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In the Name of the Moon (Shrinkman and Fabs)

The Shrinkman

Mar 12, 2016
20 Years ago the mysterious heroines of the Moon vanquished the Queen of Evil once and for all. Then silently these heroines went back to living the lives of normal High Schoolers. They graduated, grew up, got married, grew apart, and had spent less and less time together as the years went by, then the former leader of these Heroines now a mother decided it was time after 20 years for a little reunion to catch up.

Not just a simple house meet either, she wanted it to be special, so she had booked a resort beach, and booked it for all Summer, the high schools were to be getting out by then, and surely her friends she'd not spoken too in a long time would have kids. She called them all up, every last one of them, having to research some of their numbers of course. But eventually, the group had all agreed for an entire Summer they'd be together again after these long 20 years apart.

Over in one of the homes of one of the former members a flower shop, and also a home. A young woman who looked so much like a boy it wasn't funny, Mika Kino the daughter of Makoto Kino, the former Sailor Jupiter. She was watching her mother in the shower stealthfully. It was an amazing fact that Mika was a girl, because she was so okay with being treated like a boy that she behaved in such a perverted manner some times. She was watching her mom in the shower while her hands were busy down in her pants she was playing with a rather bulging member, yes if Mika's apperance wasn't enough to verify that she probably wasn't meant to be born a girl the fact was she even had a fully formed cock like a boy would have had, she didn't even have much in the way of breasts either.

Having an almost androgynous look to her, pretty and handsome at the same time. For her mothers age, she looked good, sure she had a little more fat where muscle had once been since she was part of her team, but she looked damned good. As she was rubbing one off while watching her mother in the shower, a sudden ring of the home telephone began to buzz and stir, as it caught Mika by surprise she gave a sudden and really girly, "Eep!" As she falls back on her butt, with a thud. Then rushed to go and pick up the phone, "H..hello, Kino Flowers, this is Mika how may I help you." She played that she was still being the busy flower shop bee she ought to be, in hopes her mother hadn't caught her sneaking a peek.
Nearly twenty years had passed already. Makoto found it quite hard to believe. And still, she truly missed those years in which she had been tasked with saving the world along with her fellow senshi partners. Of course she didn't regret getting married or having had children in the slightest. But she missed those years so much she wished she could go back to the past and live through them again. Of course such thing would never happen though, which caused her to let out a quite deep sigh.

That day, she had decided to take a shower before anything else, asking her beautiful daughter to take care of the flower shop while she was busy. It took her a few seconds, but she did notice her peeking at her naked figure while she rubbed the sponge against every single one of her fine curves,. Now slightly more busty than at the age of fifteen, Makoto had grown into a fine, beautiful woman, pretty much like all of her partners had.

She would want to make contact with them again, and that thought distracted her from the fact she was being observed, until the phone started ringing. Truth be told, she loved how attracted her daughted seemed to be towards her at times. It made her feel desired again. Her husband was at work and traveling around the world at the moment. So loneliness was often the sole feeling she ended up having to deal with.

Finally, she went out of the bathroom, after properly wiping off the rests of water drops lingering on her curvy figure and wrapping a towel around her hair and another one around her breasts and groin. She then went all the way until she found Mika picking up the phone. "Who is it, Mika?" While she inquired that, an older voice could be heard from the other side of the line. "Hello! Is Makoto Kino there, by any chance? I'm Usagi Tsukino, an old acquaintance of hers. Can she talk now?"
As the voice on the other end care through. Mika was shocked it wasn’t some old lady needing a bouquet ready to leave at her husband’s grave or anything. But a pretty woman’s voice on the other end. Turning her head catching her mother in little more then a towel on. She gives a little whistle. Then a cheeky smile lifts along her lips truth be told her mother didn’t talk about her friends or talk to any friends this is the first time having heard someone talking about being an old acquaintance of her moms. As she gives a small cheeky smile, she holds her hand over the reciver on the phone. “It’s someone real cute sounding said she was calling for you.” She then holds the phone to her ear a bit more and a little tone of flirting she spoke.

“My mother is in right. Ow yes, she just stepped out of the shower, may I ask how you came to know my adorable gullible mother.” Mika was a cheeky girl having moments like this where she was just too interested not to see poke some fun at her mom, it was something she did ever since dad stopped really being part of their lives. “Not to sound rude though or anything I think you have a real pretty voice.” She stayed where she was with the phone waiting for the lady on the other end to react.
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