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Super Not so Girl (Yummy x Crazy Writer)


Jan 5, 2018
Finally, finally he had captured her! Dr Zane had planned this for months now, so long had been spent observing Supergirl, her every fight, her every encounter whenever she appeared. He had been hoping to perhaps discover more of her life outside of her heroics but sadly that hadn't been possible. Still, observation of her heroic deeds had yielded all the information he had needed, how she moved, how she fought, how she reacted to any and all kinds of situation. And all of that research had been well worth the effort. When he had sent out his android to cause chaos he had known Supergirl would come, he had known exactly how she would fight, even with her guard up she'd never stood a chance, and when the android had exploded in a cloud of almost invisible Kryptonite gas then Supergirl wouldn't ever have been able to react in time, other androids easily coming in to sweep her up and bring her back to the lab where a special containment bed was waiting, Supergirl being strapped down to it before she could regain consciousness. Even she she did awake though the gas would leave her weak for a while, though Dr Zane was unaware he had underestimated just how quickly the Kryptonian could recover.

As she awoke Supergirl would find herself securely strapped to a metal table, several tubes attached to her body leading to a large device beside her. On the other side of that was another table, another person strapped to it with tubes leading into them, and this was a person she would recognise, a friend from her life in her secret identity, Mason, a kind and sweet boy who had little going for him physically, somewhat weak even by human standards really. But that was what made him so perfect for Dr Zane's experiment. He wanted to know if he could take Supergirls power, harness her strength, grant it to others, more specifically himself. Of course he couldn't test the procedure for the very first time on himself, so he'd captured Mason quite at random to test it on.

"Well well, finally awake" Dr Zane grinned as he entered the lab as Supergirl came around, a smirk on his face. "Good, the procedure needs you awake in order to work. Well then, our time is limited so we really should get started" He held up a small remote control, hitting a button. The device between Supergirl and Mason suddenly whired to life, the areas where the tubes were attached to her suddenly growing tight, before they began to extract her blood. "Oh don't worry, I won't be taking it all, just enough....mixing it with a special serum of my own design, before it passes into our test subject there" Zane chuckled, watching carefully. "Hmmm, it seems your blood is rather slow now doesn't it? Though looking at your vitals it seems your heart rate is far slower than a humans. Well....why don't we get it flowing a little faster hm?" He licked his lips, walking around the table slowly, unzipping his pants as he got close to her head. At the same time he hit another button on the remote, security cameras turning and zooming in. "Come now dear, I'm sure you've seen one of these before..." Zane pulled his semi-hard cock from his pants, rubbing the tip against her lips. "Oh, and I would suggest against trying anything. If I don't halt the procedure with this remote then not only will you be drained of every last drop of your blood, but that innocent boy there will be completely overdosed, leading to a rather unpleasant death. Now come on, let's get that heartbeat up and that blood flowing shall we?"
Supergirl struggled through the haze of what appeared to be drugged induced sleep. She tried to recall what happened. She had trapped the android in a corner of the room and having cleared all the humans to safety had approached it to make sure she had completely disabled it before letting the police approach it. This was what she had taken to doing since the one robot had gone into a dormant mode and then sprung back to life killing three policemen. As she got close she could sense something was still active and called for the police team to stay back. Suddenly there was an explosion and gas and weakness and she felt herself unable to stay upright. She crumbled to the ground the last this she recalled seeing were similar androids approaching her. It had been a trap and she had fallen for it.

Supergirl struggled to feel what was happening with her body even before opening her eyes. She could tell she was still weak from whatever that gas was. She hoped she had been the only one hurt. She could feel she was bound to something and there was something in her arm that was sharp and taped i place. She tried to push it out using her muscles but she felt weak as a new born.

She blinked her eyes open. She saw Dr.Zane's ugly smiling face above her. She was immediately frustrated that despite foiling all his plots she had never been able to lock him away for good and now apparently she would pay for that. His grating voice greeted her as he became aware she was awake. He started to explain his plan to pump her blood into someone to see what would happen. She looked at the mirror above her head and could see there was another person attached to the machine that had started to pullout her blood. It was Mason. Poor sweet Mason. Of the many people she knew who could might be able to handle her blood she did not think Mason was one of them but she hoped she was wrong.

