Love is dead

May 5, 2018
Hi there everyone, I am Love is Dead. I love to rp high fantasy and fiction in general. I'm not much for sci fi but give me a plot and I may take it on depends on if I like it. I am an extremely lit RPer, but I do not expect my partner to be. I expect a minimum response of 1 paragraph, I need something to respond to of course. I need some basis for the RP, meaning a plot or theme, though I don't necessarily need a big one. I only RP through PMs, no off sight, no thread, no email. Only PMs.

As a note, I will play either gender. Male or female. I can do a small group/harem. I can do something like a futa, hermaphrodite, or such, though that's not something I want to do all the time, just something that can be done. I am a sub, no matter what. I can play a dom, for about five seconds. this can create an interesting thing where I play a dom who gets broken into a sub, but in the end I am a sub no matter what.

I enjoy the following kinks
Choking, slapping, gut punch, though nothing major or destructive.
minor BDSM, such as ropes, cuffs, chains, ties, or such
Incest, even direct incest
Piercings can be fun
Large dicks, impossible is fine.
Impregnation, though not necessary.
Mind break/submission
Mind control, though not necessary
Body marking.

My no list is as follows
Snuff, sexualized murder. Fine with death, murder for plot and such, but not murder during sex or anything gorish like that.

As I said before, I love high fantasy. I can do modern fantasy, but it's not a major thing I do. I like the idea of medieval fantasy, in which it is the dark ages, little technology, lots of magic. I love kingdoms and royalty, but again that's not a necessity.
I am open to some deep space fantasy, like star wars, but I only like a couple fields in this genre, including cloning, alien bandits, space kingdoms and such.
I will however do a sci-fi along the lines of borderlands.

Some plots I have in mind include the following.
Note: I will not be erasing my ideas. If I list it as no longer looking, I simply mean that it is no longer open, but if you have a similar idea or your own take on it, then you can certainly message me

(Still looking)
A chemical spill in a neighboring lab has infected the entire city. The airborne pathogin is supposed to die out after a day and a half, leading for the government to cut off all travel from our town. While they wait to see what happens, humans within the zone begin to change and mutate, becoming inhuman. Some could be able to fly, while others become super strong and resilient. The town breaks down into chaos as those with powers begin to take over, conquering the town they are now stuck in and perhaps eventually going on to destroy the government barricades and spread out, infecting more people as they move on and forever changing the world as we knew it.

(Still looking)
The world has been conquered by aliens from another galaxy. They colonize the planet, forcing the humans into subservience. What kind of life will the humans have now as nothing more than cattle and livestock for their now alien overlords. Humans go from a dominant species to nothing more than slaves to life forms that have come to this space.

(Still looking)
You would play one of the first mutants to ever exist. Born in a world lacking in others of your kind long ago, you were able to develop your super man like powers, including strength, near flight leaps, healing, extreme immunity to damage, and such. Your healing makes you downright immortal, and you have lived for a thousand years, conquering and subjugating the world. You build up an empire only to raise a new one and destroy the old one, as the world is nothing more than a toy. One day though, you are hit by something unexpected and wake up in current day, mutant filled current day, the world having forgotten your rule. You must now use your powers to once again make the world your bitch.

(Still looking)
You would play a sort of different role for this RP. Akin to tabletop RPG's, you would be playing a dungeon master whom designs the inner workings of a dungeon. The difference here, the dungeon becomes real. Kind of torn on the idea, so two ways to play this out
A standard RPG game style in which I would play adventurers in a fantasy world that travel into your dungeon and meet a sad end to the monsters inside.
A modern fantasy kind of scheme, you would play a down and out nerd who loves to design dungeons for him and his friends. One day though, as they begin to play the game they find that they are sucked into the world of the game, and now must go through the game as designed by him.
As a note, I've never actually played D&D and the likes, so it wouldn't exactly be like one, but it still stands with the traditional RPG mechanics and such.

