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Spy Games *plot driven*


May 4, 2018
Hi all.

Me: I'm in my late 20s, from South Africa. I have been roleplaying for um...a long time. My hobbies are reading and playing COD and other games (but mostly COD). I'm obsessed with action packed roleplays and some of my favourite are Street racing, mafia, military and spy types. I do enjoy some fantasy/sci-fi plots too.

I do not do Incestuous or rapey roleplays. I'm not a big fan of sexual violence and humiliation towards women. I enjoy pairings where both characters are on equal footing but will happily be submissive and let you have control. My characters will not however be your pet or slave and I don't intend on taking any. Bondage and other wild sexy ideas are welcomed as long as it remains consensual. I don't have an f-list because I want to remain open-minded.

I prefer M/F pairings where the M character is the same age or a little older.

Plot over Smut. I want to create a story filled with character growth and not just sex all the time. I write on average 4-6 paragraphs and can be very descriptive. My grammar is not great because English is not my first language but I will try.

PM me to discuss ideas


1. He was her big brothers best friend and her childhood crush. He never saw her as more than a little sister. Both he and her brother enlist. She was 16 the last time she saw him. Dressed in uniform mourning the loss of his friend and her brother. Fast forward 10 years later. She is an undercover agent, being assigned a new case, a new partner, in a new city. The mission requires her to get close to the head of a dangerous drug cartel. Her new partner who has already buried himself in the organisation is none other than her brothers best friend. Just how far is he willing to let her go for the mission.

2. The line between right and wrong gets blurred when she gets recruited into a black ops agency. She tells herself everytime she pulls the trigger that she is doing it to protect country. Her partner and best friend soon become the best operatives they agency has to offer. The spy business is a lonely business and soon their partnership turn into partners with benefits. That is until he goes rogue and sabotages one of their missions before disappearing off the face of the earth, leaving her heartbroken, confused and with a secret of her own. Four years later the Director of the agency she quit is standing in her kitchen telling her he has resurfaced,and asking her to trade orange slices for bullets to bring him in. What happens when he tells her she has been working for the wrong side and she tells him why she quit the agency 4 years ago.

3. FBI sends her in on dangerous deepcover mission to infiltrate a dangerous drug cartel and finally give them the evidence they need to lock away the head of said cartel. She knows he is dangerous but she never expected to see a side of him very few people get to see. She is falling for him way to fast and her heart begin to cloud her head. He will find out who she really is but does he love her enough not to end her life.

4. The bodyguard. She is the daughter of a prominent political figure/monarch/mobster/businessman who gets assigned a bodyguard when her father starts receiving threats. She isn't suppose to feel the way she does, but can't help falling head over heels for the man tasked to protect her. He is good looking and dangerous, bound by honor and duty to protect her but what happens when he breaks his own rule and starts developing feelings for her.

5. You watched the love of your life die five years ago. But if she died then why are there photos of her alive in your mission file. There's a bounty on her head and you have been tasked with keeping her safe.

The playground buzzed with children running in the play sand and climbing all over the monkey bars. A woman dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a warm jersey, sat watching one little boy in particular. He was around 4, had jet black locks and bright blue eyes. He sat on a Rocking-horse beaming and giggling at the woman who sat watching him closely, never taking her eyes off of him. The weather was warm and sunny.

Kira stood up and walked over to the little boy and scooped him up into her arms. He squealed joyfully clinging to her, not at all upset that his playtime was being interrupted. She pressed her lips to his forehead and carried him to the car. He was animated knowing that their next stop would be the market and he would get his favourite ice cream.

The mini van was something to get use to. It was slower and safer than she had been use to. She strapped the boy into his car seat and then got into the drivers seat making her way to the Plainpalais flea market. It was one of the biggest flea markets in Geneva and one of her favourite places to visit on Sunday mornings.

"Mommy, can I have the chocolate one?"

The little boy asked. The woman smiled as she undid the seat belt. It had taken some time to get use to the name Mommy. She had never been anyone's Mommy before. In fact she never would have thought her life would ever have gone in the direction it had when she ran away from her past life.