Then Zane was approaching her head talking about getting her heart rate flowing. Suddenly she felt her head tilt back and there was his cock right in front of her. He rubbed it against her lips. She could already taste him after even this brief touching. She wanted to snap and bite it but her head had limited movement and she could not risk Mason's life. She could feel her heart beating faster as her anger grew and it increased even more with the threat to not only kill her but Mason as well.

She also noticed that the increased heart rate was having an effect on her strength. It was minimal for now but it was definitely there. The fact she had a chance to get her strength back heartened her. Still she knew she needed to buy time and the only way to do that was to do what Zane wanted.

Supergirl reluctantly opened her mouth and slide her tongue out licking at the cock in front of her. Simply opening her mouth for him had made him harder and the touch of her tongue caused his hardness to increase. She knew what she needed to do no matter how humiliating it was to do it. She continued to lick at his cock waiting to see if he would slide it in and knowing that if he did she would be good and do as she was told hoping that this would allow her to regain her strength without him noticing and doing whatever he had done to sap her strength with the exploding android.
"That's it....good girl" Dr Zane laughed as Supergirl started to lick at his cock, unable to help shivering and groaning as his cock very quickly reached full hardness, pre-cum starting to form at the tip as her tongue ran over it. " my, I'd almost think you'd done something like this before. Oh what would people think if they believed their precious, beloved squeaky clean hero was doing things like this hm?" The man smirked down at her, then thrust his hips forward a little, starting to push his cock into her mouth. Not only did the blowjob feel amazing, but possibly even better was the feeling of power over her. This woman was practically a god amongst mortals, and yet his genius had reduced her to nothing more than a cock sucker.

On the nearby bed there was a groan, though not one of pleasure this time. It was Mason starting to come around, his head throbbing from an after effect of the gas that had been used to capture him. "Nnngh...what...?" As he tried to move in order to rub his head he found himself unable to do so, restrained in a similar fashion to Supergirl herself. It took a few more moments for Mason to truly start coming around, his eyes flickering open, his vision blurry at first but clearing more and more with each passing second. "What? Where am I?" He looked up at the ceiling, blinking a few times before slowly looking around, though when he spotted what was going on beside him he froze up, not even able to gasp. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, Supergirl, the hero he always admired, always raved about, was strapped to a table and sucking the cock of a man who was clearly enjoying it! He was so shocked and fixated that Mason didn't notice the device between them, not at first anyway, but as he felt an odd tingling sensation in his arms and legs where the tubes were attached Mason was snapped out of his daze, yelling in fear.

He squirmed and struggled, but it was completely useless. All he could do was watch helplessly as Supergirls blood had now passed through the machine between them, and was flowing down the tubes towards Mason's body, the blood now carrying a bright glow to it thanks to the combination with Dr Zane's serum. "Wh-what is this? What's going on?!"
"Oh hush're about part of a very important experiment" Dr Zane glanced up at Mason and smirked, provided this worked then soon enough it would be his turn, his turn to ascend into godhood. Nobody would be able to stand against him, he would crush all those who dared make the attempt. But right now he was rather enjoying crushing just one person in particular. "That's it" He looked back down to Supergirl. "Give this innocent boy a nice view, the last thing he ever sees might as well be something enjoyable right?" Of course he fully intended to kill Mason once the experiment was a success, he couldn't have someone out there with powers capable of stopping him after all. He had several Kryptonite knives ready to go in a secure lead cabinet nearby, all he had to do was wait for the first signs of Mason's powers.
The evil Doctor was so focused on the sexual act that Supergirl was performing he wasn't even paying attention to the monitors. If he had he would have noticed the readings for the Kryptonite gas in her system were decreasing faster than he had anticipated. Her increased heart rate was indeed causing her blood to be drawn out faster, but it was also allowing her super metabolism to burn away the Kryptonite more and more with each passing second.