(Still looking)
In the future people have visors that they can wear that hook up to their heads. Those been in the last two decades though have an implant at birth. These implants allow the devices to run faster, work as the wearer thinks, and other such benefits. They're supposed to be un-hack-able, but you laugh at the word, and begin to hack straight into the brains of local girls making them see and do things as you desire because you can control their very reality with but the click of a button.

(Still looking)
A genie in a bottle is found by the worst person who could find it, you. You force the genie into permanent servitude, whether through a wish or your own means, and use it to take over the world with little more than a wish and rebuild it as you see fit, whether though wishes or wishing on the genie to grant you powers akin to a god. I would play the captured servant genie and other characters.

(Still looking)
A sci fi future in which a city or space population or whatever has developed a drug to give people super powers. Think Toaru majutsu or railgun anime fans, or to a much lesser extent, bio-shock, except you get one power and it's permanent. Anyways, the colony has a great many rules and regulations, forcing the people to act in the way wanted. You would play a young rebellious bastard, who is one of the strongest power users. If you watched or read toaru, you're accelerator. Deciding you're the biggest baddest guy around, you start a rebellion and bring anarchy to the society in hopes of crowning yourself king in all the chaos.

(Still looking)
Looking to play a cult. You would be the cult leader, the chosen of god whom has the ability to bestow the words of god onto those that ask. Really though you're a telepath who is using a cheap trick to get people to believe him. He has built a following of people whom have started their own small community. God has ordained that a son of the profit will be the world's savior. As such, the is allowed to breed with any woman in the community he wants in hopes of bearing the chosen one.

(Still Looking)
(This is a sci fi spin on the idea. Magic will follow)
In the great span of life, we have to eventually ask ourselves, what is a human life worth? When the galactic federation finally lifts its sanctions on cloning, the market booms. Orders for clones come in like hot cakes, as for little money and a bit of DNA you can clone anyone. While these clones start out functioning robots in human flesh because they were aged so quickly, the group that makes them charges for education lessons, hot wired directly into the clones brain. The group can easily install any information desired into the clones, making them fill any role or job. The worth of a clone is only worth the money it costs to make them. *This is the set up will get to the plot in a moment*
In the great span of life, we have to eventually ask ourselves, what is a life worth? When the grand counsel finally lifts the forbidden status of cloning and replicating magic, the market booms. Orders for clones come in like hot cakes, as for little more than the witch or wizard wants, and a bit of DNA, you can clone anyone. While these clones start out functioning robots in human flesh because they were aged rapidly, the mage can easily install any information desired into the clones mind making them serve any role or fill any job. The worth of a clone is only worth the money it costs to make them. *This is the set up, the plots for either idea are as follows*

(Still looking)
1) Can you tell the difference between a human life and that of a clone?
Basically in either setting a group would be kidnapping a girl, replacing her with a clone. Why? Because she's the princess, because she's rich, because the daughter is hot, take your pick. Will the parents even notice before its too late? Replacing a princess to topple a nation. Replacing an heiress to take her parents fortune, replacing a girl so you have the real one to keep while a worthless clone serves her place holder.
(Still looking)
2) Super clones.
Basically, and again in either setting, a group would be using the cloning technology to make what are essentially perfect super soldiers. They know only to be loyal to the person who purchased them. They are faster stronger yada yada Captain America. The worth of one of these soldiers is several times the average troop. This could create an unbalance of power in the world, the rich basically able to request an entire army and conquer with them ala star wars.
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(No longer looking for the following)
The world needs a hero of another world to come and save it, however that simply is not you. When you're brought to this fantasy world you find that you're the chosen hero, you realize that they meant to not take you, but the person you were near at that time. Hero isn't the word that defines you though. You tell the group that you'll do the job though, but that they must honor your request should you win. You leave and find the world is quite dangerous when you come across a female warrior. She knows who you are, and you tell her that if she wants to, she can accompany you on the mission, but you plan to use this woman in more ways than 1. The journey can be in frame, can not be in frame whatever you want, but at the end of the journey, you tell the kingdom your request is the crown and the princess. They have no idea that you're no better than the villain of this tail, in fact you're a giant sadistic perv who will bend this fantasy world to your whim.