"You can have any flavour you want baby." She replied, as she parked her car and got out. She unstrapped her son from his car seat and set him down on the cobble stones and took his hand lead him into the market. They walked around for stopping all their usual stalls shopping for fresh produce from some of the vendors and ice cream.


The last four years had been a calm ride compared to the rollercoaster than was the previous four before that. Jason was finally in the real world, something he'd had to adjust back to after years of being a covert spy. The two worlds were polar opposites to each other, and as he walked through the market with his basket, he noticed himself shifting his eyes to each customer, thinking of scenarios where he'd be required to act, to reach for the gun in his suit jacket (that wasn't there anymore).

He chuckled to himself, finally able to see humour in his old world, his old job that would never truly leave him. Things now we're just so mundane. Before he'd never had to shop for crackers at the grocery shop, things were just there for him, provided by his bosses so him and his ex could spend more time doing their bidding.

For the regular passer by, they'd have no knowledge of the life he used to lead, the men and women he had to discretely kill and the many plots he'd managed to stop. He was just a regular man doing regular man things, and he liked that.

As the boy ran in to his leg he quickly whipped around to face him, instinctively reaching in to his suit jacket to find what used to be a gun, but was now just cold silk fabric. "S-sorry," he said softly.

Looking up at the woman he lost his breath instantly and his eyes went wide. Finally he sighed and shook his head. It was his own fault for not moving to a different town or country, but he knew this day would come at some point. "Hello," was all he could say.


Those familiar blue eyes stared back at Kira in surprise. She couldn't trust them. For all the former spy knew, the agency had found her and had sent the man standing in front of her to bring her in. Unsure of the situation, trained eyes now scanned the crowds for signs that he was not alone before settling back on him.

A tug in her hand finally broke her attention away from the man briefly as the same blue eyes stared up at her, accompanied by a pout. Kira picked the little boy up, cradling him to her protectively.

"It's okay Luke. The nice man isn't mad baby."

The hand inside his jacket did not go unnoticed by Kira and her paranoia only grew. She scanned the area once more before returning her attention to the man with a raised brow. When he dropped his hand, gunless. She took a deep breath.

He still looked as handsome as the day she met him. Four years had been kind to him. She remembered the morning she left. They were meant to be heading into the HQ for a briefing on their next assignmet. Kira had woken up early for a run, needing to clear her mind and figure out how she was going to tell him she was pregnant. She never returned, instead she ran.

"Why are you here?" She asked. Her brain was too busy piecing together why he was there for any pleasantries. He had never done anything wrong. Jason had filled a hole that came with being a spy and she had loved him. Leaving had been the hardest thing she ever had to do. But here he was your years on.


As his hand returned from inside the suit jacket, he gave a soft smile with the side of his mouth. It was almost apologetic, despite him not having anything to apologise for. If anything, he thought she should be the one doing the apologising. It had taken him a long time to get over losing her. He'd have filed a missing persons report if they hadn't belonged to the agency. They liked to keep that sort of thing in-house.

She did call him a nice man, though, which was warming to hear.

"What am I doing here? I live here," he replied confused. He'd stayed in the same town after she disappeared, despite looking for her for an entire year. The agency had actually made it his mission after he begged for it. Generally they'd put somebody not emotionally attached on it, but he insisted.

"What are you doing here," he shot back, starting to glare at her as he felt his eyes water a bit. Emotions came racing back, along with the fact that this child was clearly his.


She blinked like a deer caught in headlights. Of course he would be here. She was stupid to think he would have moved elsewhere after she ran. The first year after she ran , Kira had spent in Japan until after Joshua was born. They never settled down for more than 6 months at a time. Sometimes if she felt as if they were being watched, Kira would uplift herself and her son's life after 3 months. It was nostalgia that brought her back to Switzerland. She had taken a teaching job at the local high school and even enrolled Joshua into a Kindergarden. They had only been in town for a couple of months. She had been certain that she could settled down here and stop running.

"We moved here. Mommy said it was her favorite place." Joshua replied matter-of-factly when Kira took too long to answer. Sometimes he was way to clever for his own good. He was more like his father than she cared to admit. It took her another moment before she hushed her son and met Jason's gaze. She could see his mind connecting the dots and doing the math.