"St-stop! Stop it! Stop all of this!" Mason squirmed more, then cried out in pain as Supergirls blood reached his body and flowed inside, his eyes going wide as it rushed through his veins, the serum causing her DNA to begin latching onto and fusing with his own, his body beginning to be changed from the inside out.
Supergirl tasted his precum as she licked at it. She needed to keep him distracted. If he realized what was going on and reached launched the gas she would go back to sleep and weakness. He stuffed his cock in farther and she continued to suck getting a little more taste of him as a little more precum leaked out. She needed him focused on his own pleasure and not on whatever measure he was using to track her condition.

Then she heard Mason wake up. He was confused and then started to scream. Apparently some of her blood must be reaching him or we was just very scared. Zane was clearly enjoying his power. Supergirl started to suck harder. She knew she needed to keep him focused on either her or Mason and not on her readings. She could feel her strength returning but she needs more than a few seconds so she tried to keep him involved. She felt him slide in a little farther as he taunted her about giving a good show to Mason.

She gobbled at his cock trying to pull it in farther and suck it in more. She could feel him getting harder. She was not experienced in how to know when a cock would explode so Supergirl kept sucking. As her strength she was able to open her mouth a little farther and take all of him into her mouth. She was doing everything she could to get him to cum. The screaming by Mason increased and Supergirl worked harder to get Zane to come. God she didn't want him to cum but she thought that would be the best time to try to take him.
"Ooooh, my my, you're certainly getting into this aren't you?" Dr Zane looked down at Supergirl as she started to take more of his cock into his mouth, starting to suck on him, even opening her mouth a little more and swallowing his entire cock. He could feel her tongue against his shaft, feel the tip at the back of her throat, oh how many men would kill to be in this position right now? Ordinary people, villains, heroes, so many of them would give anything to trade places with him right now. Perhaps once the experiment was a success and he had obtained her powers for himself he'd keep the girl around, under a steady and constant stream of his Kryptonite gas of course to keep her docile, in order to use her a little more. Oh yes, that was most definitely an appealing thought. "You're doing a wonderful job my dear...ngh..." He groaned in pleasure "Keep this up and I might just have to keep you around once I take your powers for myself" He wondered if that would get her blood pumping as it did his. Well, perhaps it would, though probably for rather different reasons.

Dr Zane closed his eyes as he moaned a little more loudly, now seemingly completely distracted from the monitors. Mason meanwhile was continuing to squirm and struggle against his restraints, whimpering in pain as his DNA was twisted and changed as more of Supergirls blood was pumped into him.
After a few more moments Dr Zane groaned much more loudly, his cock throbbing in her mouth before starting to spill cum down her throat, his hips rocking back and forth, driving his cock as far into her mouth as he could over and over again a few times until he was done, sighing in satisfaction. "Ahhh....oh yes my dear....that was certainly a job well done. Just for that I'll make sure this young mans death is as quick and painless as possible once the experiment is done" He chuckled as he stepped backover slightly, not noticing that his monitors were now showing that the levels of Kryptonite gas remaining in Supergirls body had now passed the redline. She would be far from her full strength just yet, but it had passed the point where she'd be able to escape from her restraints....
Supergirl struggled to maintain her clam as Dr. Zane got harder and more vulgar. She kept testing the restraints. Almost just before he came in her mouth and throat she knew she could break the restraints at lest on her legs. She did just enough to break them but not enough so you could see she was free. This all happened as he came in the mouth and was completely distracted. As he pulled out of her mouth and took a small step back she pushed against the right arm restraint breaking it and this allowed her to swing her body of the table but she was still connected at her left wrist. The needle that was in her vein was still in her left arm and still pump blood.

She was able to reach Zane and grab the remote out of his hand. She then punched the stop button and she heard and felt the blood letting stop. She hurled the remote at the ground shattering it. Zane didn't react right away so Supergirl punched him in the chest. At full strength she would have killed him but now he just staggered back a few steps grasping his chest.

