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Pawns [Jennilyn x Fruit]


Best Girl
Jun 21, 2012
next door

Lady Anne Boleyn

Men are feeble creatures. For all the authority and prestige we give them, it was rather surprising how fickle their brains were and how easy they were to manipulate, distract and even destroy. Spread your legs, and the noblest sovereign is your slave. Bend over, and the kingdom will bend in complete submission and obedience. That's how Anne wrapped her collar around the king's neck. He first met her as a handmaiden for his former wife and soon became infatuated with her beauty. He sought her favors and within a few months she had him beg for her hand in marriage. Lust made him divorce his former wife, Queen Catherine of Aragon who came from the royal family of Spain, and replace her with an ambassador's daughter. Gentler face, prettier eyes, and younger cunt that was the price of the King of England's marriage, and now this cunt is stuffed, my leash is cut, and the king's cock is free.

When she first learned about her pregnancy, Anne was ecstatic. God had finally answered her prayers and planted a son in her womb - a son to inherent the royal throne, a gift to her husband that her predecessor had never given him. Her husband shared her happiness, and so did the court, the government, and the entire kingdom. But as her stomach bloated her bed grew colder; she missed her husband's touch, his soft lips nibbling at her neck and earlobe, his hands fondling her breasts, and his cock pulsing inside her folds. Then word arrived that the king has taken interest in other women. Her handmaidens saw him dancing with Lady Jane Seymour.

"This cannot happen" the man told her. I know. Isn't that why you're here, dear father, to teach me how to seduce my husband? To love him, fuck him, and earn his favors?. Grease glistened on her father's white beard as he devoured his chicken, "we need to stop this", he added solemnly. "And how do you propose we do that, father? Should I bed him pregnant? Or do you suppose we should castrate him and save our souls from his heedless lust?". Anne was getting restless. The plate before her was hardly touched. She was too occupied with the calamity that was her marriage. Deprived of sleep for nights, she was already losing hope and convinced her husband will bed and wed another woman while she was busy shitting him an heir.

"The matter is not as difficult as you think"

Once her father was gone, Anne's handmaidens flocked around the table and took the dishes away, like vultures pecking at a dead carcass. She pushed her plate, still full, towards the center of the table and stood up. "Madge, with me" and she lead the way to her room. "Shut the door behind you" she commanded as she sat on the side of her bed, and gestured for the plum woman to sit next to her.

"I will need you to do something for me".


Information had a habit of spreading incredibly quickly through the palace. Those who were less graceful, and more dimwitted spoke more openly of such things. The problem that arose with that was that if caught the consequences were unimaginable. One might think being the queen's cousin offered some sort of protection, but that wasn't necessarily the case. If someone were to begin throwing words like 'treason' around, the end result wouldn't be pretty. That was just to say the least. So Madge Shelton, handmaiden and cousin to Queen Anne Boelyn, did her best to keep her nose clean and remain out of trouble. She was far from the brightest person in the castle, but she liked to think she had enough sense to care about her own self preservation. Nothing would end up mattering if she were dead, and her cousin had already made a point of chastising her once already recently.

It had all seemed harmless fun to Madge, a bit of harmless poetry. Perhaps it wasn't really her majesty's fault. She was pregnant after all, and if Anne herself was to be believed she was currently nursing a son in her belly. No ordinary child, but a future king. So, yes, some of it could probably be attributed to mere pregnancy hormones, an innocuous outburst stemming from aching feet, and swollen breasts and any other number of the afflictions that accompanied creating new life. Even so, Madge suspected it was a little more than that. There wasn't really much respect in being a handmaiden, compared to the queen she was nothing really. Her cousin saw her as nothing more than a fool, or so she suspected at least. In the end it truly did not matter, Madge had her tasks to focus on.

The handmaiden was snapped out of her idle thoughts, and along with several other of Anne's handmaidens, made her way to the dining hall. She'd scarcely begun the clean up when she was addressed by the queen directly. She shifted, turning to look towards the queen who was already on her way out, and beckoning Madge to join her. The handmaiden glanced towards the untouched plate of food, and briefly wondered if Her Majesty was ill, then began tailing behind her like a lost puppy. Her mind whirred to life, wondering why she specifically was needed for a task; it wasn't her place to argue though and she knew that. Luckily her wait would not be long, as they soon arrive to Her Majesty's private chambers, and at her request Madge shut the door behind her, careful to be as silent as possible.

Her eyes were wide and questioning as the queen took a seat, and the Madge shuffled lightly from foot to foot, if only to keep herself busy as she awaited Her Majesty's command. Even pregnant the Queen radiated with absolute beauty, and the swell of her belly did nothing to diminish the natural attractiveness of her body. Then again, it stood to reason she would be beautiful. She was a Queen. Madge felt... Insufficient in comparison, to put it mildly. A little heavier than the queen (not too much!), and probably not as easy on the eyes. None would say she was ugly, however. Goodness, at least she hoped not!

At Her Majesty's request Madge smoothed down her garments and moved towards the Queen. She took a seat, sinking slightly into the bed and allowed that curious gaze she'd been sporting since being asked to lock onto Her Majesty's. There was only a brief moment's pause between Her Majesty's request and her handmaiden's response. 'What would you have me do, Your Majesty?" she inquired, and though her tone remained respectful there really wasn't any masking the longing to know what would be asked of her that oozed through her controlled tone. "You need only name it, and I'll have it done." she added, for good measure.



Lady Anne Boleyn

The queen's eyes surveyed the young woman seated on the bed next her. While Madge wasn't the fairest of maidens, hers was a comely face. Her eyes were two large, beautiful gems that sparkled like diamonds and distracted from her flat nose. Her lips were mildly inviting, not the fullest in the land but would look cute wrapped around the king's cock. Anne imagined her cousin laid on the bed; legs spread, toes curled, and tits shaking with every thrust her husband bucked onto her. Perfect she thought, her hand gently feeling her cousin's cheek. The woman seemed eager to head her queen's commands. Convincing her to bed the king shouldn't be an arduous task, but paramount as her father said. If we can't throw him a cunt to fuck, he'll find his own, his words almost made her throw up. The reality of man, peasant or king, was truly pathetic. He must not find his own.

"Listen, Madge" she spoke, then paused, smirked, then added "You are to seduce my husband, the king". There was a silence in the room after the queen issued her commands. "I am unable to satisfy him in my current state of pregnancy", she wrestled the tears, her voice whimpered but her spirit prevailed, "And I want my dear Henry happy and satisfied. I want you to satiate his hunger. Bed him every night, kiss, lick, suck and bend over wherever and whenever he desires until I can return to his bed. Can you do that for me, dear cousin?"​


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