"We moved to town two months ago. I thought you would have left." She finally replied. Then shifting her wait uncertainly. She could tell he was getting upset and she didn't blame him, but surely he would have to understand that what she did, was in the interest of Joshua. The spy life was not one to raise a child. She had been confused and scared when she found out. They made enemies, not to mention the relationship had been breaking the rules of the agency in the first place.

"Can we not do this here?" It was not a conversation to be had in the middle of a market place. She knew she owed him an explanation , but the former spy was fighting the need to run again. She had never imagined bumping into him again. Not that she was unhappy about seeing him again but she imagined that she had broken his heart by leaving the way she did, if she had meant anything a all to him.

7. He brought her in and trained her. Sculpted her into the on of the best spy in the agency. The last thing he wanted was to fall in love with her. (Inspired by the movie Anna).

8. images.jpeg
She is ex-military and takes a job with an old Friend working security. Little does she know that her friends business isn't entirely legal. Enter his bodyguard/head of security. He is a hard SOB, with little conscience, and the willingness to do anything the boss needs. Both of them have scars they don't want the world to see bit when they are alone together they find comfort from their demons.

Also open to discuss plots.

*hides away all shy*
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The playground buzzed with children running in the play sand and climbing all over the monkey bars. A woman dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a warm jersey, sat watching one little boy in particular. He was around 4, had jet black locks and bright blue eyes. He sat on a Rocking-horse beaming and giggling at the woman who sat watching him closely, never taking her eyes off of him. The weather was warm and sunny.

Kira stood up and walked over to the little boy and scooped him up into her arms. He squealed joyfully clinging to her, not at all upset that his playtime was being interrupted. She pressed her lips to his forehead and carried him to the car. He was animated knowing that their next stop would be the market and he would get his favourite ice cream.

The mini van was something to get use to. It was slower and safer than she had been use to. She strapped the boy into his car seat and then got into the drivers seat making her way to the Plainpalais flea market. It was one of the biggest flea markets in Geneva and one of her favourite places to visit on Sunday mornings.

"Mommy, can I have the chocolate one?"

The little boy asked. The woman smiled as she undid the seat belt. It had taken some time to get use to the name Mommy. She had never been anyone's Mommy before. In fact she never would have thought her life would ever have gone in the direction it had when she ran away from her past life.

"You can have any flavour you want baby." She replied, as she parked her car and got out. She unstrapped her son from his car seat and set him down on the cobble stones and took his hand lead him into the market. They walked around for stopping all their usual stalls shopping for fresh produce from some of the vendors and ice cream.


The last four years had been a calm ride compared to the rollercoaster than was the previous four before that. Jason was finally in the real world, something he'd had to adjust back to after years of being a covert spy. The two worlds were polar opposites to each other, and as he walked through the market with his basket, he noticed himself shifting his eyes to each customer, thinking of scenarios where he'd be required to act, to reach for the gun in his suit jacket (that wasn't there anymore).

He chuckled to himself, finally able to see humour in his old world, his old job that would never truly leave him. Things now we're just so mundane. Before he'd never had to shop for crackers at the grocery shop, things were just there for him, provided by his bosses so him and his ex could spend more time doing their bidding.

For the regular passer by, they'd have no knowledge of the life he used to lead, the men and women he had to discretely kill and the many plots he'd managed to stop. He was just a regular man doing regular man things, and he liked that.

As the boy ran in to his leg he quickly whipped around to face him, instinctively reaching in to his suit jacket to find what used to be a gun, but was now just cold silk fabric. "S-sorry," he said softly.

Looking up at the woman he lost his breath instantly and his eyes went wide. Finally he sighed and shook his head. It was his own fault for not moving to a different town or country, but he knew this day would come at some point. "Hello," was all he could say.


Those familiar blue eyes stared back at Kira in surprise. She couldn't trust them. For all the former spy knew, the agency had found her and had sent the man standing in front of her to bring her in. Unsure of the situation, trained eyes now scanned the crowds for signs that he was not alone before settling back on him.

A tug in her hand finally broke her attention away from the man briefly as the same blue eyes stared up at her, accompanied by a pout. Kira picked the little boy up, cradling him to her protectively.

"It's okay Luke. The nice man isn't mad baby."

