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Fallout: Day by Day (Alpha and SofiaBombing)


Dracula's not an Avenger? That lying fuck!
Aug 4, 2013
The called it the Great Green Jewel of the Commonwealth, the biggest settlement in the area. A hub of trade and and culture, a model of safety and security with it's army of guards and its massive walls. Even with the Boogeyman people called the Institute lurking out beyond their walls. Max didn't think it too much more than an over-sized, roadside trading post. But then again any settlement of real importance started off as a trading post, even Shady Sands back west had started out that way, and now it was the capital of NCR, so he supposed he shouldn't judge too hard even if he had come to hate visiting Diamond City over the short time he had been in the Commonwealth. He was thankful that fuckin reporter was out of the city allowing him some level of privacy to conduct his business for the day.

Not that he was still drawing strange looks from people. Max stood out, tall and broad with a heady of shaggy brown hair tied back into a short pony tail. A thin scar bisected the corner of his left brow and another trailed from his lower lip to his chin, not enough to disfigure him but enough to give character to his otherwise unassuming looks. A heavy duster draped over his form, covering the black combat armor emblazoned with LAPD RIOT in block white lettering and the image of fist, a battered gas mask built into a helmet hung from the rucksack flung over his shoulder.

"Look Arturo, I can take the mini nukes anywhere else, Beacon Hill, Good Neighbor, hell, I passed Cricket on the way in and anyone of them would pay me twice what you're offering" he protested, gesturing at the gun merchant with a pair of chopsticks before slurping back another mouthful of noodles from the bowl he cradled, "But I mean if you don't want 'em, I can take 'em somewhere else." he said around a mouthful of noodles."

Arturo let out a disgusted snort and dropped a pouch of caps on the counter top next to the pair of Nuclear mortars Max had brought him, "You're a real bastard you know that?"

"Maybe, but I ain't gonna go hungry anytime soon." He said with a smirk, using the chopsticks to lift up the pouch and drop it into his coat pocket before sauntering away, adjusting the bolt action rifle slung over his shoulder as he went.
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