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New Jutsu Gone Wild(Potter and Mellow)


Apr 12, 2017
East Coast
When Naruto had approached him about learning a new jutsu that Jiraya alluded to existing, Shikamaru was skeptically. After all, it was supposedly a genjutsu and nether of them were exactly pros in that field. After about an hour of struggle, they finally gave up, guessing that nothing had really come of it. He supposed there were worse ways to waste and afternoon though.

Now he was lounging in the lobby of the Hokage's office. The Hokage had asked Shikamaru to debrief Sakura on their latest mission that she was just getting back from. It was a job he was used to and it was easy enough so now he just had to wait for Sakura to arrive.
While, at a glance, it appeared nothing happened to the two young men... well, the reality was far different. Standing in the presence of either of them for any length of time would cause a rather potent shift, something that neither Shikamaru nor Naruto were aware of at the moment. The door to the office opened, quickly revealing the illustrious Sakura Haruno herself.

The kunoichi was easily among the most attractive in the village, the breeze blowing at her silky pink locks until the door shut behind her. The curvaceous young woman was dressed in her usual red tunic and dark shorts, the curves of her bust and backside being framed nicely in the tight fabric. "Oh, Shikamaru. You handling debriefing this time?" she asked, giving him the once over. Something in the air felt... different.
Shikamaru watched as Sakura walked in, tapping the clipboard he was holding against the back of his neck. Sakura had always been a beautiful girl..but then again, most of the girls from his time at the Academy were so he had gotten used to it. He wasn't aware of what was going on with the jutsu he and Naruto had just unknowingly discovered so he proceeded like nothing was different at all.

"That's right, Lady Tsunade wanted me to fill you on the aftermath and have you give me your input on how the mission went." Shikamaru stated out formally as he began to page through the pages on his clipboard, reading off some of the statistics of the mission, his eyes not looking up as he paced around the room, drawing closer towards Sakura every now and again.
Sakura took the time to explain every relevant detail of her mission, going through the most important aspects and moving at a pace he could follow. Once he had everything, which took a few minutes, there was a definite shift in the air. The pinkette kept getting distracted, and Sakura felt something... strange rise up inside her. She didn't wholly understand what it was, but she had to admit that the young man before her wa pretty handsome.

"And that's about everything," Sakura said, shrugging her slim shoulders. "Ssoooo... you waiting on anyone else?" she asked. "I know we don't usually hang out, buuut... I dunno, any chance you're free?" she sweetly asked, tapping her index fingers together.
Shikamaru wrapped up the debriefing in a nice and efficient manner; he enjoyed when such things proceeded smoothly and without issue. He wrote down notes as Sakura spoke and nodded his head as she finished.

"Thanks for your input. It'll be valuable." He said as he put the clipboard down, shaking his head. "That's it...I'm done for the day. I suppose we could hang out for a bit, if you don't mind it." Shikamaru assented to her request, rubbing the back of his neck as he normally did. He noted how she was acting...a lot like Hinata normally did when she was around Naruto...he wondered what that was all about.
In truth Sakura had no idea what was going on. She respected Shikamaru as a friend and didn't think much beynd that. But, in that moment, the jutsu was gaining a progressively stronger hold on her. "Great! It'll be nice to do a little catching up in that case!" Sakura wrapped her arms around his right, leaning in until her plump bosom was pressed gentlyagainst Shikamaru's upper arm. Not the largest in Konoha, but definitely perky and sizable.

"In that case, let's go grab a quick drink! I could do with it after that last mission," Sakura said, grinning.
Shikamaru couldn't help but blush as her felt Sakura's breasts pressing up against his arm. He had wondered what had gotten into her...but maybe this was some kind of new training or something. It certainly wasn't unpleasant, just odd. He figured he better enjoy it while he could.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." He gave her a small smile as they wandered out of the office and down the street towards the nearest bar. Shikamaru himself was eager for some sake.
Sakura had a noticeable spring in her step as she strode along with her comrade, humming slightly to herself. Given the status the two of them had, it wasn't hard for them to get a good booth at the bar, with complimentary sake being left at their table. "Phew..." Sakura poured herself a glass, and then one for Shikamaru. "Bottoms up!" she said, downing hers quickly and breathing a happy sigh.

Once she settled, a faint blush was visible on her cheeks, almost matching the shade of her hair. "Sooo... how've things been on your end?" Sakura asked, giving him a kind smile. "You ah... seeing anyone?"
Shikamaru happily downed his sake as well as they sat at their table. He thought Sakura would have sat across from him but instead she continued to remain at his side. He rather enjoyed the feeling of her pressing herself against him, a small blush gracing his face as he drank some more of his sake.

"Just working for the Hokage, mainly. She keeps me busy...I can't say I'm seeing anyone at the moment....what about yourself?" Shikamaru inquired curiously as he turned to look at Sakura, his blush still present on his face.
"Eh, really? That's quite a surprise. You're a bit of a stud, if you don't mind me saying," Sakura idly said, taking the time to walk two fingers of her left hand along Shikamaru's shoulder. "As for me... well, no, I'm on my own still." She had spent a long time pursuing Sasuke, but right about now she wasn't sure why. She could have gone looking elsewhere. Sakura poured herself another drink and smiled slightly. "Maybe we could handle each other's loneliness?"
Shikamaru nearly spit out his sake when Sakura called him a stud. This was definitely strange...but no one had ever really praised him like that before and he rather enjoyed hearing it. "Oh...and what makes you say that? I think I'm pretty plain, unlike you." Shikamaru decided to try and flirt back a bit and when she mentioned them helping with each others loneliness, he knew exactly what she meant. He wasn't stupid after all, but he wanted to hear her say it herself.

"What exactly do you mean by that, Sakura?" He asked her inquisitively, one of his hands landing on her thigh under the table and giving it a squeeze.
Under the effects of the jutsu, his touch was positively electric to her. A shiver raced up Sakura's spine, her smile never faltering. "Wwwweeeelll... my place isn't too far from here. I was thinking we could head back there and you could pound away," the pinkette said, leaning in a little closer. "Sound fun?" Sakura purred, before kissing Shikamaru firmly, letting out a sweet moan into his mouth.
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