The hand inside his jacket did not go unnoticed by Kira and her paranoia only grew. She scanned the area once more before returning her attention to the man with a raised brow. When he dropped his hand, gunless. She took a deep breath.

He still looked as handsome as the day she met him. Four years had been kind to him. She remembered the morning she left. They were meant to be heading into the HQ for a briefing on their next assignmet. Kira had woken up early for a run, needing to clear her mind and figure out how she was going to tell him she was pregnant. She never returned, instead she ran.

"Why are you here?" She asked. Her brain was too busy piecing together why he was there for any pleasantries. He had never done anything wrong. Jason had filled a hole that came with being a spy and she had loved him. Leaving had been the hardest thing she ever had to do. But here he was your years on.


As his hand returned from inside the suit jacket, he gave a soft smile with the side of his mouth. It was almost apologetic, despite him not having anything to apologise for. If anything, he thought she should be the one doing the apologising. It had taken him a long time to get over losing her. He'd have filed a missing persons report if they hadn't belonged to the agency. They liked to keep that sort of thing in-house.

She did call him a nice man, though, which was warming to hear.

"What am I doing here? I live here," he replied confused. He'd stayed in the same town after she disappeared, despite looking for her for an entire year. The agency had actually made it his mission after he begged for it. Generally they'd put somebody not emotionally attached on it, but he insisted.

"What are you doing here," he shot back, starting to glare at her as he felt his eyes water a bit. Emotions came racing back, along with the fact that this child was clearly his.


She blinked like a deer caught in headlights. Of course he would be here. She was stupid to think he would have moved elsewhere after she ran. The first year after she ran , Kira had spent in Japan until after Joshua was born. They never settled down for more than 6 months at a time. Sometimes if she felt as if they were being watched, Kira would uplift herself and her son's life after 3 months. It was nostalgia that brought her back to Switzerland. She had taken a teaching job at the local high school and even enrolled Joshua into a Kindergarden. They had only been in town for a couple of months. She had been certain that she could settled down here and stop running.

"We moved here. Mommy said it was her favorite place." Joshua replied matter-of-factly when Kira took too long to answer. Sometimes he was way to clever for his own good. He was more like his father than she cared to admit. It took her another moment before she hushed her son and met Jason's gaze. She could see his mind connecting the dots and doing the math.

"We moved to town two months ago. I thought you would have left." She finally replied. Then shifting her wait uncertainly. She could tell he was getting upset and she didn't blame him, but surely he would have to understand that what she did, was in the interest of Joshua. The spy life was not one to raise a child. She had been confused and scared when she found out. They made enemies, not to mention the relationship had been breaking the rules of the agency in the first place.

"Can we not do this here?" It was not a conversation to be had in the middle of a market place. She knew she owed him an explanation , but the former spy was fighting the need to run again. She had never imagined bumping into him again. Not that she was unhappy about seeing him again but she imagined that she had broken his heart by leaving the way she did, if she had meant anything a all to him.
The playground buzzed with children running in the play sand and climbing all over the monkey bars. A woman dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a warm jersey, sat watching one little boy in particular. He was around 4, had jet black locks and bright blue eyes. He sat on a Rocking-horse beaming and giggling at the woman who sat watching him closely, never taking her eyes off of him. The weather was warm and sunny.

Kira stood up and walked over to the little boy and scooped him up into her arms. He squealed joyfully clinging to her, not at all upset that his playtime was being interrupted. She pressed her lips to his forehead and carried him to the car. He was animated knowing that their next stop would be the market and he would get his favourite ice cream.

The mini van was something to get use to. It was slower and safer than she had been use to. She strapped the boy into his car seat and then got into the drivers seat making her way to the Plainpalais flea market. It was one of the biggest flea markets in Geneva and one of her favourite places to visit on Sunday mornings.

"Mommy, can I have the chocolate one?"

The little boy asked. The woman smiled as she undid the seat belt. It had taken some time to get use to the name Mommy. She had never been anyone's Mommy before. In fact she never would have thought her life would ever have gone in the direction it had when she ran away from her past life.

"You can have any flavour you want baby." She replied, as she parked her car and got out. She unstrapped her son from his car seat and set him down on the cobble stones and took his hand lead him into the market. They walked around for stopping all their usual stalls shopping for fresh produce from some of the vendors and ice cream.