She pulled her left arm free and stared at Zane.

At this point Zane knew he had been distracted and wonder if Supergirl knew all along about gaining strength back which is why she gave in so easily. He knew it was too late to stop her so he knew he needed to run before she regained full strength. He watched her remove the needle from her arm and he had an idea. He yanked the needle from the boy's arm and blood started to gush out. Supergirl would have to decide whether to save her friend or capture Zane. Zane grabbed his blood synthesizer and ran for the emergency exit wishing he had a way to launch a new gas attack at her.

Supergirl knew she had no choice but to save Mason. She looked for something to bind the wounds both Mason's and hers because she was losing blood too just not as fast as Mason. She was able to find a lab coat and rip it into pieces and the the pieces were long enough to use a bandages. She bandaged his wound and slowed the blood flow. She did the same to herself which was quite hard with only one hand. Mason needed a new bandage and she pulled off the old one and tied a new one on and this seemed to stop the blood flow. She scooped Mason up and started carrying him out of lab. She was not strong enough to fly but she wanted to get out of the lab. She didn't know if Zane or his henchmen had another Kryptonite gas bomb handy and she didn't want to find out.

She struggled to handle Mason's weight in her weakened condition. Between the blood loss and the remaining effect of the gas she was only able to walk and carry Mason but not do much else. She felt lighted headed on top of feeling weak. She carried him out of the building and found some trees to hide in while she waited and hoped she would get stronger. Poor Mason seemed completely out of it. She wondered if he knew what was happening.
Dr Zane cursed himself as he ran from the lab, he had let himself get distracted, let himself get carried away, and now his prize was gone. He had Androids ready but the only stores of Kryptonite gas he had left was still in storage, having been ready to subdue Supergirl in preparation for undergoing the procedure himself, sending a standard Android against her would be useless, especially now that she had gone outside, it was the middle of the day, the sun was shining, and in that kind of direct sunlight it wouldn't take long for Supergirl to recover more than enough strength to dispatch his androids even in her state of blood loss.

Mason groaned as Supergirl picked him up, shivering as he started to bleed. His vision had blurred once again, his state becoming slightly delirious as she carried him out. When the two of them got outside the sunlight was almost blinding, Mason wincing and closing his eyes entirely until Supergirl brought him to rest under a tree, taking a few deep breaths as he was leaned against it, sunlight still streaming through.
As she looked at him Supergirl would notice something happening to Mason. The wound on his arm, thanks to the sunlight exposure it was starting to heal much like her own wound was. At the same time his skin was shifting and rippling, his muscles seeming to slowly grow, becoming more defined. Slowly but surely his body was beginning to change, it seemed Dr Zane's experiment had been a complete success, Supergirls DNA within him already starting to change Mason's body now that it had been kickstarted by the Yellow sunlight.

"Nngh..." Mason started to open his eyes once again, looking up at her as his vision cleared. "Supergirl...?" Images of her sucking on Dr Zane's cock flashed back to his mind, though Mason couldn't focus on that right now. "What? Where? I...I remember, something hit me, I got knocked out and then I was in that weird room...ah!" He gasped, clutching himself as his muscles spasmed and bulged slightly once again, the muscular changes spreading to more of his body now.
Supergirl slowly felt her strength coming back. She knelt down to check on Mason. She noticed that he body seemed to be moving and twitching. It seemed to be getting bigger. Supergirl was concerned because in the past when someone had tried to use her blood they had ended up either insane or dead.

She watched Mason closely but he seemed to be adapting. His body seemed to be healing quickly. She was still worried between short term and long term issues. She knew as she watched his body change she couldn't take him to a hospital because she was unsure what would happen what if he continued to get stronger or went crazy and took out the people in the hospital. No she would need to take him back to her space once she was able to fly.

Mason started to stir and wake up.

Supergirl knelt down next to Mason. She laid her hand on his forehead.

"Relax Mason. We are safe outside for now. I am just gathering my strength so I can fly us out of here. We need to get you someplace safe where I can take care of you and we see what happens to you from taking in some of my blood."

