Rough Romance


May 9, 2018
  1. No god-moding. My characters are mine, yours are yours. You don't know what my characters feel or how they will react, so please don't write out how they feel/react. Moving limbs is fine with me though along with pushing around and such, but that's the line.
  2. A response at least once a week is preferred, not required.
  3. I only do MxF pairings. I will do a FxF scene, but that's just it, a scene or two, not a whole RP and relationship.
  4. No one liners. If we agree on a short reply RP then okay, but if I give you a long paragraph or a few paragraphs, please don't give me a line or two in response.
  5. No chat speak. OOC then chat speak is okay by me, but for the actual RP then normal English is required.
  6. Help with the plotting/planning. I can't do everything by myself, makes things boring with me if I'm the only one cracking ideas.
  7. If something don't sit right with you (or me) then please let it be known, I won't be mad or anything unless you're a complete jerk about it.

  1. Incest. This includes step siblings and parents as well.
  2. Age difference of 10+ between characters
  3. Father x Daughter's friend

F-List: for all chars/
BDSM Test:

- Red = Craving
- Underline and bold is what I highly (or will only) play

-Percy Jackson: OC x OC, Zeus son x Hades Daughter
-Young Justice: OC x OC, Nightwing x OC, Superboy x OC, Aqualad x OC
-Flash: Barry x OC
-Arrow: Oliver x OC
-DC: Nightwing x OC, Green Arrow x OC, Red Hood x OC
-Marvel: Captain America x OC, Tony's son/daughter (OC) x Steve's son/daughter (OC)

-Human x Demon
-Human x Vampire
-Human x Werewolf
-Human x Shifter
-Angel x Demon
-Angel x Devil
-Best friends
-Bad boy x Good girl
-Villain x Hero
-Hero x Vigilante

Plot Ideas:
This can take place anywhere really, but I prefer a college setting, don't mean it has to be in a college setting if you don't want. You would be Muse A and I would be playing Muse B.

Muse A is your typical rich brat that comes from a very rich family. Muse A has had their eyes on Muse B ever since high school. Muse A has approached Muse B on many occasions and has been shot down each time because Muse B doesn't like how arrogant and stuck up and such that Muse A is. Muse B comes from a rather low income family and goes to college on scholarships and funds along with a job that they have. Tuition starts to increase and disaster strikes Muse B's family, and Muse B starts to struggle financially as they try to help their family and pay for their education. Muse A finds out about this struggle and uses it to their advantage. Muse A snags Muse B one day after class and strikes a deal with them. Muse A will ask for favors from Muse B (the favors can be sexual or they cannot or they can alternate between sexual and non) and each time muse B completes that favor Muse A pays Muse B a sum of money, the amount being preset at the time Muse A asks for the favor. Now, Muse B can refuse Muse A's favor or ask for a different one for a lower sum of payment.

YC and MC are childhood friends that grew up with each other, needless to say they developed feelings for each other as they grew, but neither want to say anything to the other out of fear of rejection and ruining what they have. MC, getting fed up with waiting around for YC, gets a boyfriend in attempt to try and see if she could move on, possibly. No matter how hard MC tries, she can't move past YC. MC's boyfriend starts to get abusive after she refuses to give him any, and YC starts to notice a change in MC. Of course, MC keeps the abuse a secret from YC as she kept telling herself that she would handle it when she can't. Soon, YC finds out someway somehow (that is up to you), and he gets MC out of the relationship after some struggling then helps MC recover from what she went through. Throughout the process, the two grow closer, and they eventually get together.

This takes place in a high school (or college) setting.

Muse A is the school bookworm and a nerd who's quiet and such. Muse B is the school's jock who is, obviously, very popular. Muse B's friends make a bet with him to sleep with Muse A before graduation. At first Muse B is doing it for the bet, but as he spends more time with Muse A he starts to fall for her and vice versa. Muse A has no idea of the bet and thinks that Muse B has taken interest in her, in which he does, but once she finds out about the bet she thinks that Muse B is only using her when that is not the case and drama happens then on out and such.

YC is the owner of a multimillionaire business and MC is his assistant. YC is constantly trying to get MC to hook up with him for the night, but MC always refuses his advances. At the end of his ropes, YC digs deeper into MC's life and finds out that she did a porn video back in her early college days and uses that to blackmail her into sleeping with him. After that initial night, the two continue to sleep with each other as their relationship forms.

YC and MC have been best friends since diaper days. They both have feelings for each other, but MC denies her feelings while YC has accepted his and tries to get MC to date him. After being refused for so long, YC decides to blackmail MC into being with him when he catches her masturbating. He records MC masturbating and threatens to put it onto the internet, forcing MC to agree to his terms. MC starts to accept her feelings for YC the more she is forced to be with YC.

YC and MC are college roommates, they've been roommates for a few years now and have moved out to an apartment of their own. Tuition starts to go up along with rent, and they are running dry on money. Desperate, they decide to make a porn video (or do a webcam show) in order to try and make money, fast. After the first time, they find themselves enjoying it and keep on making more videos and things start to get more hot and steamy with them as they progress more.

YC is a gang boss (mafia boss, head of an organized crime group, etc.). MC is just an innocent lady that gets caught up in everything. MC's parents owes YC a large sum of money from loans that they took out from him, and YC has come to collect. MC's parents don't have nearly enough to pay him back unless they sold their organs on the black market. YC sees MC when she shows up at the wrong time and decides to take her instead of everything that her parents have.

This idea could also go another way as to where MC and YC were high school friends, YC had a crush on MC but never made it known. Plus, back then YC looked more wimpy and such, and now he's quite the opposite. The two run into each other at the club or something, and YC gives MC the choice of giving herself to him in exchange for sparing her parents' lives.

*If you got an idea then please share it with me, worse I can do is say no :)
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