The last four years had been a calm ride compared to the rollercoaster than was the previous four before that. Jason was finally in the real world, something he'd had to adjust back to after years of being a covert spy. The two worlds were polar opposites to each other, and as he walked through the market with his basket, he noticed himself shifting his eyes to each customer, thinking of scenarios where he'd be required to act, to reach for the gun in his suit jacket (that wasn't there anymore).

He chuckled to himself, finally able to see humour in his old world, his old job that would never truly leave him. Things now we're just so mundane. Before he'd never had to shop for crackers at the grocery shop, things were just there for him, provided by his bosses so him and his ex could spend more time doing their bidding.

For the regular passer by, they'd have no knowledge of the life he used to lead, the men and women he had to discretely kill and the many plots he'd managed to stop. He was just a regular man doing regular man things, and he liked that.

As the boy ran in to his leg he quickly whipped around to face him, instinctively reaching in to his suit jacket to find what used to be a gun, but was now just cold silk fabric. "S-sorry," he said softly.

Looking up at the woman he lost his breath instantly and his eyes went wide. Finally he sighed and shook his head. It was his own fault for not moving to a different town or country, but he knew this day would come at some point. "Hello," was all he could say.


Those familiar blue eyes stared back at Kira in surprise. She couldn't trust them. For all the former spy knew, the agency had found her and had sent the man standing in front of her to bring her in. Unsure of the situation, trained eyes now scanned the crowds for signs that he was not alone before settling back on him.

A tug in her hand finally broke her attention away from the man briefly as the same blue eyes stared up at her, accompanied by a pout. Kira picked the little boy up, cradling him to her protectively.

"It's okay Luke. The nice man isn't mad baby."

The hand inside his jacket did not go unnoticed by Kira and her paranoia only grew. She scanned the area once more before returning her attention to the man with a raised brow. When he dropped his hand, gunless. She took a deep breath.

He still looked as handsome as the day she met him. Four years had been kind to him. She remembered the morning she left. They were meant to be heading into the HQ for a briefing on their next assignmet. Kira had woken up early for a run, needing to clear her mind and figure out how she was going to tell him she was pregnant. She never returned, instead she ran.

"Why are you here?" She asked. Her brain was too busy piecing together why he was there for any pleasantries. He had never done anything wrong. Jason had filled a hole that came with being a spy and she had loved him. Leaving had been the hardest thing she ever had to do. But here he was your years on.


As his hand returned from inside the suit jacket, he gave a soft smile with the side of his mouth. It was almost apologetic, despite him not having anything to apologise for. If anything, he thought she should be the one doing the apologising. It had taken him a long time to get over losing her. He'd have filed a missing persons report if they hadn't belonged to the agency. They liked to keep that sort of thing in-house.

She did call him a nice man, though, which was warming to hear.

"What am I doing here? I live here," he replied confused. He'd stayed in the same town after she disappeared, despite looking for her for an entire year. The agency had actually made it his mission after he begged for it. Generally they'd put somebody not emotionally attached on it, but he insisted.

"What are you doing here," he shot back, starting to glare at her as he felt his eyes water a bit. Emotions came racing back, along with the fact that this child was clearly his.


She blinked like a deer caught in headlights. Of course he would be here. She was stupid to think he would have moved elsewhere after she ran. The first year after she ran , Kira had spent in Japan until after Joshua was born. They never settled down for more than 6 months at a time. Sometimes if she felt as if they were being watched, Kira would uplift herself and her son's life after 3 months. It was nostalgia that brought her back to Switzerland. She had taken a teaching job at the local high school and even enrolled Joshua into a Kindergarden. They had only been in town for a couple of months. She had been certain that she could settled down here and stop running.

"We moved here. Mommy said it was her favorite place." Joshua replied matter-of-factly when Kira took too long to answer. Sometimes he was way to clever for his own good. He was more like his father than she cared to admit. It took her another moment before she hushed her son and met Jason's gaze. She could see his mind connecting the dots and doing the math.