Supergirl looks down at Mason. It is strange to see his body changing and she wonders if that means changes everywhere on his body and if so how can she explain it to him.

"Mason you need to let me know if the pain gets worse than it is now or it shows up somewhere else. I have no idea what is going to happen to you Mason but I will be here to help you as much as I can. OK?"

I think we are safe. Zane hasn'
Mason's body seemed to settle after a few minutes, the twitching and growth of his muscles slowing and stopping, though they were noticeably larger and more defined than they had been. It seemed that Dr Zane's serum had indeed been successful at adapting Supergirls DNA to bond onto a human body, though the process was more incremental than all at once. Unknown to both of them the changes to Mason's body weren't yet done. Ontop of that there had already been changes beyond the visible ones to his muscles, changes inside his body had already started too. Not only enhanced healing and the ability to begin gaining power from yellow sunlight, but his existing hormones were beginning to be produced in different amounts to before. Beyond that new glands had started forming around his body, releasing new Kryptonian hormones into his body that he was completely unprepared for.

"H-huh? Supergirl...?" Mason looked up at her and blinked as his vision cleared completely. He'd long been a fan of hers, though he had no idea that she was actually a friend of his in her secret identity too. "What happened?" He slowly started to sit up, his arm still somewhat sore, though the wound was already mostly healed. As he looked back to Supergirl his cheeks flushed as he suddenly remembered what he had seen, watching her sucking on Dr Zane's cock. "I um...thank you, thank you for saving me. And sorry that you had to go" He glanced away quickly, his cheeks turning as pink as his hair.

"I'm feeling alright. A little weird but...alright" Part of that weirdness was an odd lingering sense of arousal in the back of his mind, though he was pushing it aside for the moment. He didn't yet know that for a Kryptonian arousal was not so easily pushed aside or suppressed, no idea that Supergirl had been dealing with this problem for quite a while now, and no idea of just what was going to happen to him.
The sun continued to shine brightly down on them, returning Supergirls strength quickly despite the blood loss, and it seemed that Dr Zane didn't have the resources to go after them just yet, and now they would be ready for his tactics.
Super girl watched as Mason's body seemed to settle. This was a good thing although he would need to learn to listen to his body and have his body listen to his brain.

Mason thanked Super girl. "Your welcome Mason. Sometimes you have to do things that are bad for you but good for others. Listen let me take you back to my lab and do a more through check out of you. I think I feel up to flying both of us."

Without waiting for an answer Super Girl picked him up and started to fly to her lab so she could check him over and see if anything else had changed. In particular she wanted to see whether his sex organs had morphed or not. Super girl knew that many of those from krypton had multiple sex organs.

As they started to fly Super Girl said to Mason "I an sure things will be okay but I need my lab to see what has happened to your blood. You are clearly more muscled so I wanted to see if s that is the only thing that has changed .
Mason decided that what he had seen was probably best something never mentioned again, Super Girl had done what she'd had to in order to save him, so it was probably best to just leave it be. He doubted she wanted to be reminded of having to do that and he certainly didn't want to think about it too much either. "Huh? Your lab?" He had no idea Super Girl had a lab of her own, then again nobody really knew much about her at all besides the fact that she was a hero.

He gasped when she picked him up, instinctively clinging to her, unaware that he was holding on a little more strongly than a regular human could do, though for Super Girl it would still be nothing, Mason's body was still adjusting and growing in strength after all. So far Mason's outward appearance was relatively unchanged with the exception of his muscles, but the changes inside of his body were still going on quite rapidly.
"Thank you Super Girl...and...sorry I got you involved in all of this" He sighed softly and looked away, then blinked as he realised something. " know my name?" She had called him Mason. " do you know my name?" He didn't recall Dr Zane ever mentioning it, if the insane scientist had indeed been aware of his name at all, so how could Super Girl possibly know who he was? "Wait, why do you want to see if anything else has changed besides my muscles...? What else are you expecting to have changed....?"
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