying my wing with Nagase. Gotta keep an eye on you both or who knows what you'll get yourselves into." Bartlett replied, chuckling to himself as he glanced at Ryan, "Sorry about your temporary assignment becoming permanent. Came straight from the Top Brass."

He fell into some light brooding, his expression slightly bemused as he brushed his hair out of his eyes. His posture was rigid, and betrayed the fact he wasn't a natural born Ocean. He was actually 1/2 Emmerian and 1/2 Ustian. Something that was smothered in black ink and red tape where his records were concerned. His mother was Emmerian and his father was Ustian. Not many knew that besides himself and Pops.

"Great.... I just got put on a leach." He grumbled as he felt Nagase watching him discreetly, "Lucky me...."

"At least you won't have to slow yourself down now." Nagase said to him, calming him in a way only she seemed able to, "Besides, you were thrown a reprieve in a way. The brass aren't kicking you off the base. Right, Ryan?"
The pilot nodded agreeing with Phenix comment, the unknowns for sure had military training. He listened to him and was about to ask what he thinking before the Flight Leader entered the room.

As Ryan leaned back in his seat to listened, a hand tapped him on the shoulder, to which the pilot shifted some to look behind him. He saw Alvin H. Davenport also known as Copper, the two of them had met up in flight school then were sent different bases before Ryan was transferred to Sand Island and met back up with his friend. He high five his friend who spoke, "heard about what happend man. Glad you made it." Ryan nodded sighing, "thanks. We need to find out who it was". His attention was pulled away as the Captain come in and began to talk. His eyes shifted to Phenix as was removed as a flight instructor, which he wasn't much of a teacher, but forced you to learn on the fly. He shook his head smirking alittle as he was should that how he would want it. But he blinked and looked at the Captain when he was informed that the two of them would fly independent of the Squad and that he was lead flight.

The young pilot was taken aback as he didn't think he was skill enough to lead a squad, but it was only one other person to worry about. So it would be okay normally, but he knew that Phenix would be a hard one to handle. Ryan looked at th3 Captain and nodded, "yes sir." He said as he felt Copper pat his shoulder at the news, " congratulations man" to which Ryan nodded.

Ryan looked over at Edge and Phiex as they spoke and she asked him, to which he nodded. "Yeah, could have been worse man. Could have locked you up too if they wanted too." He said before looking more at his wingman as he helded his fist out to him, "let's fly and take out those who did this"

((Sorry about the wait. Got new job to get use to, got side tracked with other rps and also saw the update about happend. But again, sorry man))
((No worries, figured you were busy.))

"Speaking of flying....." Bartlett said, his tone spurring Phenix to stand up, "Unfortunately, you both got shafted by the top brass into a night patrol alongside Nagase and Blaze. Phenix, should he follow orders, will be the lead plane for now, Nagase with be #2, Ryan #3, Blaze #4. You all will be in F-20A Tigersharks as per base commander's orders. Wheels up in two hours."

"Yes sir, but..."

"Ryan's Mig is grounded for repair and the Commander made known that, mercenary, you had better carry your share to earn your right to stay here in a combat capacity." Bartlett interrupted, giving Phenix a sympathetic look before waving him and those going up with him off, "Just be sure to being them back in one piece."

"You can bet your tail on that." Phenix said as Blaze nodded, "Everyone I fly with comes back with me or I don't come back at all."

"Admirable, if not a bit totalitarian....." Bartlett pointed out, a small smirk quirking up slightly, "Go get him, Slasher."

"I'll show you a "Slasher"." Phenix quiped as he looked between Blaze, Nagase, and Ryan, "Let's go.... I want to put as much altitude between me and here as possible."
Ryan sighed deeply rolling his eyes to getting stuck with night Patrol in a Tigershark. He never really cared for the plane, but wpul d fly it if he had too. He would much rather be in his MIG and take it to the enemy. But with it getting worked on, there wasn't much he could do about it.

The pilot looked at and watched as Phenix and Captain Bartlett went on and placing the merc in command of the night mission. H3 had the skill and Ryan knew that they would be okay as soon as they kept up with him. "We got this, it's only a night Patrol. Keep our eyes open and scan our surroundings and we will come back" he said smirking nodding and left following Phenix, blaze, and Edge out of the room.
/Time skip- 0100hrs\

"Calibur 1, taking off." Phenix said in a dead tone, his gray F-20 being the last of the group to get off the ground after a three hour delay where they learned everyone but him were loaded with SAAMs, or AIM-7 Sparrows, "Feel free to cut the lights after we're gone."

"Very funny, Calibur 1," The Tower personal communicating with him said as he pitched right, "Anyway, Altitude restriction cancelled, good hunting up there."

"Thanks, hopefully we won't need it." He replied, joining Edge and Blaze as he headed west of Sand Island.

/Second Time Skip- 0236hrs\

"Alright, give me a sitrep guys." He said later, being the furthest south of where he'd ordered a spinning diamond sweep of their patrol area.

"This Calibur 2, It's empty up here in the northern section." Came Edge's reply, sharp and concise as he came to expect from her.

"4 here, There ain't a damn thin over here in the east." Blaze called, a bit higher in altitude than he would have liked but he wouldn't complain to much.