"We moved to town two months ago. I thought you would have left." She finally replied. Then shifting her wait uncertainly. She could tell he was getting upset and she didn't blame him, but surely he would have to understand that what she did, was in the interest of Joshua. The spy life was not one to raise a child. She had been confused and scared when she found out. They made enemies, not to mention the relationship had been breaking the rules of the agency in the first place.

"Can we not do this here?" It was not a conversation to be had in the middle of a market place. She knew she owed him an explanation , but the former spy was fighting the need to run again. She had never imagined bumping into him again. Not that she was unhappy about seeing him again but she imagined that she had broken his heart by leaving the way she did, if she had meant anything a all to him.
The playground buzzed with children running in the play sand and climbing all over the monkey bars. A woman dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a warm jersey, sat watching one little boy in particular. He was around 4, had jet black locks and bright blue eyes. He sat on a Rocking-horse beaming and giggling at the woman who sat watching him closely, never taking her eyes off of him. The weather was warm and sunny.

Kira stood up and walked over to the little boy and scooped him up into her arms. He squealed joyfully clinging to her, not at all upset that his playtime was being interrupted. She pressed her lips to his forehead and carried him to the car. He was animated knowing that their next stop would be the market and he would get his favourite ice cream.

The mini van was something to get use to. It was slower and safer than she had been use to. She strapped the boy into his car seat and then got into the drivers seat making her way to the Plainpalais flea market. It was one of the biggest flea markets in Geneva and one of her favourite places to visit on Sunday mornings.

"Mommy, can I have the chocolate one?"

The little boy asked. The woman smiled as she undid the seat belt. It had taken some time to get use to the name Mommy. She had never been anyone's Mommy before. In fact she never would have thought her life would ever have gone in the direction it had when she ran away from her past life.

"You can have any flavour you want baby." She replied, as she parked her car and got out. She unstrapped her son from his car seat and set him down on the cobble stones and took his hand lead him into the market. They walked around for stopping all their usual stalls shopping for fresh produce from some of the vendors and ice cream.


The last four years had been a calm ride compared to the rollercoaster than was the previous four before that. Jason was finally in the real world, something he'd had to adjust back to after years of being a covert spy. The two worlds were polar opposites to each other, and as he walked through the market with his basket, he noticed himself shifting his eyes to each customer, thinking of scenarios where he'd be required to act, to reach for the gun in his suit jacket (that wasn't there anymore).

He chuckled to himself, finally able to see humour in his old world, his old job that would never truly leave him. Things now we're just so mundane. Before he'd never had to shop for crackers at the grocery shop, things were just there for him, provided by his bosses so him and his ex could spend more time doing their bidding.

For the regular passer by, they'd have no knowledge of the life he used to lead, the men and women he had to discretely kill and the many plots he'd managed to stop. He was just a regular man doing regular man things, and he liked that.

As the boy ran in to his leg he quickly whipped around to face him, instinctively reaching in to his suit jacket to find what used to be a gun, but was now just cold silk fabric. "S-sorry," he said softly.

Looking up at the woman he lost his breath instantly and his eyes went wide. Finally he sighed and shook his head. It was his own fault for not moving to a different town or country, but he knew this day would come at some point. "Hello," was all he could say.


Those familiar blue eyes stared back at Kira in surprise. She couldn't trust them. For all the former spy knew, the agency had found her and had sent the man standing in front of her to bring her in. Unsure of the situation, trained eyes now scanned the crowds for signs that he was not alone before settling back on him.

A tug in her hand finally broke her attention away from the man briefly as the same blue eyes stared up at her, accompanied by a pout. Kira picked the little boy up, cradling him to her protectively.

"It's okay Luke. The nice man isn't mad baby."

The hand inside his jacket did not go unnoticed by Kira and her paranoia only grew. She scanned the area once more before returning her attention to the man with a raised brow. When he dropped his hand, gunless. She took a deep breath.

He still looked as handsome as the day she met him. Four years had been kind to him. She remembered the morning she left. They were meant to be heading into the HQ for a briefing on their next assignmet. Kira had woken up early for a run, needing to clear her mind and figure out how she was going to tell him she was pregnant. She never returned, instead she ran.

