Fire Emblem: Chronicles of Dragor (Interest)


Sep 30, 2016
The continent of Dragor; long has it been said that it's here that humans and dragons had once coincided and lived with one another in peace many eons ago. Even though humans and dragons had no ill bond between one another... war did break out among the countries for dominance of the continent; through this war, not only did the dragons suffer, it was actually believed all of them perished in the flames of selfishness humans had sought after. But, it was only after the mass loss of life that all the countries have come to settle down... wars dwindled down to battles, and then merely the outlaws that reside on the roadsides.

The continent is divided into seven major kingdoms, named after seven great dragons; Leviathos, Ignitus, Celcias, Tiamatros, Gaia, Raijin, and in the center of the continent, Shinryu, after the divine dragon that had established the peace treaty between humans and dragons. Stories have been passed down of how dragons and humans resided along one another; that they were at one time a peaceful species that sought to aid humanity in whatever means necessary. One would think things to never go back to how they were before, now that dragons were no longer in existence. Or... so it was believed.

Known only to the royal families of these seven kingdoms, each one of them have been in possession of an egg, belonging to dragons of those war times, and said to contain the key to bring them back. The military forces have been at peace for long periods of time... though without warning, it was the kingdom of Shinryu that waged war to all surrounding kingdoms; already having claimed siege to the kingdoms of Ignitus and Gaia, the other kingdoms are preparing as necessary. Shinryu, however, has been known to have the strongest military force; Leviathos is the only other kingdom that could rival it in power if aided by two other kingdoms... and Leviathos is next before a counter attack could be made.

The crown prince and successor to the throne of Leviathos is having troubles of his own just prior to this new war; unknown to him are the eggs of the seven kingdoms... but his father, the king, demanded him to rally an army and alliance with the remaining kingdoms, for as he would do this, the king would send his own forces to hold off Shinryu's forces for as long as he can. Time was ticking; given an escort, the prince makes his way to neighboring kingdoms... but will he be able to return back in time to save Leviathos, and his father?


This has been an idea on my mind; sure, it does sound a little like the Sacred Stones for the GBA, this RP is heavily inspired by it, but a new cast of characters, ones we'll make. All the classes from the games will be available, though it's highly recommended to start off as a basic class. Once enough people are interested, I will create a character thread, an OOC thread, as well as the actual RP thread. As with the games, relationships can and will most likely occur during the course of the RP; should this become large enough, I will contact the staff and see if I can open this as its own group. If you have any interest, or suggestions to provide, feel free to express yourselves; I'll do my best to answer as necessary.
Main rules of this RP include the usual rules of Blue Moon; effectively no god-modding, flaming, or spamming posts.

Sexual encounters may occur, but try not to have them as the main focus, really. While relationships are welcome, understand the situation of this roleplay.

References to the Fire Emblem games in some form or other may come up every once in a while in my responses; they won't really have any impact to the story at all.

I will take control of a majority of NPC/enemiess of this RP, however, if you have a character that could be a rival to yours OR another player's, with it be friendly or complete opposition, if it happens to be another player's adversary, be sure to ask them through PM, and show me the confirmation or they tell me the situation.
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