Blaze being at the altitude he was meant he might catch something everyone else missed. Phenix wasn't gonna order him back down just because he made himself more visible. He didn't feel he had the right to really. Which, if he went by the mission parameters, he did but he wasn't flexing over it.

"AWACS Thunderhead to Calibur flight, unknown bogeys inbound from bearing 280. Looks like they're hailing ass."

There was a problem though, as only Blaze, Edge, and Ryan heard the warning though it was slight garbled.

"Copy that, but it sounds like your cutting out a bit." Edge replied, trying to clear the noice she was getting on top of Thunderhead's voice, "Any idea where they are?"

"Unable to confirm due to unknown interference. Last confirmation was a few miles south of you current position."

"That puts the contacts in Phenix's area....." Blaze said, moments before the southern area of their patrol sector suddenly lit up with the fire from a mid-air explosion after a streak of light left something in it's wake, "I hope that wasn't Phenix that brought that."

"Lets go, guys!" Edge called, turning sharply as she firewalled her Tigershark's throttle, "We gotta get there!!"
Ryan sat in his gray Tigershark as it slowly texted out onto the runway following behind Edge as the planes prepare for takeoff. He was glad that they were at leasted loaded with air to air missiles Incase they ran into touble.

Once edge had taken off, he did aome quick last minute checks pressing the controls to be sure his flaps and other systems were working probably. "Alright, Tower. This is Calibur 3, requesting tower off from Runway 2N to begin Patrol.

Roger Calibur 3, your are cleared for take off, good hunting" The pilot sighed at the towers comment. He hoped that they won't find touble. But he was ready for it as a dark feeling about day previous engagement still sat in his head.

" confirm, Calibur 3 taking off" Ryan said as he slowly increased the thrusters as he helded the brakes to allow the jet to get to max speed for take off. He released the brakes and the plane began to move down th3 runway until it was finally airborne and began its recon in its assigned area.


"Calibur 3, all clear." He reported after Blaze gave his report to Phenix. "Could use a drink after this. It's kinda thirsty up here alone" Ryan said as he continued to scan the area with his radar and eyes.

His attention turned to the radio as Thunderhead reported unknown moving fast just south of them. The transmission was bit harder to hear because of the garbled losing it for a second. Afew moments later seeing a flash in the sky where Calibur 1 was at. "Roger that, let's move." Ryan upped the throttle as the three Tigerstarks raced to now battlezone that had we were up it in the ocean Skies once more.
//Mission EX 1: Ghost in the Shell Pt. 1//


"......ibur 1, I just splashed a fucking EA-6B out here!!" Came Phenix's voice as Edge fired a SAAM at an unmarked Mig-29A that was diving hard on something below her current altitude, "Repeat, I just sent a Jammer straight to hell!!"

With Phenix's voice came the abrupt disappearance of the radar and Radio interference. Which also meant he was practically screaming like a banshee in his wingmen's ears as he tried to make himself heard. Luckily, the screaming stopped almost as soon as a Mig-21 had it's entire tail section sheered off by cannon fire. Spared Blaze from telling Phenix to shut the hell up.

"Finally, the fuckin' radio's clear." Phenix huffed while passing by Ryan canopy to canopy, almost scraping the paint of the vertical tail as he did tight reversal, "Thunderhead, you're fuckin' useless. If I hadn't noticed one fly across the moon, I'd be dead right now thanks to the early warning. Or the lack there of!!"

"He's doing his best, Phenix, so lock it down until later," Blaze barked sharpli, surprisingly making Phenix back down a little on hurling insults at their AWACS as the flight formed up, "What do we do now?"

"Split, Pairs." Phenix said firmly, as his broke hard left, "If they fight, they die. They bug, you move on. And for heaven's sake, don't play hide and seek with coral reefs."

Almost as one, both Blaze and Edge broke formation in a sweeping right turn. To Phenix, it was almost perfectly synchronized. It also happened so fast that he almost missed it. That told him that Blaze and Edge weren't gonna be separated by too much going forward. He was impressed by those two.

"Guess you're with me, 3." He said as he swung in behind another Mig-21, "Time to dive into the fireworks."
Once the Prowler went down in flames into the water below. The radio finally came to life with the sound of the flight commander. "With that Jammer in the area, we were lucky yo see them at all." Ryan spoke as pulled on his controls as Phenix passed by almost taking the paint off of his tail before pulling in a tight turn and getting a quick burst of cannon fire off causing a mig 21 to break hard to dodge it.

Once reformed with the squad, he nodded to the new orders that was issued. His eyes shifted as Blaze and Edge moved as one after the enemy planes. "Nice move there" He said before turning back to the battle around them. "Roger, I'm on wing" he said as he followed Phenix as they dove in behind a Mig 21. Ryan scanned his radar quickly trying to get a count of how many enemy fighters were up in th3 air with them. "Thunderhead, this is Calibur 3. Can you confirm number of enemy planes?" He asked as he kept up with Phenix making sure not to lose him. He turned his head to check his six and saw a Mig 29 pulling up behind him. " looks like we got one on our tail. Splash that 21 and bank right, I will try and get behind this 29 and get him."
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