"Why are you here?" She asked. Her brain was too busy piecing together why he was there for any pleasantries. He had never done anything wrong. Jason had filled a hole that came with being a spy and she had loved him. Leaving had been the hardest thing she ever had to do. But here he was your years on.


As his hand returned from inside the suit jacket, he gave a soft smile with the side of his mouth. It was almost apologetic, despite him not having anything to apologise for. If anything, he thought she should be the one doing the apologising. It had taken him a long time to get over losing her. He'd have filed a missing persons report if they hadn't belonged to the agency. They liked to keep that sort of thing in-house.

She did call him a nice man, though, which was warming to hear.

"What am I doing here? I live here," he replied confused. He'd stayed in the same town after she disappeared, despite looking for her for an entire year. The agency had actually made it his mission after he begged for it. Generally they'd put somebody not emotionally attached on it, but he insisted.

"What are you doing here," he shot back, starting to glare at her as he felt his eyes water a bit. Emotions came racing back, along with the fact that this child was clearly his.


She blinked like a deer caught in headlights. Of course he would be here. She was stupid to think he would have moved elsewhere after she ran. The first year after she ran , Kira had spent in Japan until after Joshua was born. They never settled down for more than 6 months at a time. Sometimes if she felt as if they were being watched, Kira would uplift herself and her son's life after 3 months. It was nostalgia that brought her back to Switzerland. She had taken a teaching job at the local high school and even enrolled Joshua into a Kindergarden. They had only been in town for a couple of months. She had been certain that she could settled down here and stop running.

"We moved here. Mommy said it was her favorite place." Joshua replied matter-of-factly when Kira took too long to answer. Sometimes he was way to clever for his own good. He was more like his father than she cared to admit. It took her another moment before she hushed her son and met Jason's gaze. She could see his mind connecting the dots and doing the math.

"We moved to town two months ago. I thought you would have left." She finally replied. Then shifting her wait uncertainly. She could tell he was getting upset and she didn't blame him, but surely he would have to understand that what she did, was in the interest of Joshua. The spy life was not one to raise a child. She had been confused and scared when she found out. They made enemies, not to mention the relationship had been breaking the rules of the agency in the first place.

"Can we not do this here?" It was not a conversation to be had in the middle of a market place. She knew she owed him an explanation , but the former spy was fighting the need to run again. She had never imagined bumping into him again. Not that she was unhappy about seeing him again but she imagined that she had broken his heart by leaving the way she did, if she had meant anything a all to him.
The playground buzzed with children running in the play sand and climbing all over the monkey bars. A woman dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a warm jersey, sat watching one little boy in particular. He was around 4, had jet black locks and bright blue eyes. He sat on a Rocking-horse beaming and giggling at the woman who sat watching him closely, never taking her eyes off of him. The weather was warm and sunny.

Kira stood up and walked over to the little boy and scooped him up into her arms. He squealed joyfully clinging to her, not at all upset that his playtime was being interrupted. She pressed her lips to his forehead and carried him to the car. He was animated knowing that their next stop would be the market and he would get his favourite ice cream.

The mini van was something to get use to. It was slower and safer than she had been use to. She strapped the boy into his car seat and then got into the drivers seat making her way to the Plainpalais flea market. It was one of the biggest flea markets in Geneva and one of her favourite places to visit on Sunday mornings.

"Mommy, can I have the chocolate one?"

The little boy asked. The woman smiled as she undid the seat belt. It had taken some time to get use to the name Mommy. She had never been anyone's Mommy before. In fact she never would have thought her life would ever have gone in the direction it had when she ran away from her past life.

"You can have any flavour you want baby." She replied, as she parked her car and got out. She unstrapped her son from his car seat and set him down on the cobble stones and took his hand lead him into the market. They walked around for stopping all their usual stalls shopping for fresh produce from some of the vendors and ice cream.


The last four years had been a calm ride compared to the rollercoaster than was the previous four before that. Jason was finally in the real world, something he'd had to adjust back to after years of being a covert spy. The two worlds were polar opposites to each other, and as he walked through the market with his basket, he noticed himself shifting his eyes to each customer, thinking of scenarios where he'd be required to act, to reach for the gun in his suit jacket (that wasn't there anymore).

