Fantasy roleplay. [FxF] [FxFuta]


May 1, 2018
Hello, allow me to introduce myself. Name's Caolf, but you can call me Pate or Peyton if you want a name that sounds normal. So I am a huge medieval, and renaissance fanatic along with adoring fantasy- however I've never found a good melding of the two, either one will focus too much on the fantasy aspects where you'll see people walking around in maille bikinis, or a person armed with only daggers comes in, and slays a dragon- at the same time others set it up so the fantasy aspects like magic, monsters, gods, and spirits are so rare that you're basically not living in a fantasy at all. So this need has lead me to work on, and create my very own fantasy world, and I'm searching for someone to join me in roleplaying in said world. But if fantasy isn't your thing I've been wanting to bleed into sci fi for quite some time. Something like Metroid meets halo with a bunch of planets to explore, alien life forms to hunt, pirates in outer space to blast.

What exactly do I want?
Well specifics I'm searching for Women, and futa (futa are my favorite granted I am particular with. Specifically I don’t like hermaphrodites, and prefer just one set of genitals instead of two at the same time) And though there will be more adult activities than just fighting, and swearing this is a story driven venture.

IMPORTANT. I cannot stress enough that a slight sense of realism when it comes to characters, and abilities is wanted. Humans, and the like shouldn't be wearing gimpy, or overly bulky armour, wielding giant paddle sized blades or even cutting through steel plate with a sword like it's nothing. And Magic while it can be common isn’t exceptionally powerful, at least on it’s own. If you use magic it should be less “ I incinerate them with my fireball” and more, “ I throw a small fireball at the barrel of oil behind them causing it to explode”. If they are wearing armour and using weapons it should be something practical, preferably based on an actual relic of history. Along with this, giant monsters and the like would require traps and cunning to deal with more than rolling, strafing, and poking it's heels.

Tonally, it can go anywhere but I tend to play it a mild mix between dark, and serious, and light-hearted, and lax. No Game of Thrones levels of gloom, and doom, or ... well can't really think of anything lighthearted to compare it to ahaha.

As for who I'll play that's up to you, I'm pretty open as to who, or what I can be. Want a crazed, and wild barbarian sure thing, a hot steamy seductress gotcha, something in between just ask.

If you are interested send me a private message, and I can explain some things, and we can discuss further. Hope to peak your interest. I'll throw down some scenarios for you to look over now.

Fantasy ideas

Now I would like to have this set my fantasy world, granted it really doesn't need to be it’s just what I’m the most familiar with (because I made it). I’ll gladly explain things about it if you have any questions, though it’s far from finished it’s usable. Again I don’t mind using other settings but personal preference.

Guildmembers on Duty:
We are both apart of the Vigilent's guild, a company set up across the kingdoms of Atlain to help stop problems that guardsmen, and and armies haven't the time to spare on. From slaying monsters, to routing bandits anything can happen.

Treasure hunter meets a Vampyr
One day exploring some ruins you happen upon a pale figure dressed in bronze with a Buroix style saber at their hip. They turn, examining you with glassy eyes before introducing themselves and explaining their plight- as they are one of the Vampyr, and are on a pilgrimage to find the one who turned them.

A pebble of brimstone
The lands of Pethlia are plagued by shadow, and treachery. Monsters roam free in these frigid northern lands, men turn on one another like starving dogs, and oppressive forces from the neighboring country Darato constantly assault those near the border . Amidst it all there stands a banner, neither shining nor true. Under it are men and women- Knyghts only by name they ride seeking to protect what little there is. They are the Brimstone Knyghts, and you are a new recruit. Will you hunt down beasts, fend of the dark forces of the occult, unravel the mysteries of the arcane? That's for you to decide if you live that long rookie.

A traveler from the east
An eastern traveler(you) comes from the eastern lands of Gekko Shima to the far west to hone their skill. Hearing of the incredible steel and near impregnable defences of western arms you seek to prove your metal by joining the Vigilant’s guild, and better yourself as a warrior armed with the mystic techniques Eastern islands of the moon and stars. Can you hold a candle to these ironclad fighters, or are your techniques just glorified fluff. (I need to specify with this one, you can not cut through plate armour, only stab in it’s gaps or hit it with a bludgeon)

A witch in peril.
One of us plays a witch (this in general can mean a spellsword, which for those who use magic in combat this is the more common sight in my fantasy world) though magic in most it’s forms is accepted throughout the kingdoms, some lesser understanding people fear it and use it’s wielders as easy scapegoats for their misfortune. In this circumstance the mage is hounded by villagers beset by unnatural plague which requires the assistance of a warrior. Saving them the two then set out to try and find out what exactly is plaguing the townsfolk.

The Beast Hunt Commenceth
The annual Beast hunt begins in the lands of Spada Regno, brave men and women take up arms to take down the worst of what nature has to offer be it griffin, cyclopes, or Chimera. Do you have what it takes to fight these monsters with the aide of a fellow hunter?

The prison of death
Within the halls of a long lost fortress screams, and wales of agony escape through the cracks. This once proud construct now the den of inhuman creatures and horrid experiments. Ran by a monk now maddened with power can, and guarded by monstrous guards can you creep through the walls unseen, and free the tortured souls within?

This one will be a bit more gamey than the others, big fights, traps, exploring. Inspired by the Tower of Latria from Demon’s Souls

You've be required to safely escort a merchant caravan for some handsome pay. The cargo could be slaves, spices, gold, it didn't matter. The trip would lead you through the Valley of the Hawks right outside Vermund City, but you'd come to a bump in the road as the many heads of a great serpent came slithering into view, or maybe the mighty body of a minotuar? You'd soon find out.

A monk of the storm
Been toying with the idea of a monk lately. Perhaps on pilgrimage to heal the sick and the wounded. A lot of opportunities to travel the lands and get caught in mis-adventures.

Armour broken
A more darker subject matter. Having fallen into the grasp of the wick wight Sorceress, you're subjected against your will to heinous experiments of the- carnal and perverse variety. Will your mind hold out, will you escape? Only time can tell. (theme centered around mindbreak)
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