(No longer looking for the following)
You would play a normal guy who wakes up one day and realizes he's god, or godly. While not an immortal all knowing god, he finds that he can change the world around him like one would expect of a god. While starting modern, with his powers he can literally reshape reality and do anything he pleases. He can make reality into a fantasy world and pose people in a scenario like he's playing through a fantasy game or simply use his insane power to conquer and rule everyone he wishes.

(No longer looking for the following)
I would play a princess whom likes to go out and slip free of her royal guard, trying to have fun. She would be a rebellious sort, whom is destined to be married off to another kingdom for trade as she has older siblings who are ahead of her in line for the throne. One day though while she's out she is caught, not by her guard, but by a villain. He rapes her, breaking her down into a submissive slave over time. The kingdom is in an uproar because she is missing, but they don't know that it is worse than they know. She is being trained to obey so they can enact a plan, in which she will open the gates and his forces can run rampant through town and ultimately take the throne for himself, with her as his bitch. (Can include multiple girls if you want to do sister or something like that.)

(No longer looking for the following)
I would play a witch. Witches in this world are seen as awful, not because of what or who they are, but because of what witchcraft can do. She would be incredibly strong, but only thanks to her magic. She is traveling when she is attacked. She goes to use her magic, but nothing happens. The group reveals that they have a stone that cancels out magic, nullifying her impossible strength. She is thus taken by the group. Same deal with the princess from the last one here, raping her into subservience till she will do as they say, even using her magic as they demand. (Can be they're targeting witches if you want me to do multiples.)

(No longer looking for the following)
I would play a young adventurer. (Two options based on sex here)
(Male Adventurer)
He is out on his travels when he comes upon a female adventurer, or so he thinks. She (You) tells him about a dungeon that's in the mountains that is a good hunting spot, rather MMO like. He agrees to go there with the girl, and when they set up camp for the night, he finds that his drink/food has been spiked. This is no adventurer woman, but a monster in disguise. She lures men into the mountains and takes them as her prey. She will thus fuck him, mainly for reproducing, and use him as both a meal and a sex toy alike. (I am not into vore, the character would simply be killed off screen is all.)
(Female Adventuerer)
I would play a young girl whom has only just set out on her first adventure. She knows she needs to get strong, but she doesn't have any friends or team mates. She goes into the forest to hunt, and when it's getting late she is attacked by a group of wolf men. She is easily defeated by them, and thinks they'll kill her, but instead they rape her and when the group is done they let her go. She's thankful for her life and still wants to be an adventuerer, but this event only continues to occur each day till she is hooked on it.

(No longer looking for the following)
I would play a demi-human. A mix breed of monster and human. Humans look down on any and all demi-humans as they are less than human in their eyes. She hates her existence as a demi-human, and is often very distant from her family, the almost town sized group of wild demi-humans. She goes exploring in the woods, wanting to hunt something, and comes upon a human. He seems nice at first, and is kind to her, something she's not used to. He tells her he is being hunted, and they are immediately attacked. She tells him to go with her, and leads him back to her village. The people who were attacking him show up, and it is revealed that this was all a con. He used her to lead them back to her village, so that they could take the whole village as slaves.

(no longer looking for the following)
You would play a hero, one whom has gone on a long adventure with his allies and team mates, and whom is destined to defeat the evil villain. When he is defeated though, the villain casts a spell and his soul is sent into the hero's body, effectively body swapping them. He then strikes down his own former shell, killing off the hero in his defeated body Ala Captain Ginyu style. The friends and allies don't know what has transpired, and believe that the villain is gone, not knowing that the hero is in fact dead, and the villain now holds his body free to do with it what he wants.