He chuckled to himself, finally able to see humour in his old world, his old job that would never truly leave him. Things now we're just so mundane. Before he'd never had to shop for crackers at the grocery shop, things were just there for him, provided by his bosses so him and his ex could spend more time doing their bidding.

For the regular passer by, they'd have no knowledge of the life he used to lead, the men and women he had to discretely kill and the many plots he'd managed to stop. He was just a regular man doing regular man things, and he liked that.

As the boy ran in to his leg he quickly whipped around to face him, instinctively reaching in to his suit jacket to find what used to be a gun, but was now just cold silk fabric. "S-sorry," he said softly.

Looking up at the woman he lost his breath instantly and his eyes went wide. Finally he sighed and shook his head. It was his own fault for not moving to a different town or country, but he knew this day would come at some point. "Hello," was all he could say.


Those familiar blue eyes stared back at Kira in surprise. She couldn't trust them. For all the former spy knew, the agency had found her and had sent the man standing in front of her to bring her in. Unsure of the situation, trained eyes now scanned the crowds for signs that he was not alone before settling back on him.

A tug in her hand finally broke her attention away from the man briefly as the same blue eyes stared up at her, accompanied by a pout. Kira picked the little boy up, cradling him to her protectively.

"It's okay Luke. The nice man isn't mad baby."

The hand inside his jacket did not go unnoticed by Kira and her paranoia only grew. She scanned the area once more before returning her attention to the man with a raised brow. When he dropped his hand, gunless. She took a deep breath.

He still looked as handsome as the day she met him. Four years had been kind to him. She remembered the morning she left. They were meant to be heading into the HQ for a briefing on their next assignmet. Kira had woken up early for a run, needing to clear her mind and figure out how she was going to tell him she was pregnant. She never returned, instead she ran.

"Why are you here?" She asked. Her brain was too busy piecing together why he was there for any pleasantries. He had never done anything wrong. Jason had filled a hole that came with being a spy and she had loved him. Leaving had been the hardest thing she ever had to do. But here he was your years on.


As his hand returned from inside the suit jacket, he gave a soft smile with the side of his mouth. It was almost apologetic, despite him not having anything to apologise for. If anything, he thought she should be the one doing the apologising. It had taken him a long time to get over losing her. He'd have filed a missing persons report if they hadn't belonged to the agency. They liked to keep that sort of thing in-house.

She did call him a nice man, though, which was warming to hear.

"What am I doing here? I live here," he replied confused. He'd stayed in the same town after she disappeared, despite looking for her for an entire year. The agency had actually made it his mission after he begged for it. Generally they'd put somebody not emotionally attached on it, but he insisted.

"What are you doing here," he shot back, starting to glare at her as he felt his eyes water a bit. Emotions came racing back, along with the fact that this child was clearly his.


She blinked like a deer caught in headlights. Of course he would be here. She was stupid to think he would have moved elsewhere after she ran. The first year after she ran , Kira had spent in Japan until after Joshua was born. They never settled down for more than 6 months at a time. Sometimes if she felt as if they were being watched, Kira would uplift herself and her son's life after 3 months. It was nostalgia that brought her back to Switzerland. She had taken a teaching job at the local high school and even enrolled Joshua into a Kindergarden. They had only been in town for a couple of months. She had been certain that she could settled down here and stop running.

"We moved here. Mommy said it was her favorite place." Joshua replied matter-of-factly when Kira took too long to answer. Sometimes he was way to clever for his own good. He was more like his father than she cared to admit. It took her another moment before she hushed her son and met Jason's gaze. She could see his mind connecting the dots and doing the math.

"We moved to town two months ago. I thought you would have left." She finally replied. Then shifting her wait uncertainly. She could tell he was getting upset and she didn't blame him, but surely he would have to understand that what she did, was in the interest of Joshua. The spy life was not one to raise a child. She had been confused and scared when she found out. They made enemies, not to mention the relationship had been breaking the rules of the agency in the first place.

"Can we not do this here?" It was not a conversation to be had in the middle of a market place. She knew she owed him an explanation , but the former spy was fighting the need to run again. She had never imagined bumping into him again. Not that she was unhappy about seeing him again but she imagined that she had broken his heart by leaving the way she did, if she had meant anything a all to him.

Or any of my other plots.
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