(No longer looking for the following)
You would play the king, or rather the creature that replaced the king. Without notice, something destroyed the king. this demonic thing came in the night and destroyed him, taking his form. After this, the king began to give out insane orders. He begins to make secret shadow moves, targeting women he can get a hold of with his new position as king and impregnating them with his demonic spawn. The kings wife was too old, so his daughters will have to do. Any who will not serve and obey will be struck down by this man. He will turn this kingdom into a demon breeding ground.

(No longer looking for the following)
Humans have long held to the belief that the angels would protect them from the demons, but mysteriously one day they all disappeared and demons began to flood into the world. The angels sold the humans out, no longer looking to protect them they made a deal with the demons. Told of the lack of security, the demons made their move, enslaving the human race while the angels sat back, a peace treaty made on grounds of the humans enslavement. The demons got their inch though, and are now ready to take a mile.

(No longer looking for the following)
I would play a vampire queen, known far and wide as seductress dominating master(Follow me here). She has troubled this land and its people for centuries and they lack the strength to counter me. I routinely grab a victim from the surrounding area to use as both my sex toy and blood bag. I end up capturing you though. What you play is up to you, but I ask they look human. When I bring you to my room and drink your blood, I find that it's a bit more than I chewed off. Rather than feeling powerful, I find that drinking your blood leaves me in a submissive and horny state. I can't get enough of your blood, even with the effect it has on me. You decide to train me though, to make this vampire queen your subservient bitch.

(No longer Looking for the following)
(Note: when I say dragons, don't think this, think this.)
Long ago, the world was controlled by the dragons, beasts of supreme strength. They were nigh unkillable, and strong enough to exterminate humans. After a dragon who was born strangely betrayed them and told humanity of their one weakness, humans came out from under the claw of dragons. Now, dragons are no master race, but a slave race. Dragons are either slave labor, males, or sex slave, like the women. I would play a dragon girl who has lived all her life in the last dragon controlled part of the world. Humans soon conquer it too though, enslaving her and her community as slaves in revenge for the way the humans had to suffer.

(No longer looking)
He who stands atop all clans. Peace has been maintained in the land for some time, all by the grand hero who stands atop all clans. When something bad happens he is there to save the day and defeat the villain, but what few know is that when he defeats someone from a clan, he takes a woman from that clan to add to his slave maid harem.

(No longer looking for the following)
The King comes home early to surprise his queen and finds her cheating on him. In rage, he murders them both. He's the king so no real consequences, but he is darkened from this. His daughter is unable to understand as he will not tell her, but looking at her brings a thought to mind. How long has his queen been cheating on him? Was this girl even his daughter? Deciding she isn't, he takes out his frustrations on her and attacks whom is possibly his own child. After using her as nothing more than his bitch, he decides she isn't enough. All women must pay for the crimes of his wife. He goes on the war path, deciding to attack and conquer every nation and subjugate them under his thumb.

(No longer looking for the following)
You would play a demon who was born a weak and powerless creature, but you have one ability that makes you stand off, the ability to curse others. You would start out with a curse of lust, making the woman you desire slaves to a whorish lust for you. The beauty, you can use this curse on anyone regardless of how much stronger they are than you. I will play powerful demon women, human women, monster women, angels, gods, whatever, even guy if you want. Either way with this curse, you slowly but surely make your way from insignificant creature to most powerful ruler to ever exist

(No longer looking for the following)
A creature has made its way into human civilization. this bug like creature attacks a host, infecting it and taking it over. it can control anything and anyone, and be anyone and anything. This bug is parasitic, invading the host and taking it over. it can no longer think or move for itself, as it is now nothing more than a slave to the collective creature. It plans on infecting human(or other species) bodies. It will infect the men and change their very dna into that of the creature so it can breed more and more of its kind in other species bodies.
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